I like the idea behind this one. It feels fresh but at the same time for some reason it does not feel smooth to me. I just can not seem to enjoy this one, but I wanted to.
I think part of you has to like the Antique Road show's and tv series like the Pickers to really enjoy this game. Its a good game that I have enjoyed along with my wife as well.
Ever wanted to play build-a-lot in the snow, this is the game you have been looking for then. Its a fun game, you dont have to be super smart to win or enjoy the game. It plays the same as the other Mogul games, just differant locations and theme's.
Here is what I ran into. I got this game for the pc, enjoyed it greatly. I was getting ready for a VA appointment, bought this game for my iPad, well worth it if you like TD games, or use TD games to kill time.
The story line is a nice change of the normal pace. You will find several routes and choices to be made beating each level. If you enjoy the time management games, download the 1 hour trial and give it a shot.
This was a OK game straight across the board. It has a strong fun factor when you first start off but it does not take long to feel the shortness to the game. Myself, I replay it about once a month, thats it.
Its a good game but does require you to stay at it to progress. Just because you built a space for a cruise liner does not mean you will snag one on its way through.
Bottum line, the game plays exactly how you would expect. Build a dock, throw a couple hotels down around your light house, and watch for boats entering your zone.
No pressure but alot of fun. If you enjoy the tv show you should enjoy this. A little search and find mixed with combination and bartering. Best part, your not racing a clock so you have the chance to think about your next move.
The youda games are very well done and this one is no different. Download the 1 hour trial, with in 10 minutes of playing you will either already be exiting out to buy it, or deciding to just play the rest of the hour....and then buying it. Great game, give it a shot.