At last, the developers have listened to customer feedback and given us what we have been screaming out for, DIRE GROVE. I am a true MCF fan and have purchased every episode. Once I played Madam Fate, I was hooked.
Loved playing the demo, although I had trouble completing the first "multi" puzzle and I wasted too much time trying to figure out the final digit of the code!!
Will definitely be purchasing this latest edition. It's soooo good, can't imagine how they will better this next year. Well done you guys - the last 12 months have been well worth the wait!
I have all the games in this series. I thought they couldn't improve on the last episode but they have. Everything about this game is fantastic. Hats off to the makers of this game. I can see how much thought and work has been put into it. Just brilliant. This is my very favourite series, along with Mystery Case Files. If only all games were this good!!
I beta tested this game sooo long ago and have been waiting for its release. Love the real actors. Graphics are nice. Not seen too many puzzles yet. The ones I have done were not difficult. Great storyline. I'm off to buy this game right away! Enjoy fishies!!
I don't usually like Match 3 games, but I loved this one! Took me a while to grasp what I was supposed to be doing as I clicked off the instructions before I read them and could not find how to get them back again. I played on Timed mode and I didn't manage to complete the first level! Really addictive little game. This one's going on my To Buy list!
I must admit, I wasn't expecting great things from this game ... but I was pleasantly surprised! It was a really good "Who Dun It" type game. The HO scenes (these are not my favourite part of HO games) are good, with little bits of surprise animation! The puzzles (my favourite part!) were surprisingly good - not too easy not too hard. This game is definitely going on my "To Buy" list! I'm currently playing MCF Fate's Carnival and when I have finished that then this game will be my next challenge!
Best in the series! I SO didn't think I was going to like this game after I watched the video but downloaded it anyway.
My heart sank when, after the opening trailer, the game when straight to a HO scene, but the graphic where lovely - and before I knew it, I was hooked! My hour went by SO quickly. I only did one puzzle - which was in two parts - the second part took some thinking about, which I love.
Great game. Highly recommended. I own all this series and this is far, far better than the previous one.
A long-forgotten artifact has just resurfaced, and the race to claim it will cause a devastating war. The only thing strong enough to stop it is one woman’s promise to the man she loves.
The opening scene with the real people, which I love, was excellent. Thought this was going to be a great game. Sadly, I was disappointed. The game went downhill after the opening scene. I thought the graphics were awful, like going back 10 years! Hated them. Can't believe people think they were good.
Find the festivalgoer abducted by the gargoyles of Notre Dame and uncover the cathedral’s dark past in this reimagining of the Victor Hugo’s classic tale.
Have just completed the demo. BRILLIANT! Great story, lovely graphics. Puzzles are original. I encountered 4 in my hour. I skipped one to save time. The puzzles really made me think, which I like. The recent games have all had puzzles that have been on the "easy" side. Makes a nice change to have to think for a while! I purchased the first game in this series but have not played yet. Really enjoyed this demo. Will certainly be buying this one!!