Favorite Genre(s):Match 3, Card & Board, Time Management
Current Favorite:
Fairway ™ Collector's Edition
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
Ok ... to start off, this wasn't so bad. True I had to restart the first level a couple of times because the instructions weren't crystal clear (or maybe I'm more tired than I thought, hhhmmm) but once I got the gist, I made it through to the first bonus level. The story is simple, a monster steals the color from the sky into a pouch and then falls asleep. A little girl comes upon him, steals the pouch, and returns the colors to the sky which destroys the monster. She notices the colors are off so she vows to return the proper color scheme to the sky ... and this is where the game starts. As noted before, you have to get all the same color baubles into a highlighted row a certain number of times in a fixed amount of moves in order to complete the screen. That's it. Now choosing a bauble will pop that one and ANY same colored ones directly close-by (vertically and horizontally - didn't get to diagonally) so this is where the strategy comes in to try and fill one color in the highlighted row. It requires a little thinking and planning to get the objectives within the given number of moves. One good thing is that it isn't timed (tho there is a timed-attack mode to try and survive) so you can take the time to strategize your moves. For the bonus screens, you were to find 10 circles (well, at least for the first one ...) in the sky. Onto the technical, the graphics were quite good, however once I cleared a screen it didn't really look any different from before ... yes, the sky sparkled multii-colors to signify success but that seemed to be it. The music was sedated, a piano playing that's it, a little relaxing but not overpowering and stuff like that. All in all, not a bad game ... might not be for me, (only am halfway thru the trial), but I'll say -> give it a try, I'll almost bet half of those who do try, will like and get it, up to you. Always up to you, ... read what others have to say about a game, try the trial/demo, and then decide if you want to buy or not ... hope this helps you.
Favorite Genre(s):Match 3, Card & Board, Time Management
Current Favorite:
Fairway ™ Collector's Edition
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
This is one of several games that I have played the demo and was frustrated by it. Not because the game was too hard or didn't function as it should but because the trial's hour ended and I didn't want it too!!!!!! The storyline is simple: An evil bird has captured your friends of the jungle in bubbles and it is your job (you are a panther# to free them. This is a match-3 game with a twist - you can match as many similiar colored #each animal has their own color# bubbles as possible #there are some moving restrictions# before the bird's evil cloud fills the playing field. Each match keeps the cloud at bay while also filling the meter at the bottom to complete the level, when that happens one more match with a star will end the level and free the animals and make the bird angry #sounds like another game is ruffling its feathers!?!?! ;P# and more determined to defeat you. There is also a hidden object screen where you look for a paw print to unlocked extra content #like bonus levels and silly 'behind the scenes' photos and other stuff). I have played to level 4 and now I am waiting for the verification to finish downloading so that I can continue playing. I really don't have a negative to say ... haven't found one but that doesn't say there isn't one ... just that I have been too involved in playing to find one ... you just might! If you are a fan of match-3 .... definitely TRY this and if you're not ... give it a try anyway, you might just like it. Tis up to you!
Favorite Genre(s):Match 3, Card & Board, Time Management
Current Favorite:
Fairway ™ Collector's Edition
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
2/ 5
‘Eternity’ is a hidden object adventure where you must travel in time to rescue your grandfather.
The story starts with your eccentric inventing grandfather calling out for your help. He has partially built a time machine and needs your help to complete it. With the promise of treasure resounding in your head, you agree. With 4 areas to search, you find parts to complete the machine and power it up. When you do, of course disaster happens and your grandfather is lost in time ... but be not alarmed (or be alarmed, whichever suits your fancy), he can be found (rey ... not! ;P) for he has sent a time capsule back to you so that you can come and rescue him ... wherever he may be. So now, you must travel back and then forward with each successfully completed chapter.
That said, the game as is ... is not too bad. The visuals are very good, very realistic with some depth-perception to it. The sounds are very minimalistic and not distracting. I usually turn down the volume on the music so I can’t comment on it.
Now onto the game-play, the current goal that you must solve is displayed on the bottom above your inventory. You must travel between the other areas to find the objects you need and the tasks to do. A note, when you start a chapter all areas may not be active, so you won’t be traveling much. However when you finish the first goal, the other areas do become available. The goals are simple but getting there is something else. You travel between the areas and have to search (running the mouse over the screen) the WHOLE screen to just find anything (let’s not talk about the tasks) ... occasionally coming across a hidden object scene ... the hint button does show you if there is/?are? (I have used the button and the object found usually was the last thing to do on the screen) any objects in the area. And that is one of the problems here, there really is no direction, you wander from painting to painting (the depth perception is nice but you don’t walk to the different areas, you choose from a wheel in the lower right. It was just staring at different paintings. The tasks you almost have to read the walkthrough to find and decipher (don’t expect to get any really good help, esp. from the hint button - it only tells you that a certain object can be used in a certain place. There also is very little or NO clues to solving the other tasks in each chapter) in order to move on in the game. Not to mention the order to complete them. For instance, there was on action task in the Mayan chapter involving 8 stone faces, in which you had to press the faces in the right order to solve it. Ok, no problem for that, the problem came when I tried to press the sequence (btw: there is nothing to indicate that you must push the faces unless like me, you do it accidentally) and it gave me an ‘error’ message that the faces must be pressed in the correct order even when I pressed the first face! WHAT?!?!? And the only clue was a fraction (2/2) on a stone in the temple, which might have been for the another task. There was no other hints or clues as to what should be done (I admit I looked in the walkthrough to see the solution and seeing the solution made the fraction clue clear.) for the faces. And when I ‘solved’ it, I had to press the sequence rapidly else I got the ‘error’ message again.
Moving on, you have no journal during the game-play, only in the cut-scenes between chapters, and then to review a brief (and I mean BRIEF . . . just a paragraph and a colorful opinion of the completed chapter/s) summary of the chapter/s and a picture/s of what gift/s you have received, so you must commit to memory anything you might need for solving the tasks during the game-play unless you want to flip back and forth between areas for the clues. The chapters went by rather quickly so finishing the game in a couple of hours is possible and probable.
As for buying this, I don’t recommend paying full price for this, maybe if it is a DD or spending a free credit or in one of their sales that Big Fish has every now and then, I leave that decision up to you. I do recommend trying this game, and letting you decide if you want to buy it. For myself, it is a no. It was unfortunately more frustrating than enjoying. :( For you, it might not be. I can’t read your mind and my psychic hasn’t told me anything in those regards! ;)
Favorite Genre(s):Match 3, Card & Board, Time Management, Marble Popper
Current Favorite:
Fairway ™ Collector's Edition
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
Frustration 101. I am a fan of time management and HOS games . . . and this game combines those 2 together (sort of), the premise is to fill orders from customers by clicking on the ingredients in the kitchen (sometimes you must open a drawer to find them) then moving said ingredients to either a mixing bowl, food processor, or a saucepan. Sometimes the order needs to be finished in the oven. When the order is ready, you click on it to serve it and collect your money (this takes place in Paris, so you are paid in euros). Fine . . . shouldn't be too hard to attempt to do, right? . . . wrong, well . . . for me it started in the tutorial when I had to click on ingredients a couple of times (a very small area of register for an ingredient# to pick it. I also had problems when several ingredients where close together #a pop-up listing of the item would show . . . over half the time it would be for one of the other items even if it was on the other side# and I had to micro-move the mouse just to choose the item I wanted. Moving to the bowl, pan, oven, or processor was also difficult because the mouse would drop the items back to the order when I was trying to move it. The scene is also bigger than the screen and several times shifted when I was trying to fill an order. The dialogue in the cut scenes sounded to me like a first grader had written it. It might not be grammically correct (I'm not an English major, so I can't say for certain) so when they talked it felt ackward and sounded hackneed and juvenile. The animation was a cute throwback to Sunday morning comics but detracted from the 3D CGI of the actual game. It might have been my computer but I had more frustrations than enjoyment with this game . . . sorry! :{
Favorite Genre(s):Time Management, Match 3, Card & Board
Current Favorite:
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
I was expecting an arcade-type game geared toward a young crowd but found out it wasn't. It was a HO & puzzle game with arcade elements toosed into the mix.. . . do agree with a couple of the others about the spelling and mispronunciations but that didn't take away from the play. What did was the sparse and sometimes misleading instructions (sometimes NONE#, the non-american labeling for a couple of the items, spots having objects that were empty a few moments before, among other things #which are escaping my mind as we speak . . . and they promised not to have a jailbreak til after this review :/!). that made it slightly frustrating when trying to complete a few of the levels. For myself, this game . . . . . . . . . . . kinda isn't for me but for someone else, i say give it a try - you might want to buy and keep the game.