This is the first time I have played this genre of game and I do enjoy it. I agree with other reviewers that you should be able to skip the mosaic puzzles but you can't and that sometimes you click to change to and from the hook and it doesn't take. Also, some of the background graphics on certain levels make it difficult to see the puzzle tiles.
Three things I really don't like -- I haven't been able to find any place where you can see high scores or your current or previous score. You can only see a score when you finish a level. Not good. Further, there are red star fish where you can increase your score but there is no place in the game that explains how you can earn them. They seem to pop up arbitrarily. Finally, there are trophies you can earn but you don't get any point rewards for earning them.
I played Grim Facade Mystery of Venice and enjoyed it. When I received an offer from BFG to buy this game at a reduced price, I decided to buy it without trying it first because I liked the first game.
Big mistake. Thank heaven the price was at least reduced. If there is logic behind this plot, I missed it. I never figured out who the women were that were killed or why they were killed. I can't figure out what happened to two of the brothers.
The end of the regular game is abrupt and leaves you wondering what the heck?! Is that it?
The bonus game tries to wrap it up but who cares by that point.
I'm sorry, but don't buy this game if you are expecting the same quality that was in the first.
Finally, a game without demons, devils, and gory creatures. If you love the golden era of movies, this game taps into that with great graphics that evoke that time period.
Took me under five hours to complete in the easy mode the first time through. It is a long game, but keeps you interested. The HO scenes are typical. I found some of the games challenging, but most I could handle.
The use of the achievements score board is terrific. You can even "achieve" if you do the easy mode.
I have one wish that the map was marked as to which room was which and you could just click on a room in the map and go there rather than clicking, sometimes endlessly, to get back to a room.
The end leads you to believe that there will be more, which is great if sequels live up to the initial debut.
This game is very good, not quite as good as the first because the house was the focus in the first. Here, the house is a bit player.
You can play this game without having played the first. However, I'm not sure you will understand who the characters are or the story behind the house.
If you do not have the CE, you miss an important part of the story. Also, the bonus game just ends abruptly without wrapping up with Kate. You are left to assume that her future is the same as the ending of the first game.
Return once more to the haunted grounds of Ravenhearst Manor to uncover new details about this poignant saga. What you find could very well be the final chapter of this riveting story-if you escape.
I have all MCF games and was never disappointed until this one. The SG is not helpful. I had to go to the blog to figure out how to play some scenes. Some of it is just gross -- popping pimples, for goodness sake. The villain's overacting is laughable. MCF has lost its mind in taking this story to this point with this game.
I don't recommend this game.
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Strange Cases: The Secrets of Grey Mist Lake
Discover the Secrets of Grey Mist Lake! FBI Agent Claire Ellery has discovered another Strange Case and she needs your help!
The inventory in a case that you have to keep opening and closing is very annoying. Also, including a map would have been helpful because you have to keep going back to sites. As well as a notation of whether you have cleared a site or not. It doesn't seem to have caught up with other games that include these types of items in the journal. And, again, that inventory method is really, really annoying.
I enjoyed the first two games very much. This one was a let down. It seemed rushed to the market. The storyline wasn't as good as the first two. In fact, it was boring. The challenge was less. Overall, it needed more work to meet the standard set in the first two.