I liked the game. The worlds were nicely conceived and drawn. HO scenes were fun and mini games easy.
In the one hour demo, not using the hint button, I was over 1/2 way through the game and on my third mirror. There are only 4. Probably the shortest games I've demo'd in quite a while.
This game had some glitches in the CE edition which caused the game to be very jerky and stop and start frequently. I see they did nothing to fix the SE edition. If 4 new releases this week worked fine on my computer, and this one doesn't, is it more likely it's my computer or this game?
When the CE came out, when through the laborious process of checking to see all my drivers were updated and re-installed a few times. Why bother? It's not like this is the only game you can buy this month.
I thought the graphics were poor. Several items in the HOS were not labelled correctly; needle was actually a hat pin, hook was a block and tackle, etc. Way too much running around; as bad a Phantom of the Opera. Story didn't move much in the hour I played. No redeeming qualities and a no buy for me.
In today's day and age to have a game that will not resize to full screen for a widescreen monitor is just silly.
I'm not going to change my screen resolution just to play a game and then have to move all my icons around once I change back. I also won't play in a window.
I run into this with some older games I demo and that might be expected. But not with a new game.
Once upon a time in the small, undistinguished town of Silentville people started disappearing. Help uncover the mystery behind these disappearances and save the town from a curse!
Hello developers, it's 2012. I cannot believe this game does not adjust to widescreen. nor is there an option. So I have to play in a window with my desktop and icons in full view.
Played 5 minutes and it was too distracting. As i consider this to be a fatal flaw, I then deleted.
This game has some flaws commented on by others, but I guess they bothered me more. Cutscenes couldn't be speeded up. I usually read faster than the voice over so like to just click to move along. Can't do that here. It's also a pet peeve of mine when a HOG wants you to find an object and there is more than one. In the first scene, they want you to find a mushroom. I kept clicking on the mushroom until I found out that it was the wrong mushroom. Don't put another similar object in the scene. The graphics also really bothered me. They looked fake and cheesy like someone learning some graphics software. The few mini games that popped up before I deleted this were extremely simple.
I finished the demo in 40 minutes. So based on walkthrough, I would have been over 1/3 of the way in an hour. That's an under 3 hour game. Not worth my money for this one problem.
I'm guessing this developer has never heard of a spellchecker. Don't know where they're located, but no excuse. Within the first 10 minutes of playing, there were over 10 misspelled words. For the HOGs, you found an item based on it's outline. For me, the outline was quite indistinct.