This is the first game I have bought from Big Fish in around 6 months. At one time I was buying 2 or 3 games aa month. Nowadays I buy one every 5 or 6 months. That's how bad the games have become and this one was no different. This game is SHORT!!, also it was so easy, maybe for a child/preteen? I bought it because of one persons review, never gonna trust that person again. The game is just super simplistic, kinda silly, no real interesting story line and didn't make sense a few times. (Spoiler) You need to capture a Chimera, you find handcuffs and a collar...then, just hold them up to his face and Bingo ya got him. Really, that was it. There are a few times in this game the way you take out a bad guy doesn't make sense, you don't DO anything.
Game has Puzzle pieces to find and cards
Game was way too SHORT, silly and was in NO way a mental challenge. I want my money back.
What can I say? What can I tell you that other one and two star reviews haven't? The game is super easy, the bonus round makes no sense. The story line is a bit better than most games but still lacks in holding my attention. I only finished it because I bought it. The puzzles are super easy. Example- I remember having to SOLVE puzzles, looking for clues putting them together etc...nowadays you just find a scrap of paper with the "safe code" instead of SOLVING it with hints found in the game.
This game is no different then many I have played over the past few years, no challenge. The door puzzles are so simple it boarders on sad. I miss the older games that made you work the mental muscle.
This is a VERY, VERY short game. I thought I was maybe half way through the game when it ended. No fun at all, no challenge, just the usual running around to find things. Two puzzles were worth doing, the rest I have seen many times. The graphics are good, music and voice overs well done. But the story line is very weak and rushed, it just seems thrown together with little thought.
You will collect hidden dolls, puzzle pieces and find morphing objects.
SPOILER You have been invited to a Halloween party and soon after arriving you realize not all is at it seems. There are The Beyonders coming through a portal that has been cracked opened by a woman trying to cure her daughter. No mention on how these Beyonders are going to help the daughter or even if they attempt to try. You discover you are a magical Seer and have been tricked into coming to the party(no mention as to why exactly) also you find out you can close this portal and save the world. Now maybe it's just me, but if someone can close a door I'm trying to keep open, I don't think I would invite them to my world domination party.
Keep your cash, unless you have a free coupon and want something with lots of pumpkins in it.
You are a young boy who has learned about a holiday called Halloween, it's not celebrated where you live, your Dad is hiding things from you and you are now trying to figure out why....
I HAVE NOT GIVEN A GAME A 5 STAR REVIEW in over 4 YEARS. I am a tough one when giving out this is very rare for me.
The games nowadays are mind numbing, predictable and boring. I was so pleased and frankly surprised to stumble upon this little gem earlier this week. This game is going to make you think and use your mind. If you are looking for something easy, that hands you everything and moves real fast, this game is not for you. If you want a challenge, want to work, this game is what you are looking for. I have been playing all my games on hard mode for years now and they are just not in any sense of the word hard. I played this on hard mode and it took me 4 days to finish. The games I usually play nowadays I am lucky to get 4 hours out of. This is a long game in hard mode!! It reminds me of the games I played 6 or so years ago on here. The good ones.
You will collect pieces of candy throughout the game and use it to buy decorations for your backyard.
My main problem with this game is the bad translations into English. Some may have been puns but others were obvious mistakes. Be aware I did have to go to a walkthrough to solve one puzzle (hangs head) I just could not figure it out and had spent a good hour trying to solve it. When I did finally get the solution I was really bummed out as there was no way I would have gotten the answer with the written clues given. I was halfway there but the second half to the puzzle made no sense. Maybe it was a bad translation that was vital to solving it. Also, the game ends abruptly. There is no final scene to "wrap things up", it just ends. But let me tell you these are my only complaints. The game will challenge your grey cells, has lovely music and WONDERFUL artwork, with a fresh and fun story line.
After years of trying to find a good game for me, this little gem pops up. I hope I will find more games like this in the future. Hope you will enjoy it as much as I did. Remember I played in hard mode, I have no idea of how easy regular mode may be/what clues are given. Give the demo a try.
First of all this game doesn't follow Edgar Allan Poe's poem in any way. I understand that developers need leeway to create a story line that works with the game, but this was just way off. The demo doesn't come any where close to the poem. The game is "clunky" to play and a tad confusing. The puzzles I did in the demo are for elementary children. They give you a picture and you need to find 3 items in the picture. Well, the items are a darker color in the picture and you don't even need to look for them, they pop out. I played another puzzle on hard mode that needed you to connect lines across a revolving cylinder in order to move a blue and a red item across to the other side. Well, it just gave the answer to me by having the lines either red or blue. No thinking required. So much for hard mode. They also gave me a huge pet peeve of mine in this game.. mindless jigsaw puzzles. (ya know like a real puzzle you do on the coffee table). I am tired of those. The graphics are lovely in this game and the music is well done and complements the scenes, but that can't make up for the bad story and insanely easy puzzles.
You will need to find Golden Feathers, they are not in the HO Scenes but during regular play.
I am keeping my review short other have left in depth reviews already. This game is a no go.
I have played all the Delicious Emily games. I am a big fan and love the earlier games. The last few installments have been lacking compared to the earlier ones. This one falls very short. They seem to be pumping these games out at such a fast rate that the games suffer. This is by far the worst Emily I have ever played. I really do feel sad about having to say that but it seems this series is going down. This game does not have any challenge and Paige is just annoying. I usually look forward to each new level but here I just wanted it to be over.
SHORT, very, very short game including bonus round. The story is actually decent for a change. That's why I decided to buy it. Graphics are lovely and nicely done, but the puzzles are for children. The hidden object scenes do have interaction but they are a bit plain. You will need to find morphing umbrellas and puzzle pieces. These will be during the game play scenes not in the hidden object scenes. I gave this 3 stars because it is a good game for beginner players. I am keeping this brief as other players have given nice full in depth reviews.
WOW - This is a VERY a short game. I can NOT believe how short this game is. I feel very ripped off .
The graphics and music are just lovely, they really are. The story unfortunately falls short and is lack luster. The puzzles are elementary level, nothing new or exciting. Game play is the usual, no new ideas or interesting concepts. How many times do we have to feed an animal to get an object? or repair a ladder, or repair a grindstone? Ho Hum.
You will need to find tarot cards, morphing objects and puzzle pieces.
SPOILERS You are going back to Ireland to explore your roots and take a vacation. While there you are suddenly whisked back in time and emerge by the road. While standing on the road a bride is abducted in front of you and you help save her. The first time you will fail, but you are given a second chance and go back in time to the moment she was abducted. The demo is your first attempt, the rest of the game is your second. IT IS SO SHORT.
Including demo it took me about 2.5 hours to finish this game. I am an expert player and I have been playing these games for years. But I should not be able to finish a Collector's Edition in this time frame.
Thankfully I bought this game on sale. I only played half way through before quitting and removing it from my computer. It is mind numbing, simple tasks, elementary puzzles and boring .It's full of scenes that are graphically busy. Just junk on junk. Graphics on top of graphics. You are doing the usual run around to find keys. ( keys after key after key). But instead of a normal key you have to find the mind glyph to open the door or the wheat symbol to unlock the cabinet or the print emblem to open the gate etc. Just a bunch of running around. The game play can be confusing and the story labored to unfold. I finally got to the point that I didn't care if they saved the world or not, there are other things better to spend my time on.
There are morphing objects in the hidden object scenes and a globe thing ( I am not even going to try to remember it's name) you need to find in the regular scenes.
I played the entire game and it's not a challenge. The game is VERY easy. The puzzles are simplistic at best. As for the game play, it is one of those games that you have to find a key for EVERYTHING. (Not just a regular key but motifs or ornaments). The image is missing a dragon or the wall safe needs a star, or the chest needs a diamond etc. That's all you're doing in this game is finding "keys" to open something that gives you another key to go open something else. Really, it is very repetitive. You do not have to think at all.
I'm not sure when this came out but some of the graphics are very dated. Inside the buildings it had that late 90s look, low resolution on most scenes but then would have some really great background scenery outdoors that looked fantastic.
Story line could have been interesting but they didn't put much into it and it was very short. Frankenstein needs some financial help and Igor a rich man decides to help fund him and becomes his assistant. But it's not Frankenstein who is having the break down in morals, It's Igor who is mad. That's it, that's the story.
This is not a 4 star game, don't get fooled.
Not a game for me, wished I hadn't paid for it, oh well at least I can warn fellow players.