There were some beautiful locations and interesting puzzles in this game, but I think its strongest point is the characters. Not giving too much away, the back story was great, and I loved the voice acting, which added so much to the personalities of these villains.
The only downside to this game is that if you used an item in an incorrect place, you were stuck still holding the item, instead of it being returned to your inventory. This could have been cleaned up a bit.
While I didn't enjoy this game quite as much as The Black Cat, due to the fact that at times I felt lost as to what I was supposed to do or where I was supposed to go, it is still a solid addition to the series. The graphics and voice acting are good, and there is a good mix of puzzles to keep you interested.
This is a fun adventure/ HOG, with beautiful artwork and a gripping storyline which will keep you playing to the end. It also includes some interesting additions to the usual things of this genre with the crafting system, which lets you make voodoo spells from the items you collect. This was a great addition to the game, and added more depth to the use of your inventory. I hope to see more games with a crafting system like this in the future.