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 Dark Parables: Requiem for the Forgotten Shadow Collector's Edition
Dark Parables: Requiem for the Forgotten Shadow Collector's Edition
A dark illness has befallen the townspeople of Anaben!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
42 of 54 found this review helpful
A Requiem I will attend again soon!
PostedFebruary 26, 2017
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Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
4 / 5
What a delight! The Alps are a fantastic background for the story, gameplay was smooth, the atmosphere very gripping. Watching the tornado from the balcony in the palace was just fantastic! I stared at the screen for at least ten minutes before playing on.
The FROGs, as the one on the bridge or the stained glass window are so beautiful - and challenging.
You really have to look and compare and this gives you a chance to discover so much more. Something I enjoy a lot!
For me this is the difference between fast and slow food. I don’t tuck in just to satisfy my hunger, I play slowly and enjoy every single crumb.
I have the impression, the cooks go out, shop for the best ingredients (organic) and test recipes to find the best combination.
Something else I like a lot: being led astray, you expect another mind boggling puzzle, but all you have to do is putting something into place, as the spider on the river bank.
And I loved finding the signs, thought it was brilliant they didn’t disappear for once, but were lit, great! Some of them were really hard to find, very well placed. If you’ve missed one, don’t worry. When you have finished the game you can go back and get them, as you can for parables and get more or even all achievements.
The Bonus Chapter(s) were interesting to play, I loved the mountain scenery, the very different colour scheme.
The puzzles were a mixed bag for me. Some of them I just loved, as the one with the tiles on the Tower Wall or beating Guida in the tic tac toe variation. Or completing the sun and the moon. Having no instructions at all was fun here.
Other ones not so much, as this one with the tokens. Or the one where you have to fight the henchman in the warehouse, just clicking is so boring. So glad there is a skip button.
In my opinion the concept of skip and hint was a bit confusing. I prefer having a hint button for mini games as the one where the story is told about the writer and his shadow.
On the other hand I think a skip button would have been better for the organ puzzle. I took me quite some time to do it, but as I love organ music and was glad the instrument sounded like an organ I didn’t mind. Still, a skip button would be better in my opinion, especially when the Strategy Guide is lacking clear instructions. The picture was no help at all.
Reading the credits I understand the SG is done by BFG. Please, please use a font and a font size which is clearer!
In spite of what I didn’t like, I had a great time playing this game. Another 5 star game for me! Hvala puno!
I recommend this game!
42of 54voted this as helpful.
 Myths of the World: Bound by the Stone Collector's Edition
Myths of the World: Bound by the Stone Collector's Edition
Can you stop the evil beasts before it’s too late?
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
39 of 40 found this review helpful
The Solomonar storm won me over
PostedDecember 26, 2016
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Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
5 / 5
As it said in the special thanks: great to have a game with a Romanian myth which is NOT about Count Dracula.
I’ve just finished the full game and enjoyed it tremendously. Right after the first thirty minutes, I felt like packing my bag and travelling to this part of the world. And please, please, let me experience a Solomonar storm, looked more fantastic than any fireworks I’ve seen so far.
The graphics were just stunning, crisp and clear.
Story, voiceovers and gameplay were great. I’m not really a fan of gadgets in games, but at least we didn’t have to play the same puzzle over and over again. After all, it’s a game, I can’t expect every single detail to be according to my taste.
The music was very beautiful, I’ve downloaded it, it will be motivating when I do housework ;). I also appreciate every single track having a different title, not just a number.
It always amazes me how much attention this dev pays to details. I like „experimenting“ before solving a mini-game, for instance on the piano to find out what notes it plays, watched the stairs coming up in the temple open-mouthed.
Big compliment for the HO scenes. So clear, not cluttered at all, still quite challenging. I love it when objects are shown from a very unusual angle.
The puzzles could have been a tad more difficult for my taste, but they were all very nicely presented.
The Bonus Chapter rounded off the story brilliantly. It was rather on the short side, but I loved the arch from the opening video to the end of the game.
As there is no possibility to give half stars, I round up to five, the overall gaming experience and the attitude of the dev of always helping people who need help, as the master, have my support.
Thanks to everyone who contributed towards this marvellous game!
I recommend this game!
39of 40voted this as helpful.
Uncover the mystery of Huxley’s Boarding House before time runs out!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
149 of 179 found this review helpful
Hats off to a Game that blew my Socks off!
PostedNovember 25, 2016
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Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
Just finished the game, including Bonus Chapter and most of the Extras.
Ok, I could moan about the story, the element of eternal life is not exactly brand new. But I’ve never seen it going wrong so brilliantly well.
I played the beta back in April, thought it was ok, but I didn’t expect my socks getting blown off.
That’s what happened after playing the first hour of the full game. Off they went and I haven’t found them yet. Will have to hire the Master Detective to get them back.
For me there was so much to love. Apart from smooth gameplay, brilliant graphics, voice overs, music, an array of marvellous puzzles, outstanding HO’s, „quotes“ from former MCF games, there were word plays as the van-cave or the #Alistel which made me laugh out loud. What I really like is finding references to real life, as the book about the body snatchers of Edinburgh, Burke & Hare. Had to look it up and they existed!
A bunch of new achievements, new twists in HO’s, a few gory moments, a few jump scares were other memorable moments. The best for me was the humour, the quirky characters and the overall smashing gaming experience.
My only complaint: The Developer Hunt was far too short. I would have loved to hunt down every single person who contributed towards this terrific game, cleaning personnel and postmen included. The bloke on the closet was hilarious!
Thanks for this delightful game!
I recommend this game!
149of 179voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
Disliked it.
2 / 5
38 of 44 found this review helpful
No great song sung by this bard
PostedJuly 9, 2016
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Fun Factor 
2 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
2 / 5
2 / 5
Based on trial
Murder Mysteries are among my favourite games. I love Whodunits, so I accepted the invite to Maybard Estate.
Having played quite a few games it was no surprise to find the door of the Estate closed. Still very motivated I took up a struggle with a bull dog to get the ring for the door knocker. That bit was quite fun. New twist! The dog didn’t want food but a toy!!!
I made my way into the Estate, was greeted by a British butler and the sister of the murdered „Lord of the Estate“. She made me look for the spare key as the butler’s key had broken when he wanted to open the living room.
Here I didn’t use my supernatural abilities and found the spare key in a quite average HOPA manner. Finally the other ladies (the daughter and a „friend of the family“?, poorest voice overs I’ve heard for a long, long time) and the lawyer turn up for the reading of the will of the deceased. One woman collapses, even though I’ve found a fan for her relieve. But it wasn’t the fan that caused her distress, it must have been the water.
Seconds later the doctor is there, only to find out he’s missing some of his equipment. Of course, me, the detective is going to look for it. The doctor and the lawyer are at least surveying the poor lady. The missing instruments didn’t save her life though.
Ok, second victim, more trouble. Now the lawyer wants my help: he urgently needs documents from the safe of the first victim. This room is sealed off, the lawyer still knows how to get there, but he doesn’t go there himself, he asks me.
So I climb up to the roof. First I interact with a bird guarding a useful item and this animal seems partial to food. Of course I find the seeds just a bit later.
My motivation declined from scene to scene. Hardly any challenge. The supernatural ability to use a monocle on scenes didn’t appeal to me, I found it tedious. HO’s in a format copied from another dev. Grinding music on a very short loop, hardly any variation. A ghost popping up, you don’t know who he is, what he wants. Most probably it will be explained later, but I won’t be there to find out.
I left Maybard Estate after the trial and I will never ever go back there.
Happy Gaming to those who like it!
I don't recommend this game.
38of 44voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
51 of 67 found this review helpful
Conjure the Hat out of a Rabbit???
PostedJuly 3, 2016
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Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
My remarks on the game start with the very end: the souvenir room. In the scene „Smoking Room“ you have to find a hat. There were two big rabbits in the scene. I scrutinized them by millimeter by millimeter.
After having played hours and hours with Phileas Fogg, Alice in Wonderland, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Isobel, a relative of Isaac Newton, having saved my skin out of a nasty coach accident, not to speak of Dante’s Inferno, discovering more about my family and the art of scrying, having to conjure the hat out of a rabbit was just within reach.
When I played the beta months ago, I was not that much wowed. Another Secret Society fighting the evil? A mixed bag of characters known from existing and well loved books?
I played the demo of the finished game and still was on the fence.
But the London scenery, the smooth game play, the funny HOS with Rufus holding a map and covering items with his thumbs … I finally gave in and bought the game.
The game got better and better! So much humour: The male player character helps a widow that has been kidnapped and she throws „Do you need help?“ at him.
So many fun items to find, as „Bottom Grin“ and „Top Grin“.
Great puzzles as the one with animal noises.
Room for word play as with the napkin map, how about a mapkin nap?
Geryons guarding the inventory, great soundtrack with cello tunes, and for once no vocalisation!!! (My personal dislike, I prefer instruments over voices humming a tune.)
Coming back to the souvenir room, no, the hat didn’t have to be conjured out of a rabbit, but there was another nice detail. In another scene you have to find Newton’s Cradle. The music stopped at all, and, at least in my head, I’ve only heard the click clack of the spheres. Well done!
Moorgate Accord was a great start for a new series. New twists in HO’s, not only as in the very last one, where you had to swap and turn disk to find items.
And: new achievements!
Have to admit, I didn’t get them all ;). Being a riverdiver doesn’t make me a Daredevil Diver, but I can’t be bothered.
The overall enjoyment of this game was more.
I recommend this game!
51of 67voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
32 of 35 found this review helpful
The End is the Beginning!
PostedJune 15, 2016
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Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
5 / 5
Good thing I didn’t put my woolies away yet. After playing Amaranthine Voyage: Neverending Winter I could use them again in this episode of one of my favourite series. Shiver ...
The devs did everything to confuse me, and they did it well!
I’ve interpreted the sentence „Helen Schumann never reached the hospital“, as Sam said, as „oh dear, she didn’t survive the ventilator sabotage.“
Luckily she DID survive! Luckily?
I really really enjoy being thrown into new settings. First Budapest. We find ourselves in a spot overlooking the Danube and the beautiful Széchenyi Bridge. I’ve been there last August - to meet up with another Fishie from the US. This brought back so many good memories. I had to save and quit the game and ponder about these moments. In spite of the pace of the game which reminded me of „Indiana Jones“ movies, fast, loads of action.
Then we’re off to Denmark and then even further north.
The fact cards, a well known feature in the series, made me take notes and googling items like the Ginfaxi Key, the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, Ragnarok and many more.
Amazing how much research these devs do!
The biggest compliment: the cheek in tongue humour. As the 008 number plate on the get-away car of the two saboteurs in Budapest or the remark in the sense of „now it’y my turn to sabotage the ventilating system“.
Graphics, game-play, HO’s and puzzles were absolutely fantastic!
High Fives to anyone involved!
I recommend this game!
32of 35voted this as helpful.
The dastardly Pirate King is out for blood... and you're his next target!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
74 of 80 found this review helpful
Witty, hardyharhar, entertainin'!
PostedMay 9, 2016
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Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
5 / 5
From the moment when the skeleton in the „For the best experience …“ screen had a hiccup I was hooked. This conjured a big smile on my face.
The smile stayed there, sometimes the game made me laugh out loud. Entertainment at its best!
I had a super duper fun time in the „Windies“, thanks ever so much for another great game!
Ok, there’s no sea dragon to beat, nor any other sea monster to fight, „just“ the scurvy Pirate King. The story was very good, graphics and gameplay excellent. I loved the characters, there were so many nice details, the pirate engineer „No Fingers“ or the female pirate.
The HO’s had so much variation. Even after so many games I still am curious which items you have collect first to get the list. Occasionally I struggled with the association clues as Hammer and Fish, but this is part of the fun.
The puzzles were great as well, some better known than others, but always very nicely presented. I loved the one with the four arms of the skeleton, did every possible move before solving.
I’m not a big fan of the mind-reader conversations, but well, can we have games tailored to all our likes? I usually try all the possibilities, just to see whether there are consequences. No, just got mildly threatened and then we go on.
The fifth star lacks one point, as Achievements and Extras are always the same. To new players this might be not be an issue, to me it got a bit boring.
Still five shinin’ stars, as it is a game with no broken zipper ;)
Hooray 'n a bottle 'o spiced rum!
I recommend this game!
74of 80voted this as helpful.
Uncover secrets about a murdered woman and her missing daughter.
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
18 of 19 found this review helpful
A real Revelation!
PostedApril 17, 2016
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Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
4 / 5
What a step forward in gaming! I did like the „rough“ graphics in the first games, but it’s amazing to see the change in the series. The progress is truly gigantic: from middle ages straight into present days!
Very polished, very smooth gameplay, a great map (transporting of course), very good lip synch, good story, superb voice-acting. Absolutely brilliant HO’s with many variations, morphing clues and objects, silhouettes, FROGs. Decent puzzles, fairly easy, fairly run-of-the-mill, but well presented.
The graphics were top notch! Although it’s a dark game, it never got intolerably dark.
I felt the game was just a tad away from a really great game.
Some elements I loved:
- The story-books. You look for three elements on every page. Only after you have found all the elements the story is narrated.
- The items start to glow when you move them to the spot where they are needed. Nice, nice, nice!!!
- Things irrelevant to game-play, but refreshing and surprising, as a cat that goes into hiding when the cursor moves over it.
- Great mix of locked doors and doors you just walk through.
- Very inventive, almost poetic titles for achievement.
- Clear and satisfying ending of the main story. Those who wait for the Standard Version won’t miss anything.
Some elements I was not too happy with:
- The ever-present broken zipper pull. Is it a must in HOPA's?
- I didn't understand the relevance of the character hiding under the stairs in the greenhouse. Was he there to warn us about the terrible fate of poor Father Jones?
- It has been mentioned before, but count me in on those who don’t like the whooshing sounds when you zoom in - zoom out - go to inventory - leave inventory and so on. Personally I feel less is more. I would prefer periods with no music at all, this keeps me more on the toes than a constant stream.
Congratulations! I could not stop playing, finished main and bonus game and started replaying it already! Missed some of the collectibles, which I usually don’t care for, but here I want to read all entrances in the family tree.
I recommend this game!
18of 19voted this as helpful.
As an agent of the Alliance, you’ve been given a mission to destroy an ancient artifact known as the Spear of Destiny. In the wrong hands, it could help conquer the world.
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
35 of 39 found this review helpful
Spear with a blunt head
PostedFebruary 1, 2016
Customer avatar
Fun Factor 
3 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
3 / 5
Not really interested in war themes, but the trial did take me in, it was an immediate buy and I've finished the game.
Good graphics, sounds, very well done HO’s with a lot of variety, a map that takes you to scenes with active tasks.
But after a while playing the game got more and more tedious for me.
Some puzzles were too much of trial and error, the instructions didn’t help. I managed to steer the boat, but I couldn’t explain how I finally solved this task.
I felt uncomfortable playing this game and started using the Hint and Skip buttons, which I usually don’t.
There are strange twists in the story, as, for instance, the girl in the cell??? I’m very tolerant with stories in games, but here I got lost, couldn’t make up an explanation.
Later on we jump out of a plane, land in front of the next task and ask ourselves why the enemy was there before us? This enemy doesn’t mind us searching the place for items in front of him???
The second half of the game didn’t live up to my expectations.
I still recommend the game, there are very nice elements, but as much as I would like, I cannot give more than three stars.
I recommend this game!
35of 39voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
91 of 108 found this review helpful
Haute Cuisine!
PostedDecember 26, 2015
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Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
4 / 5
This review is based on the CE.
You do not miss out on the story, the main game ends conclusively.
I’m not a great CE fan, don’t really care for achievements and collectibles, but exceptions prove the rule.
For me, a good game is like good food. I love food, enjoy cooking and eating out. And I like trying new dishes, new spices, new ingredients.
MCF Key to Ravenhearst was a feast, something very special, you don’t have it every week, not even every month.
Yet, just a few weeks later another feast was served: MCF Ravenhearst Unlocked.
This is slow food. I've played the game very at snail's pace, so I was able to enjoy this 7-course menu, to taste, appreciate and digest all the different ingredients, from the „amuse-bouche“, the captivating opening, on to the main and the intermediate courses to the dessert:
Fantastic scenery and sound, the variations of HO’s, the varied mini games (some of them were new to my taste buds), the varied difficulty, the hilariously funny bits as the recipes in the apothecary or the book titles. Some tasks looked like they were going to be rather difficult, but they were easy but still very well seasoned.
The super puzzles were an extra treat:
Usually I don’t read the menu, well, the instructions for super puzzles, I want to find out on my own which ingredients are used or needed. But here, I admit, I had to, I got lost sometimes, but I enjoyed this a lot.
The challenge exceeded my expectations, I haven’t tasted so much gaming fun with MCF Key to Ravenhearst and MCF Ravenhearst Unlocked for a long time.
In addition to 5 stars I would like to award both games with four chef hats. Story could do one more, then it would be perfection for me.
The games compliment each other, you can enjoy them on their own, the double bill is no must, but I recommend it highly.
Bon appétit! Enjoy your game-meal!
I recommend this game!
91of 108voted this as helpful.