The point of the game is to help Monica figure out what happened 20 years ago? The graphics are great lovely and colourful. Great HOS scenes items and outlines to look for. Also there are HOS within HOS which makes it more interesting and a bit more of a challenge. Puzzles are not to difficult but they could get harder who knows I have only played the demo so far and I hooked. The voice overs are good to you can skip them if you want I like to listen to them as they are part of the story. I like the idea of a built in Strategy Guide for help if you need it, there is also a journal. The hint button recharges quickly as well. Also there is a task button. Above all a game that will grab you right from the start and say BUY ME. A definite for me, I highly recommend it.
The ideal game for kids or anyone that wants a game that won't tax their brains to much. I would highly recommend you try the demo before buying that way you won't be disappointed. Its not one I would recommend personally I found it boring.
Just finished the demo and I knew half way through that it was going to be great game. Beautiful graphics and I found the music soothing not like some games where you have to mute it. The puzzles were a mixture of difficulty and the HOS scenes were good to. Good story line you are not going back and forth to much. Big Fish you've done it again. Another one for my list. Brilliant game. Highly recommend it. A definite buy for me.
I tried the demo based on the reviews thinking it would be something new to try. Shouldn't have bothered it was all over the place. If this is what all the Nancy Drew games are like I definitely won't be buying any.
Just finished the demo and this is a definite buy for me. The graphics are good and well done. The HOS scenes are not too easy you have to look for the items. It has a great atmosphere about it not to dark and they were a couple of scares there. The puzzles I came across were not that hard they could not be thought out. The only negative point I have is when you move between scenes it goes dark for a few seconds. Apart from that it is definitely a game I would recommend to buy. I would put this in my top ten games for sure. So give it a try I will.
This game was not for me. I gave up after about 10 minutes it just didn't grab me at all. I am glad I was only playing the demo, to me the game is not worth buying save your money. It would probably be alright for beginners but not for me. What I would say is play the demo first to see if you like it.
Based on having just played the demo this game is great. It draws you in right from the start. That creepy start with the train journey makes you think what is going to happen next. The graphics are visually great. A good mix of HOS and adventure. The puzzles are not easy which is good as I like a challenge. The hour passed so quickly I am compelled to buy the game as I want to know how it ends. A definite buy and a must for any ones collection. So I would definitely highly recommend it. Great one Big Fish you've done it again. WELL DONE!!
Only tried the demo quit after 15 mins. For all you HOS fans if all you like is nothing but HOS scenes then this game is just right for you. Good graphics easy on the brain, perfect game to chill out with after after a busy day. If you like a challenge like me then this game is not for you, there is no real adventure to it. I would recommend it for its simplicity but as for challenging not really. Would highly recommend you try the demo first before you buy.
I recommend this game!
7of7voted this as helpful.
Love & Death ™: Bitten ™
Help Damon and Victoria defeat an evil vampire queen as they fall deeply in love with one another! Can love overcome death?
What can I say, loved it. Great storyline and the characters were good. You felt you were Victoria out to defeat an evil vampire queen. It was like a romance story within a game which I don't personally like but I loved this one. The puzzles were not too difficult which I like, as I like a challenge. Just the right amount of HOS scenes. The ending was a big surprise just right for a sequel, (which I hope there will be). A game definitely worth having. Highly recommend it
What can I say GREAT game trying to save children who have special powers that have disappeared when there was an explosion at their orphanage. I have only played the demo so far and that is enough to make you want to buy the full version. Good HOS scenes, I like the idea of the two different kinds, objects to find and objects to place. Also you can collect powers of your own which you can use during the game like the one that makes objects larger. The puzzles are great to not to challenging. I love the graphics, lovely detail. There is also the bonus of collecting postcards as you go along. If this is as good as the other Agency of Anomalies game I will definitely be adding it to my collection. Thoroughly enjoyed it, would highly recommend it