While I did enjoy playing this game at first, I did not think it the calibre of the first two MT games; graphics were great, but I actually liked Raincliff the best, for level of challenge, graphics, story, that one blew me away!
Played the free and trial and bought this as soon as it came out, but I became more and more disappointed that this was not the usual outstanding MT game. The story just didn't grab me like the first two in the series. It actually got boring after a while; most of the HOS were simple to the point of making me feel like a dolt.
There is way too much running back and forth, and I guess that's why they put the map in that lets you transport from one location to the next - I hate running back and forth!
I do like collecting morphing objects and when I realized there were owls hidden in the HOS, well that did add a little to the game. Not the level of Raincliff for creepy or spooky; wasn't anything really startling in this game, and I've come to expect that from the MT games.
I have to say I agree with everything Ella_2011 said about this game, and I am actually surprised at the number of "expert" players that gave this game 5 stars.
The best thing about this game is the little dog you "rescue", if it hadn't been for my little companion keeping me company, I would have gotten a serious whack upside the head when it hit the computer keyboard from boredom.
The game almost feels like it was just thrown together, however, I did like the bonus game.
I do not recommend buying the CE, but SE is probably worth it.
Didn't think I was going to like this game at first. Played the demo all way thru, and then bought it so I could continue.
Great story - beautiful graphics and HOS w/a twist, a HO within a HO! That was really cool.
New twists on old mini games and quite a refreshing change. Level of challenge on everything was just right for me.
I turn down the music after listening for a minute, I find it quite distracting and bothersome, no different in this game. However, the ambient sounds were quite soothing with the sound of the ocean in the background.
The only thing I didn't like about this game was the ending, but I suppose it's open for a sequel and I quite look forward to that if it's of the same caliber as this!
I definitely recommend this game for any level of player!
This game may be a repeat of some others; but I found it challenging and engaging. The difficulty level was just right for me, and I did end up using the walkthrough a couple of times.
The graphics were not the best in the world, but not the worst I've seen by far. The storyline was intriguing and instead of collecting morphing objects, which by the way, I really like, you have to find healthpacks to be able to do some things along the way. I don't feel bad about revealing this, as so many others have already done so. I only got a bit startled one time in the beginning of this game, otherwise, a little creepy, but not too bad.
For the money, this game was totally worth it! Proud to add it to my collection of HOGs
I am not a mechanically inclined person, so this game was probably not for me.
That being said - I bought and finished the game itself in a ridiculously short time, less than 3 hours. I did think the bonus game better than the main game - more interesting in my mind.
Some of the puzzles were moderately difficult and some were so easy, it was no problem breezing right thru them.
I thought the beginning of the game was very confusing, I didn't realize what direction this was going until completing the lowest level of the "house".
Honestly, don't think it's worth the CE price - the SE will be short without the SG.
This was absolutely worth the price paid - you get a CE for SE price! The game comes w/an integrated strategy guide, which is always helpful playing a new game!
The hidden object scenes were very challenging, and there were many of them, as well as puzzles. The puzzles were easy to do, at least, I though so. I skipped some of them as I grew a little impatient when I didn't get them the first time, but that is my bad!
This game seemed very long, at a couple of points, I thought I was finished, only to be taken to a new level of the mystery! So, it seemed like it would just go on and on, and each time, had my attention riveted more and more! Work suffered, as I stayed up late a couple of nights to complete, but just couldn't get there.
All in all, a very well constructed HOG, excellent graphics, excellent for keeping you interested, and for once, the ending did not seem just thrown together at the last minute, like so many others do.
This game was absolutely awesome, wish I had purchased CE, might upgrade! Great graphics, great story line, tale of greed, the most elaborate trail for clues; find out what happens to the bad guy!
I definitely recommend this game for anyone who loves a good mystery!
Game kept my attention riveted throughout!
I recommend this game!
21of26voted this as helpful.
Christmas Tales: Fellina's Journey
Find Santa’s magic star and stop the gruesome Icy Elf from ruining Christmas for everyone on the planet in Christmas Tales: Fellina’s Journey!
Overall rating
2/ 5
1 of 7 found this review helpful
Can't Finish
PostedDecember 22, 2011
fromBluebeard's Castle, The Keepers: Lost Progeny CE
I was thoroughly enjoying playing this Christmas game, I have never bought one before b/c I think most of them pretty cheesy, but that is problably b/c most of them are geared toward kids.
So, this one was really pretty interesting, all the way to the end; then you can't finish! At the end you're supposed to pick up some items, per the walkthrough, and there's just no way to do it. I mean, come on, at least let us be able to finish the game.
Think this game is full of fun, but I have to agree w/other's - what's up with having knives and guns and occult signs in a game clearly intended for kids? In my honest opinion, think this game is a waste of money, and I am very disappointed, especially as I used one of my punch card rewards for it.
I downloaded the CE when it first came out, and then didn't buy it. Then, I downloaded the SE and bought that one, and it was a good move - totally worth the money. Great story line, intense, a bad guy, the good people, all of it was great. The main character gets in a car accident in the beginning, and then has to save souls and collect medallions to get out of the ghost town and back to the "other side". Towards the end, the game has you running back and forth, but I didn't mind that, as I was really excited to get to the end. The characters were great, the bad guy was really bad, parts of it were pretty scary, all in all, an excellent hog!
Return once more to the haunted grounds of Ravenhearst Manor to uncover new details about this poignant saga. What you find could very well be the final chapter of this riveting story-if you escape.
I was expecting really great things out of this game, however, the Strategy Guide is the reason I didn't give this 5 stars. This sg really took a long time to figure out, and when I did, it still didn't make sense! lol I thought the morphing object scenes were a neat different take on hog; but it seemed like a totally different company created this game, and I wish it was more on the lines of the RTR; that was a truly excellent game, and I still love playing it! All in all, this was really kind of disappointing, although I did finish it, the end seemed to have a glitch or 2.
I had played the free trial of this game a long time ago, and was curious to see how it completely played out. Well, no better time than when you can get it for 2.99 as the daily deal! It wasn't a huge waste of money. I think scenes in it were really good, but I think this game is probably for younger kids (11-14?), as the story is about 2 teenagers. The only problem I had with this game was patience - the hint button refreshes really slow, and as I don't care for that, I definitely think it should be a little faster. It's a great adventure/hog game - but as I said before, geared more toward younger kids and teenagers. Curiosity satisfied, I was glad that I did not pay 6.99 for this game, however, if you have kids that like these kinds of games, it would be well worth the 6.99. A great way to keep children occupied.