I don't understand why you would publish a game that's supposedly about improving your brain without getting it spell / grammar checked. The missing apostrophes really bugged me.
The games were okay but would get boring pretty quickly. I didn't finish the full hour trial.
The game looks really basic and like not a lot of effort has gone into it.
It's difficult to review this game because it would be perfect if not for one major flaw which makes it almost unplayable.
The gameplay is brilliant for time management fans. The level of challenge is good and gets satisfyingly harder as you progress. I really like the element of logic problems that's included - some of the customers leave an item of clothing in the dressing room which you have to collect and put back on the shelves and others buy the first item they try. You can work out in advance what you need to collect from the storeroom to keep the shelves full.
The major flaw is that you can't reply individual levels. I believe most time management fans are like me and want to get expert on every level. In Fashion Fits, you can only achieve that by quitting the level before it ends if you won't get expert, then re-entering.
You can replay entire stores but not individual levels.
This is the best time management game on the site, without a doubt. The levels are very varied with a good range of challenges. Some are about selling a certain amount of a product, some are about making a certain amount of money, others are a combination.
The level of challenge is excellent. Once you hit the early-middle levels you have to really start thinking and plan a strategy before you start. Sometimes it takes several tries and for you to realise small details, such as which character type will rent a lifesaver or a scuba diving set.
The graphics are nice, colourful and clean. I can't comment on the sound since I always play muted. The storyline is simple and doesn't get in the way of the game, which I like.
There could be a few minor improvements. You can hire staff to help but they won't multi-task and you can't assign them specific tasks, they will just pick up the first one they can when they're free. You don't have the opportunity to turn away guests which is useful when you want a particular type of guest on the beach.
This is one I've played again and again and I always enjoy it.
It's fun to have your little people and watch them have kids and get old. However the game is really let down by how slow it moves, and there is no way to speed it up. You get 8 items in the shop and they refresh every 4 hours, so once you've got your family/families up and running all you can do is play for a few minutes and then come back after at least 4 hours for something new.
The virtual people look different and apparently have different likes and dislikes, but they don't behave differently or have different personalities. One who doesn't like bugs will not complain when you tell her to pick up a bug, for example.
This game could be excellent if it was a little less simplistic.
Firstly, the storyline is (intentionally) hilarious, I love it. Usually I skip the storyline parts of games but this one was so funny I sat through it, even in the trial.
The gameplay is mostly quite easy but it does get harder, and many levels do require the right strategy for you to be able to complete them in time. The earlier levels can be very repetitive but if you stick with it, there are interesting new developments, like the ability to use mammmoths as mounts to move around faster.
I like this as well as Build It Green, which is essentially the same game with a different storyline. Both have good re-play value as you can use different strategies.
This is a fun time management game and there are lots of elements to look after at once, which keeps you on your toes. The graphics are also beautiful and much better than most similar games.
For me, the game is let down by the upgrades, which take far too long to become available. I like to be able to choose them when I want, as it introduces another part of the strategy to make the game more fun and increases the re-play value. I also didn't like having to capture the 'spies' as I felt it was an unnecessary complication to the game.
I wish I could put this game's graphics onto Sally's Salon gameplay, then I would have the perfect time management game.
Out of all my Big Fish Games, this is the one I play most often. I am a big fan of time management games and this is one of the best. By the end of the game you not only offer haircuts but also hair colouring, manicures, eyebrow shaping and tanning.
The salon gets very busy very fast and time management becomes a real challenge. The upgrades progress at a good rate, allowing you to get some help but not allowing the game to get too easy.
The different customers have individual personalities and I love their facial expressions when they're sad or unhappy. There isn't much of a storyline but to me, that doesn't matter.
This game has a really good level of challenge. Some missions are really easy but others I had to repeat several times before I found a strategy that works. You can also choose how challenging to make it, by playing in 'relaxed' mode with as much time as you need, or playing 'timed' mode where you have a certain number of game days to complete the mission objectives.
The storyline is simple but I prefer it that way. A beautiful island has been destroyed by the demands of tourism and industry, and you have to make it environmentally friendly again.
The only negative for me was that buildings are sometimes randomly destroyed by hurricanes or other freak weather conditions. I found it an unnecessary annoyance and would usually just restart the mission if it happened too much.