I did enjoy this hidden object game. I liked it that the items to be found weren't defying Newton's Law of Gravity. There were a few tricky ones, but the hint button which was in form of a family camper was on hand. I liked that it started grey and then coloured up as the hint was recharging. There were two other things I liked about the h.o.s finding an item that was made up from smaller pieces eg. a dinasour where the body, arms, legs, head and tail were scattered around the Adventure Park. The other was where a magnifying glass showed an area that had to be searched in greater detail. The story line is that Barb the Mum in the story wins a place on a Quiz Show, so they have a holiday there. Stan, Danny and Karen enjoy themselves in the sunshine. They visit the fairs and take a look around the studio of "The Price is Nice". It's a jolly jaunt. The puzzles were on the whole too easy, I had problems with the "Shopping Basket" on the "Price is Nice", but other from that too easy. This is on the whole a nice game for those with a young family who are just starting to play computer games. As the whole experience is relaxing and apart from a dinasour or two, not one scary monster or ghost or skeleton in sight!!
As I absolutely love spiders, I really enjoyed this game. I bought the Collector's Edition and really glad I did because that part tells you how the little girl Morgana becomes the Black Widow in the main game. Her little spider is really cute. Anyway back to the main game.
You are a detective and go to Andville where there has been a series of murders. Everywhere you look there is evidence of spiders, huge webs and people who have been cocooned. The mysterious lady called the Black Widow is responsible for all this.
I especially liked the video scenes. The fight between a massive metal spider and a huge wasp on top of the radio tower was one of my favourites. The actors were a bit wooden and slow I thought. If you buy the C.E. you can look again at these cut scenes. There is also the usual wallpapers and music, screensavers and such. You can also replay the puzzles. I found some of the puzzles so tricky that even with cheating with the Strategy Guide. I still ended up skipping them. Some of them were too long and laborious for my taste. Still I think the game has some replay value. As you can use the three settings, Easy, Hard and Difficult as in most of these kind of games. I will reiterate what other Fishies have said not one for arachnophobes! Enjoy. Luv Cam
I recommend this game!
7of7voted this as helpful.
Hidden Mysteries®: Gates of Graceland®
Explore the home of the King of Rock and Roll while searching for clues about a lost song!
A refreshing change from trying to find missing people is my first impression on this game. Instead you are looking for a song that Elvis wrote for his mother. This song is hidden carefully around the Estate of Gracelands. Sometimes you find yourself transported to other places. I especially liked my visit to Hawaii! Though the song is sad and reflects on how much he misses his mother; there is an upbeat feel to this game. The puzzles were tricky sometimes, but you can skip them. I don't know how much the Gracelands copy in this game compares with the real thing. However, I really liked the little home videos of Elvis riding his horse, or doing a gig. I did find the ending a little disappointing, but all in all a great game and again a refreshing change from the darker games.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Card & Board, Mahjong
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I could only have been half a minute or less into this game, when I knew I had to get it. The etherial world of Botanica is mesmerising. The beautiful colours, the strange creatures that live there, it was stunning. You are playing as Ellie, a young women who goes through a portal into this magical world, in search of her father, who is a Botanist. On the way she meets up with people who oppose Queen Cassandra, who need her help. There is a nice little twist in the story.
I thought the puzzles were excellent and the hidden object scenes had interactive parts to them, which I really liked. There is a little beetle to find in each scene. Also there are achievements to aim for. I got three at the very end one for completing the game!
I would have liked the characters to have been more animated than they were. However, the music was beautiful and fitted in nicely. There is also judging from the tale going to be a sequel. I can't wait. Thanks BoomZap for a glimpse into the beautiful world of Botanica!
Favorite Genre(s):Arcade & Action, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Card & Board, Puzzle, Mahjong
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
The story line is about a lady called Mary, who has sadly just lost her second husband. Soon after that she receives some mysterious letters, which her first husband wrote while he was in the army. It brings back many happy memories for Mary. How the story fits all so neatly together is what I liked best. I won't say any more than that. Now on to the puzzles.
I enjoyed doing the puzzles. There was enough variety to be different from other games. I especially liked fitting together the patchwork blanket. I am not so good at pressing buttons in the correct order, ie to fly the plane. I tend to skip those. The hidden objects were sometimes tricky to find being on the small side. However, the hint button recharged very quickly. I think other fishies said it was a minute.
I liked the pace, no timer. The music was pleasant enough. If you want a change from the darker games, this is perfect. Now I am going to download Love Story - the Beach Hut, which I got on the special daily deal. Bye for Now love Cam
Favorite Genre(s):Arcade & Action, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Card & Board, Mahjong
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
4/ 5
This is a basic Hidden Object game, with jigsaws of torn up letters written by relatives to piece together and spot the differences of the rooms thrown in for variety. I bought it for free when my card had filled up. Having played the third Margave Manor, the Severed Heart; I just wanted to buy the two earlier ones, so I would know the complete story.
Each room has a junkpile of objects, the last one of the set of rooms has a piece of a special jigsaw which when completed will open a secret door. As I haven' t yet played it through have no idea what's behind it. I just hope it isn't a dead body. Get enough of that with some of the darker hidden object games.
I found it relaxing, sometimes I find the puzzles of other games too difficult, and I have to use the Strategy Guide or skip. Then I feel as if I have cheated. No problems here about that. One last thing as I am the "World's Worst Housewife", seeing the mess in all the rooms makes me feel an awful lot better about my own untidiness. Enjoy.
I recommend this game!
7of9voted this as helpful.
Plants vs Zombies
Think fast, and plant faster, to stem a zombie attack! Save your home, and your brains, in this exciting Action/Arcade game!
Favorite Genre(s):Arcade & Action, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Card & Board, Puzzle, Mahjong
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
3/ 5
This is one of the best games ever. It was one of the earliest games I bought. I just love trying out different strategies with the plants. The story is basic, just don't let the Zombies into your house. The next door neighbour is a helpful weird bloke who knows all there is to know about Zombies and you buy extra plants, and house protectors from him. At the moment I am seeing if I can get to the end of adventure with just six plant slots. Once you have played through adventure, there are more challenges, and awards to win. I still haven't managed to do it all and win all the awards. Also you can make a Zombie Avatar. There is so much to enjoy about this game. There is a "Wisdom Tree", and a greenhouse, with a cute little snail, who is a chocoholic, the plants give you coins so that you can buy products from "Crazy Dave". If I could only have one game, this one would be it!
A new breed of virus has spread throughout the City of Oxford. You must search the city for a missing girl who holds the key to stopping the global epidemic!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Card & Board, Mahjong
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Thank you Gogii, for a hidden object game with a big difference! I like the way that every hidden object in the H.O. scenes is used. It is so neat. Unlike maybe other fishies, I haven't yet customised the game, being quite happy with the settings given. But that is a huge bonus, for my fishy friends who don't like too many sparkles. I always have the sparkles at least the first time round. The story line is intriguing. It's about twin girls one who succumbs to the virus and one who doesn't. You are the investigator, and there is one man, who doesn't want you to find out how to cure it and he has kidnapped the girl. He sets off fires, and pulls down rubble, and threatens to kill you. Luckily you respond with a crossbow. However, there's another chap who is happy to help providing you do him a few favours in return. I had only a couple of problems with the puzzles, there's a rooster jigsaw to make up, I had to leave it yesterday and come back to it today to find the last two pieces. The hint button didn't work on this. I hope that Gogii, win an award for this game. It certainly could be a trend setter, and a guideline for other game manufacturers.
I recommend this game!
0of1voted this as helpful.
Gardenscapes: Mansion Makeover™
Welcome back to Gardenscapes! Turn the hall into a masterpiece!
I was so pleased to see this on the Home Page of Big Fish Games yesterday. I looked at a few reviews and little video film. Just knew I had to buy it, then and there. Thank goodness there was a special deal on credits on my Birthday Weekend. Thanks Big fish. You made my day with that offer! Austin again is your dapper right-hand Butler, Dogowner, Cleaner. The task this time is to prepare the Big Hall for visitors; for you are expecting to meet Austin's Mum and Dad plus a lot of friends, one I recognised from another game to arrive; and the Big Hall needs a lot of work. So like last time you are selling junk to all the townspeople. Some weird objects are up for sale, spiders' webs for one. I just love watching Austin between sales, with his bright humorous comments. Also the dog which you can name is great fun. For those who played Gardenscapes, will enjoy this one as well. The only complaint I have is I wish there were more choices on the decor. Five on each level would be perfect. To allow for mixing and matching. Because some decorations don't really go together at all. However that is a minor detail. There is a little mystery to solve too; where is the water coming from? and as I haven't played it all the way through yet I don't yet know the answer. One last thing I really like the light sparkly funny music that is played.
I only played a short time on this and am already having difficulties, and this is on the easy level. I think its a game more appropriate for those who play arcade games like Mario and Donkey Kong. Not my thing, I am afraid, but it's bright, cheerful and I do hope Turtix will be able to collect the amulet and free the young turtles on someone else's computer. Bye Turtix I am going to unstall you! It is also I think I short game and probably worth getting on the deal, but not otherwise.