This is a great game and a must buy! There are morphing objects, lots of places to explore, nice scenery and not too many puzzles where you get overwhelmed and miss the story. I just hated the demo to end because it kept my interest as I moved around from place to place and room to room. So far I have only encountered two people but I would assume that would pick up. There is a map to help you get around, a diary, a strategy guide and a hint button which will lead you to where you need to go next. This is a great game and also different from the norm.
I loved the graphics in this game, but it was just too slow moving. When you get caught up in too many games it just takes away from the theme of the game. I thought the story line was good, but the demo ended so soon, I really didn't get past the mansion door. This is a beginner game for sure.
I really liked this game insofar as fun and easy to get around. The storyline is good and the graphics are good. It's an easy to figure out game but is still challenging. However, as with so many of these games, it is demonic, but even more so than most so if you have a problem with that, don't even play the demo because it's pretty bad. I will recommend this game, overlooking that aspect of it.
This is a really neat game. The HOGs really make you think. I found it fascinating. I think you have to give it a chance, because I was stumped with the very first game and almost gave up. Thankfully, I wasn't the only one when I went to the forum. A lone girl went to a halloween party, and her friends all disappeared in shadows and it goes on from there but I don't quite understand where this is going. I am definitely going to buy this game NOW though. I hope it continues to be as interesting later in the game.
I kind of liked this game, but honestly I couldn't get a grasp on what was going on. I got lost in all the HOGs - could have done with half which would have kept the story going faster for me. It is dark and dingy but that doesn't make it bad. I never even got out of the back yard. So, it's just an okay for me.
There was no flow to this game. I only played a few minutes and I was bored. The visuals are good, and the story line is okay, but it's the same old stuff and I'm always looking for something unique/special. Not a buy for me.
Eerie music fills the air in Vienna, where shadows terrorize people in the streets. Two musical prodigies have gone missing. Can you save them without striking a single false note?
This is an excellent game. Challenging, great story, fun things to do, neat scenery, easy to follow. A mix up of HOGs which alleviates monotany. It's just one of the best. Too bad not all of the games are like this.
Right from the beginning this game was slow, with no challenge. I didn't get very far, other than playing the hogs in every scene which took up a good deal of time. I couldn't really get a fix on the story line. This game is a total bust for me.
When I played the demo I loved this game, but after buying it I found that the games weren't always explained properly, in playing the hogs the stuff you clicked on didn't always work and the more I played, the more mini games there were and it just got way too scientific for me (not confusing, just annoying). I have to say the scenery with all the wonderful colors was really enchanting and I wish they would have kept it like the beginning. The animals were really neat too. If you like a lot of games and just mindless then stuff, then buy the game.
I don't recommend this game.
7of14voted this as helpful.
The Torment of Whitewall
Only one girl has survived the mysterious attacks on Whitewall, but she's not talking… So they've called you in to end the town's terrible torment!
Slow moving, story line is good, graphics are okay, but way too many HOGs. I think I actually would have bought it, if there hadn't been so many. It made me lose sight of what the story was actually about. It crashed on me mid way too, which didn't help.