Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
I have been waiting for this sequel, as I absolutely LOVED the first Shadow Wolf Mysteries!! I don't usually buy CE games, but I did with the first! I actually have a wallpaper on my computer from it, and have had it on there since purchasing the first!! I have no doubt after demoing this CE, that I will be buying it as well!!
The graphics and scenes are absolutely beautiful!! The cut scenes can be a tiny bit blurry, but the artwork is amazing! Though, in the beginning, the voice overs were faster than the character's lips moving, it seemed to get better as the game went on. The voice overs are very well done!! The music is unobtrusive, and very well done also! Game play is smooth, for the most part, only a few seconds of loading black screen for very few scene transitions! The story line is captivating from the start!!
This game is quite easy in regular mode, including the puzzles, which I really like! The hints and SG are very helpful, even with the puzzles! I didn't need the SG, just went into it to check it out. The HO scenes are interactive, and a bit on the grey side in some areas, however the HO themselves are clear, distinguishable, and not too small. I did not finish the entire demo in the 1 hour trial, so I think this game is going to be quite long. Usually I finish demos with time to spare. There is lots to do, and explore!
There are 3 difficulty modes, so this game can be for everyone!! I highly recommend it!!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
The scenes are beautiful, although some scenes are way too dark. The graphics look outdated a bit. The music is very calming, and relaxing....a beautiful Asian style. And you need it, as this game is frustrating!!
It seems to me that the calibration of the cursor is not very good in this game. Combine that with the fact that you MUST put each object in a very SPECIFIC place, and it's more of a headache than it's worth.
The HOS are beautiful, BUT some of the objects you need to find are merely slivers, are very tiny, and/or they blend in to the point where unless you use a hint, you'd NEVER find them. Plus, the hint dragon completely blocks out some objects, and unless you click the hint to get the dragon to fly away, you'd never know the object was there.
You most definitely need to refer to the Notebook often, otherwise you will be lost entirely. Any info you find goes directly into the notebook, and does not show up on the screen as you find it.
I had trouble with the puzzles too. The first one, a simple lock, I put in the correct combination, according to the notebook, and it didn't open. There was no way to skip it, so I got out of the game, checked the walkthrough, found that I had it correct, went back into the game, tried it again, and it opened finally. The second puzzle, froze up entirely. The sliders wouldn't move, no matter what I did. I couldn't get out of it, couldn't click on the hint, menu, notebook, or anything else. I had to Ctr. Alt. Del. to end the game. After checking the walkthrough again, I went back into the game, and this time the sliders still wouldn't move, but at least I could click on the other buttons on the screen to get out of it. Yes, there was the option to skip this puzzle, but I was so frustrated, I just quit and uninstalled. Maybe the technology wasn't done correctly, or is outdated in this game.
One other slight positive of this game, is that you do get a bit of help in some scenes, when the cursor is over an area of interest. Nothing indicates that it is an area of interest, and the cursor doesn't change to let you know it's an area of interest. You MUST move the cursor over the whole screen, otherwise you will miss something that is required for you to progress in the game, but when you do find an area of interest, there are instructions that appear at the top of the screen. There is also a quest button that tells you what you need to do, but nothing else. For example, Find the solvent...not exactly helpful.
This game involves a lot of reading, which detracts from the flow, and overall fun of the game. You will most likely need the walkthrough, at least in the beginning of the game, until you get used to it. Maybe even after that...I don't like it when I'm constantly lost, and need to stop to check the walkthrough all the time. I guess the storyline didn't captivate me enough to overlook all the issues I had with it. IMHO, this game is not even worth the DD price. Experienced adventure gamers, who really like a challenging game, with very minimal hand holding may like it, if they can get it to work correctly. Remember, try before you buy.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
I have to say, I really liked this game quite a bit!! I only played the demo of the CE in casual mode, however, I did not finish the entire demo in the hour trial. That is saying something, as usually, I finish demos with time to spare!
The graphics are outstanding! Very realistic and well done cut scenes, of which there are many, but short, and it adds to the story. The music is beautiful, yet unobtrusive. There is only limited voice overs, of sound effects. The game play is smooth, and the scenes are clear and colorful. The story line is intriguing!! The SG is extremely helpful, as are the hints, that recharge quickly! Quite linear game, that makes you think, without being frustrating!
What I liked most about this game is looking for morphing objects throughout the game. Plus, your name is used in the reading materials, also throughout the game. The lightning shows your shadow in the scenes too! It's a spooky, creepy, eerie hospital game with paranormal compliments. The puzzles are great!! They are very creative, fun, and unique! Totally doable, and on the easier side. The HOS are clear, but the objects are TINY, and some are very well hidden, which is why I knocked off a star. The map is great, it shows you where you are, and if there are things to do there. The diary records all info and puzzle clues you collect along the way. Lots to do, and explore!
I would recommend this game for adults of all skill levels who have great eyes, and attention to detail, yet are not offended by occultism. Even in full screen, some of the HO are hard to find, as are the morphing objects. Aside from that, awesome game!!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
I've only played the demo on casual mode, and completed with time to spare. I do like this game, enough to want the SE, which I'll probably get with a free credit next month. I'm the type that only gets CE of games that are Outstanding, or Spectacular. The graphics are very well done. The music is unobtrusive, but I always keep it low. The voice overs are very well done. Game play is smooth, and linear.
I did not need to use the hint, as the objectives are quite clear, however I did use the SG, just to check it out. The SG is very helpful, including screen shots, even for the mini games, but does not keep up with you as you play. The story line is good, as I like the mardi gras theme. The notebook records everything you learn, including puzzle info.
Now, I always use the tutorial in the easiest mode when demoing a game, just to get a good feel for it. I do not recall anything at all about illusion items that need to be found in order to unlock bonuses. I didn't find out about them until I completed the demo, and was perusing the SG, and CE bonus features. What is the point of having a CE with bonuses, if by the end of the game, you can't access them, because you weren't told about what you needed to find to unlock them?
I recommend this game in the SE, for players who like spooky, and easier type games.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
Just from playing the demo of the CE in regular mode, I'm probably going to use a free game credit to get the SE. I like the story, and the game play for the most part is smooth. It takes a few seconds of black screen to load new scenes, but once you have been to a scene it seems to load and transition more smoothly. The graphics are beautiful, however a bit on the dark side. I didn't really notice the music that much, but did note that it is a very tense sounding melody. The notebook records all info and hints that you find throughout the game.
A few things made me not want to get the CE, while playing the demo. First of all, while demoing the CE, you cannot access the SG. I got a bit stuck, tried to go to it, and couldn't. There is only a hint button in HOS, so there was nothing to tell me where to go, while stuck. Of course after wandering around for a bit, I figured out what I needed to do next, so it's not a difficult game. If I don't know that a SG will be good or helpful based on the demo, then I feel no real need to get the CE. I don't like the fact that there is no hint button in game play, nor is there a map. However, if you read everything, then there are hints in there.
I guess this game is designed to make you think, but not it's not frustrating. The mini games are different, and can be a bit of a challenge, as the instructions are not exactly clear for a few. The HOS are clear, but a bit grey. Some items are very well hidden, and until you get used to the scene, it can be a bit of a challenge. It appears to be a linear game, with lots to do and explore.
I think this game was designed with all skill level players in mind. I would recommend the SE to all players!
I recommend this game!
49of55voted this as helpful.
Sherlock Holmes and the Hound of the Baskervilles
Charles Baskerville is the latest victim of a centuries-old curse! Help Holmes break the curse before the next murder occurs!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
I liked the demo of this game enough to buy it this time around!! I had tried the demo of the SE before, when I first signed up with BFG as a novice/beginner HO gamer, and I didn't like it. I think I must have grown as a player over the last year, as I played the demo of the CE to give it a second try, and LOVED it! So worth the DD price of $2.99!! It helps being a Holmes Fan, too!
This game is quite long, and very intriguing!! I really like the graphics and sound...Very beautiful and done very well! I also like the believable voice overs. The map lets you jump to where you'd like to go, but also when you find what you need for a puzzle, the game is intuitive, and asks you if you'd like to go there right now. The achievements are cool too, as this game is very replayable!
Throughout the game you get "powers". I won't give it away, but it's kinda cool to be able to make things materialize from a drawing, and telekinesis! The puzzles are a well rounded mix of some I have seen before, but with a twist, and some I've never seen before. Most of the puzzles make you think, but are not frustrating. A couple of the puzzles I had to skip, as rotating puzzles aren't my strong suit. The HOS are not junk piles, but some items can be tiny, and very well hidden. HOS are also very clear, and there is no problem telling what an item is. I also like that when you do nothing for 10 secs, what you need to look at in a scene, or go toward will sparkle. I like it better when I don't have to use the hint button! I like the ending too!
In a nutshell, this is an easy hand holding game, and some won't like that, but I do. This is a beautiful, easy, intriguing, long, and relaxing game!! If you love the story, you'll like this! It's not your typical Sherlock Holmes. Give it a try!!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
I only played the demo of this game. It was just ok, nothing really special. It's mostly hand drawn graphics that are quite crisp, clear, and lovely, however, it is a bit grey. The music is ok, and unobtrusive. The story was alright, but game play was a bit tedious. A lot of to-ing and fro-ing. The SG and hints were very helpful. The mini games were more of a challenge,if not a bit confusing, and thankfully there is a skip button. I'd wait for the SE to be a DD or WD before buying...not worth the CE price for a ho hum game.
I have only played the demo in Casual Mode, but I'm definitely buying this GEM, and to top it off, I'm getting it for only $6.99 this weekend!! Well worth the money!! (BONUS: I've read that there are not 1, but 2 bonus chapters in this CE!!)
The graphics are stunningly beautiful and clear, as is the music!! The music fits the scenes, and the game perfectly, without being intrusive!! There are voice overs, and they are well done as well! I did not need the SG or Hints during the demo, so I can't really comment on that. The story line is SO intriguing!! I was hooked right from the opening scene of a ghost dog!! Game play and scene transitions are very smooth! There are cut scenes here and there, that add to the story, but can also be skipped.
The HO scenes are not junk piles, which is SO nice! The objects are easily identifiable. This is a very linear game, and does not seem like a huge challenge. I didn't get stuck or lost, so this game is very logical. The mini games are enjoyable and different than most. They make you think, but are not frustrating. They are definitely doable, however you can skip them, if you need to. Some of the scenes are a bit dark, and be prepared to jump in certain scenes!! All in all, a superb game, perfect for anyone!! Highly Recommended!!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
I have only played the demo in casual mode, but I really enjoyed it! The graphics are just gorgeous! The music is also beautiful, and not obtrusive! The voice overs are very well done, and believable! There are quite a few SHORT cut scenes that can be skipped, and they are a bit blurry, but perhaps they are meant to be. They add to the game, are very well done, and beautiful.
The HO scenes are ala Dark Parables, where you have to find pieces of the objects, and they are cleverly hidden, however some are quite tiny. Also, in some of the HO scenes you can interact with the characters in them!! Cool twist! The hints are very helpful, should you get stuck, and only take 45 seconds to recharge. I did use the SG just to see how good it was, and it is most helpful, even with the mini games! BUT, it does not keep up with you during game play. The mini games are fun, and of average difficulty, and are doable, without being frustrating.
The story line is intriguing!! I was hooked right away! Game play is smooth, as are scene transitions. The graphics are, for the most part, clear, colorful, and not too dark. There is a very intuitive interactive mapbook, and that helps as well. It contains character profiles, notes, objectives etc. There is A LOT to do, and this game is very linear. It's not really that much of a challenge, so I would recommend this for anyone who likes a relaxing, beautiful, intriguing game!
I just finished this game, including Extras. All I have to say is WOW!! I have been eyeing this CE game since it came out, and I am so happy I got it for only $6.99!! It is well worth the price! I cannot wait for the sequel!!
The graphics are very well done and beautiful, albeit most are a bit on the grey side...not very colorful. The music is also beautiful...subtle and unobtrusive. The voice overs are believable, and well acted. Aside from the cursor freezing up for a few seconds sometimes, I had no problems or glitches with this game. I did not need the SG, so I cannot comment on it. The game is quite linear, with not a lot of backtracking. You don't have to go all the way back to the beginning, once you have made it inside the house. The objectives are quite clear, and it's easy to figure out what you need to do, as long as you are paying attention to detail, which should be easy, as this game is highly immersive. Even if you don't have attention to detail, the hint button is really helpful, and recharges quickly!! The HOS are clear, colorful, and beautiful, and the HO are big enough to see, and find easily. The mini games and puzzles are, for the most part, easy and simple. I only had to skip 1, as rotating puzzles aren't my strong suit. Some of the puzzles don't have a very good explanation of what to do, but it only takes a bit of common sense to figure it out. The notebook, or diary, records useful info, however I rarely had to use it. It's really nice that this isn't timed!
In the CE, you get the Bonus Chapter, wallpaper, and concept art, plus a sneak peek into the sequel. Also, there is a little sign at the top that says, Area Clear, which is really nice!
My only complaint is that I wish it didn't have to end! It was on the short side, as most CE go, even with the Bonus Chapter. The story line is well thought out though. All in all I really liked it, enough to overlook my minor complaints.
As for the game itself, I LOVE the idea of going between worlds. Going into the "other side" through the looking glasses, finding objects you need, hiding them, and then retrieving them in your own world. Great concept! Plus, you can't really get lost, as you can only stay near the looking glass in the room on the "other side".
I really enjoy a game that is easy to follow, is not frustrating, nor too taxing on the brain, and really not that much of a challenge...and this game is IT!! It's a beautiful game, with a solid storyline, to just relax and play at your own pace, taking in the beautiful scenes. It's easy enough to enjoy, without being irritating. I understand that some people prefer a challenge, and this may not be for them. As they say, "Try before you Buy"! I recommend this game for beginner or intermediate HO gamers who like easy games!