Graphics go from almost realistic to blurry. Music is repetitious & soon becomes annoying. HOS items are itsy bitsy & require the eye of an eagle along with lots of patience. Mini-games seem quite easy. You have to earn hints to find the HOS objects & to use the skip button which I hate. There are no characters or VO but the geography/culture lessons are quite interesting. The hint button coins & the figurine are fairly easy to find in each scene. It seems that I've tried the other Big City Adventure game & found all of them lacking play ability & fun.. All in all not a game to go over the moon about.
I'm only recommending the game because some folks might like this genre & actually find it interesting. But definitely try the demo first before buying.
It's a nice enough game but I don't see what all the hype is about & why people are over the moon & raving on & on about the game.
The graphics are the same old murky, muddy awful blue, purple, pinkish concoction.
The characters are least more life like & animated. VO seem adequate
HOS are interactive with some silhouettes but are mostly messy junk piles.
Puzzles do show some imagination but there are way too may mini-games for my liking.
Fortunately there is a custom mode so you can do 10 second hint/skip recharges.
Looked at the map & it didn't seem very helpful. The Alister box was a tool to give you more clues & it worked fine.
I don't see the point to the Extras..achievements, morphing objects, collectibles etc. I found just one thing, as usual, quite by accident.
Story line is the usual creepy mansion with bad people wanting to do bad things to other people. Toward the end of the demo it just became annoying to deal with the story line.
Try the demo, you just might agree with all of the hype.
Second dreadful game in a row. Graphics are dated, characters are wooden & one dimensional. Music is just annoying. VO are ok considering the game. HOS/mini games are the usual sort of stuff. I don't care for lock pick puzzles or find the pieces of objects HOS. All kind of collectibles/achievements which are just not worth paying a higher price for a game. Storyline is rehashed with a villain trying to get the better of someone by using magic...ho hum. There is just no incentive for me to buy this game to find out what comes next as I probably have already figured it out.
Boring, dreadful graphics/music & wooden one dimensional characters. VO sound a little contrived. The HOS/mini-games are basic & very simple. Collectibles, morphing objects & achievements are there & as usual not very interesting. Just seems like they were thrown in as an after thought. Storyline is a rehashed tale of baddies trying to take over (what else is new?) & using an icky three headed beast to move things along...double yuck!!! Do yourself a favor & try the demo before buying. I don't even think this is worth a SE buy.
I don't recommend this game.
11of19voted this as helpful.
Off the Record: The Final Interview Collector's Edition
I going to have too rain on this great review parade. While the game is better than the usual fare that has been passed off recently, I just don't see the "greatness".
The graphics were a definite step up but the voice overs sounded contrived. The HOP/puzzles were also some better than average.
Now to the crux of the matter. The collectibles, hidden & morphing objects. Despite a tutorial (which was no help) at the beginning I never did find any hidden objects & didn't even know there were collectibles to be found. Information is definitely lacking so gamers have no clue what to watch out for. As usual I found some morphing objects by pure dumb luck.
I did like the storyline & will probably wait for the SE too see who makes it to the finish line!!!
Finally a game that I might consider buying with good clean, crisp updated looking graphics. It seems that the devs might finally have received a new box of crayons. My old eyes sure appreciated something other than murky blue, pinks & greens.
Characters were more animated & actually moved around. VO seemed spot on.
HOS were the usual messy junk piles with minimal interaction. The puzzles were ok. Most of them I find tedious & frustrating.
You can customize the settings with 15 sec HOS/puzzle refill time.
Didn't see any achievements/collectibles which is fine by me as usually only find them by accident. Don't use the SG much anymore. The map shows where you are & active sites. The Journal is helpful & doesn't go into the excessive blinking, jumping about mode that so many others do.
The storyline, as usual, is another "lost treasure" that needs to be gotten away from the bad guys. This story move along quite well which isn't always the case.
I'm considering buying the SE version, when it comes out, as I really don't need or use the bells/whistles.
Try the demo. It's a definite step up from the usual tired, rehashed games that have been put out lately. Also, no creatures, ghosts, demons, vampires, or netherworlds to navigate which I consider a great big plus!!!
This is a rehashed game that is slow moving, boring & tedious. After I played the demo awhile I had a feeling of deja-vu & am sure I have played this game before.
Graphics are dreadful with murky colors. What happened to clean, crisp lines?
VO are ok. Characters are the usual one dimensional kind. What happened to adding some realism to them?
HOS/Puzzles are interactive & are actually better than average. Music was the usual fare. I always turn it down so as not to be intrusive.
There are bouncing directional arrows that are most annoying & unfortunately can not be turned off.
You cannot customize the settings & the hint/skip buttons take FOREVER!!
Other reviewers are over this moon about this game but for me it seems like the devs were on vacation & just called it in between beach volley ball & happy hour!!
Welcome to Hotel Solitaire. On each floor you will find 5 rooms, each with its own game of solitaire. Play 15 different card games across 100 levels, either against the clock or with no time limit.
Found the graphics to be cartoonish & the music to be VERY annoying.
The games are the usual solitaire variety. They are timed which I usually don't like. At first I was able to whip through the games until I reached the 6th floor. Room 64's timer seems to be on a double time mode. Also, I don't care much for the card backs/graphics. They seem small, very busy & difficult to make out. My old eyes just don't like the looks of them!
I had a game credit & since the FTP game "Nightfall" folded I needed a new game to while away the hours. It's not the greatest game but will do in a pinch, I suppose.
I recommend this game!
5of5voted this as helpful.
Mystery Tales: Alaskan Wild Collector's Edition
Call on the animal spirits to help find your sister.
Another rehashed game about a baddie who doesn't want their child to leave them. This time it's a man with some kind of unnamed terminal illness & a mother who's trying to cure him with unearthed "magical" powers.
Graphics were overly bright with a lot of pink/blue overtones & a little cartoonish. The characters were more realistic looking but still wooden & one dimensional. The VO/mouth movements were a little better than usual.
HOS/mini games got a little cumbersome & tedious. I know very little about the Alaskan waters but I don't believe jellyfish/squid live in them but I could be wrong.
Collectibles are right in your face waiting to be clicked on. Amulet turns what is represented as Alaskan totems into animals. Authenticity of objects/places/things does not seem high on the devs list. If it looks/sounds good it okay to them. Quality control seems to be lacking.
Haven't decided if I'll pass on this game or wait for the SE. In the meantime, try the demo & see for yourself if you'll be "gaming" in these Alaskan waters.