Nope. Those characters are just creepy. I do not know what I am looking at. Disturbing. The colour scheme and design makes me nauseaous. When in a game of solitaire, it is not obvious how to leave the game. You first have to go back to "map" and only then you can find ways to leave the game. As there are so many solitaire games, the design is important. I will leave it at the demo.
seems to be a bug at assembling the crossbow with harpoon
PostedJuly 19, 2022
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Puzzle, Strategy
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
3/ 5
If you have to put the harpoon and spyglasses onto the crosbow, do NOT click on the metal plate with assembly instructions. I could not get it out of my screen anymore and it blocked me from assembling it. Re-did the whole story with a new profile, avoided clicking on the grey metal tag and no problem... These things should not happen. Otherwise the puzzles and HOPS are very easy. To easy to my taste.
It has a nice storyline, a variety of HOPS and puzzle games. I like that objects are period-appropriate. Buy this one. Do not buy all of them. Why? Because Mariaglorum recycles the same solutions over and over. So, in one game it will be new and original. After 3 games it may become tedious.
Halfway in the full, bought version, acces to ALL ingame locations was closed. I did check the hints, the walktrough.
I've opted for a coupon instead of waiting for a helpdesk solution. It's not as ifthe game apealed so much to me that I NEEd to see it trough to the end. I won't be buying Bonfire series.
Repetitive, not as good as the other League of lights
PostedDecember 23, 2021
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
Troughout the whole game, the same sequence of puzzles is followed. And the same puzzles come back over and over. And the same HOPS. If you like that, than this is the game for you. I got bored solving the umpteenth molecules puzzle. Pluspoints: There are a few original unique puzzles in here too, they were the good part.
It was just not at diverse and varied as other League of light games.
I did not make it trough te demo, because I hated the HOPS.
-In comparison to other series I play, the point-and-click was inaccurate. Had to use the same tool usually mulptiple times before I clicked on the narrow active area of a figure. Thats not about not-getting what to do, but about motorics. -The logic of the puzzles is poor. It doesn't feel natural. -When asking for a hint, the whole puzzle is skipped instead of getting a hint.
+I liked the atmosphere of the artwork, such as Juniors tree house.I loved the pixie figure.