I have been playing Hidden Object games for well over a decade on Big Fish. Mystery Case Files is one of my favorite franchises and Dire Grove is the absolute best game in the series! BUT YOU CANNOT PLAY IT ON WINDOWS 10! I have been wanting to replay the game for the last several years now, I keep downloading it in the hopes that the problem has been fixed, but I am still greatly disappointed. Just like everything else that's been happening in the last several years with Big Fish. All the new games are the same bland and boring games over and over just repackaged and renamed. Gems like this are lost because Big Fish is too busy pumping out their "cash cow" games. I wish they would take time to listen to their customers, I am not the only one that feels this way. I'm leaving a "negative" review in the hopes that it will gain more attention than a positive one.
Favorite Genre(s):Arcade & Action, Hidden Object, Time Management
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
1/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
1/ 5
Big Fish, why am I still giving you my money. I'm getting really sick of playing the same five games over and over. Just because you change the title of the game and tweak the story a little bit doesn't mean it's a new game. This is literally just like Build-a-lot or Campgrounds. Same boring, lackluster game play. Please for the love of God come up with something new.
Favorite Genre(s):Arcade & Action, Hidden Object, Time Management
Why can't we have more games like this instead of a billion boring games like Build-a-lot. I've had this game since 2011 and go back and play it all the time. I absolutely LOVE this game and really wish there were more like it. Lately it seems like BigFish keeps pumping out the same types of games, but relabeling and changing up the aesthetics a little. Little gems like this really shine, wish we had more unique options.