Based on Demo: How anyone can give this low grade game 5 Stars is beyond me. To each his/her own I guess. Graphics, while colorful, are the same old school graphics you see in most games. Voiceovers are fine but the lip sync is hideous. HOG's are find the pictured object in an absolute messy junk pile. Some are impossible to see. Mini-games are the pits as there are not enough instructions given to solve them. If you skip them you are penalized with a longer wait for the hint button. Music was unobtrusive but the game play was soooo b o r I n g. I won't give a wordy synopsis of the game, as I find that tedious & redundant. I'll just say you are a detective & have to help Jack conquer a sky kingdom. (Shades of Jack & the Beanstalk).
Sorry Blue Tea devs but your teabag is soggy & moldy. Please try again.
Based on Demo: I just didn't like the game. While the premise, going into your child's mind, sounded interesting it just didn't grab me. No voiceovers, garish graphics & the usual junk pile HO's just added to my disappointment.
Based on Demo: With all of the exalted ratings I wonder if I am swimming in a different pond or am I getting too many bubbles in my eyes so that I can't see the great potential of these games?? Just another, ho-hum, tedious, boring, rehashed, etc. game about people going through portals into the netherworlds. I, for one, am tired of chasing relatives/friends around alien worlds with nasty people trying to do me & them harm. Too much, already, of crystals, runes, magic jewels & evil people/animals etc. Come on devs & put on new thinking caps. There must be some new ideas out there somewhere. Not a buy for me but try the demo out for yourself.
Based on Demo: Dreadful game. Graphics are colorful but the characters are cartoonish & have no animation. The HOS, mini-games & VO's are okay. The plot is nothing special. You are chasing after another no-goodnik who is wrecking havoc on a town & putting your nieces in jeopardy. Ho hum & yawn. Where have we seen this story before? Game is plodding & just did not grab my interest. I'm sure there will be folks who are over the moon about this game & will give it their usual 5 stars. Not me, to each his/her own. Give it a trial & see whether it meets you gaming standards or not.
Based on Demo: Your ship has crashed on a deserted island & you meet up with the captain from a previous ship wreck. He unfortunately found an evil green possessed ring that makes him a powerful tyrant. You, of course, have to get the ring away from him as it is growing more evil over time. The storyline is nothing new but it moves along as you gather the resources to combat the evil ring. The music is nonintrusive, the graphics crisp/clear, voiceovers better than some others, HOG's are the usual messy junk pile with some interaction & the mini games are not the usual join electric wires or move string/rope out of the way. There is a diary & a very helpful map. The hint button could be a litter faster. Note to Devs: It's a make-up brush & NOT a tassel. I always play on the easy/casual mode as I like to play a game for fun without the frustrations/challenges some games can get into. So try the demo for yourself & see if it's up to your standards of game play.
Based on Demo: Here we go again with a rehashed story about a guy who can't let his dead wife stay dead. We have the usual spirit entity. This time it's a green fog. Characters are flat & cartoonish. Graphics are colorful but the scenes are cluttered along with mishmash, hard to distinguish what's what HOGS. The VO's are good & the music is nonintrusive. The story plods along & there is a lot of back & forth. There is a journal & the usual interactive map, which you REALLY need. If you are over the moon about rehashed spirit stories, the usual collection of achievements & icky looking alien zoo creatures this game just might be your cup of tea. As for me I'll wait for a 2 for 1 sale & then consider whether to buy it or not.
Based on Demo Only. Nothing original just rehashed old story line, that was less than awesome or great, with ghosts, dead people, & someone, again, has to be saved from the ghost. VO's are so so. Olivia's sounds contrived like she's trying to hard. The characters are wooden with no animation. Graphics are cartoonish but the music is better than usual. HO's are messy with VERY small objects to find. Other reviewers have called this well constructed & game of the year. I found it tedious, boring & plodding. Just the same old stuff with nothing to excite me about the game. Per the first screen the game is from the developers at Deep Shadows. Sorry to say devs but this game should of been left deep, deep in the shadows!
You came to the town of Brownville, Louisiana hoping to find a new job. But you weren't expecting to stumble upon a strange adventure in a world filled with beauty and danger!
Based on Demo. Same old rehashed story about being sent to a parallel universe & have to fight your way out or be stuck for all eternity. Big Yawn. The graphics are so cartoonish & downright ugly. Usual bland voice overs & junk pile HOGS. Music is dull. The SG shows only 1 chapter. There are achievements which pop up but achievement button was locked so I don't know exactly what they are. A lot of back & forth but the game was such a dud that I really didn't play all that long so I don't know how well the map works. Sorry BLAM developers but you game is a BIG dud!!
Demo Only: Rehashed story line of crazy dr who wants to mind control people & you must get into their minds & make them right again. Graphics are bright & well drawn while the characters look like puppets with all of the animation of lobotomized pet rocks. The music was nothing special & a little annoying. Again, if you don't read the comments before trying the demo you do not know about collecting canes. It would be nice it the game alerted you about the collectibles. I really like the HOGS. They were something different & fun. The mini games not so much. If they didn't put the ones that require some time so solve, as in a 4 part maze, in the beginning, where you are trying to get through as much of the demo as you can, I would enjoy solving them a lot more. Not a bad game but not all that different or special. As always TRY before you buy.
Based on Demo: A nice but not very exciting mystery adventure. You are contacted by a ghost who was blamed for a murder he didn't commit and you must find out who really "dun" it while at a hotel in Portugal. The graphics are colorful but flat without depth. The music is a looping piano tune. The voice overs are good but the characters stand there like lobotomized pet rocks! The story plods along while you snoop about. The mini-games were interesting but I don't remember playing any HOG's. You have to collect playing cards which is the only collectible. I wouldn't have know about them but read the reviews first. This is another warmed over game with nothing new or special about it. It's a nice game to play when you want something easy with not a lot of challenge. Would give it 3 stars & buy it with a coupon.