This is not a HOPA, it is a PA - there are no HOS. I do not deplore this. I can either take HOS or leave them. I almost finished the demo before I realized this, it was that good. Well done graphics. Good story in a new setting. Always appreciate that. Enjoyed the music. Interesting puzzles which did not give me too much trouble, except for the number ones, which I absolutely suck at. Excellent hint button. One or two lost spirits but that is because the character is a monk on a mission, but for the most part it is a tale of murder and mad ambition.
There are a variety of achievements to gain and that really adds to the enjoyment of this excellent game from Cateia, which plays on wide screen and took me 4 hours. As usual Margie B has given an excellent WT, but I only needed it once, as the game is logical and progressive and the navigation is flawless. There are not loads and loads of locations, which I dislike, so you do not get lost at all and I do not think the lack of a map is a drawback at all. I never even thought about a map.
I was totally engrossed in this terrific game and very sorry when it ended. I could easily have played on for hours and never been bored.
Wonderful job, devs. You really nailed it with this one. As good, if not better, as all your others. Hats off.
This is a superb game from Daily Magic, who have given us a few good ones in the past, but nothing as good as this. The graphics, HOS, puzzles, music, v/os and navigation are all all flawless. Such a pleasure.
The story is very good, new and in a different setting from the usual mansion/castle/haunted house etc., and very well presented.
It is a logical (apart from the obvius Suspend Belief we all have to employ in these games) and well thought out game that makes perfect sense regarding tasks, items and objects and the emplying of said items, and flows beautifully.
There is a jump map and an excellent SG. However, I needed it very seldom as the hint button is as helpful as it is possible to be.
There are awards, trophies and badges galore to be won throughout for achieving different things. I did not get them all, but I did pretty well. If you are determined to win them all I would say it would not be impossible, if you are a patient and savvy gamer. Me, I am impatient, so I did not mind foregoing some of the rewards.
It has a very spooky ambience and gave me quite a start more than a few times.
The main game concludes very satisfactorily, for those wishing to wait for the SE, but the BC does follow on with a continuation that did not occur to me. Extremely well put together and executed. I hope this makes sense and does not appear contradictory. It is hard to explain without giving it away and spoiling it for others.
It took me 5 hrs all inclusive. I was really immersed in it and I really enjoyed it.
Excellent job, DM. You have learned a thing or two since your last one. Keep up the good work.
Prepare for a mind-bending journey into the realm of the weird in Haunted Halls: Revenge of Dr. Blackmore! Brace yourself for the unexpected in this exciting Hidden Object adventure!
I think ERS peaked with Greenhills Sanitarium. Since then I have not been overly impressed with them and this game I found rather infantile and in some places so illogical it was irritating. I am well acquainted with the "Suspend belief, It's only a game" philosophy. I employ it regularly and with success, but this game was just too much of a stretch. The inclusion of the cute cuddly animals was gratuitous. They had no place in this game. Some of the items I had to find, such as bubbles for eyes to open a door with a skull with empty eye sockets, was ludicrous, even for a game like this. Come on, bubbles? It all felt like they made a handful of different games and flung them together, tacked on a BC and hoped for the best.
Well, it was not the best at all. The graphics were quite good, the HOS were ok and the music was fine, but I got heartily sick of old TV-head coming at me all the time with his inane and pointless comments. There were two places where the instuctions were wrong, one in the portable lab and another in the SG.
The whole thing took under 4.5 hrs and that is not good enough for a CE. I cannot imagine how the SE will work, as the main game ends without a conclusion.
It's time for ERS to get their skates on, end this tired old series and give us something new and spectacular, or this downward spiral they are on will just get worse.
Maybe they should take some tips from a few of the newcomers out there. Quite a lot of them are surpassing the old established devs with outstanding games.
I don't recommend this game.
51of68voted this as helpful.
E.P.I.C: Wishmaster Adventures
Experience an incredible space adventure in E.P.I.C!
It is fitting that this game has the word E.P.I.C. in the title. What a fantastic game! It took me 6 hrs and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. It is the most fun I have had on my computer in a very long time.
At first the graphics do not seem like much but once I got inside everything changed. The graphics are marvellous. The mechanics are flawless. Even the music is good. There are not many HOS but they are extremely interactive and take quite a while and I liked that. The puzzles have just the right degree of challenge.
The story is terrific- a Sci-Fi filled with wonderful planets and amazing characters. The ending was just so well done, it could not have been better.
There has not been a game from Tiki's Lab in ages and I hope they do not disappear again. I want more from them. They are talented, creative, innovative and so imaginative, they put other devs to shame.
Wonderful, wonderful jobs, you guys. Please, keep them coming. You rock!
Discover the fabulous secrets that a jungle hides in Adelantado Trilogy: Book One! Help the brave and noble officer, Don Diego De Leon, to find and save the lost expedition.
This genre is not a favourite of mine but I have just finished it and I really enjoyed it immensely. It comes in a close second under The Promised Land. It's compelling and very rewarding.
The little people scurrying around, going about their business were fascinating. Even though I adored The Promised land, I liked that you do not have to physically pick them up and put them somewhere in this game. They know what to do because of the type of buildings you build and they just get on with it. When you want them to do something specific you just have to click on the object, or as many objects are there are available, there is no limit to the amount that can be remembered, and you can leave them to it and get on with something else.
It plays beautifully and the graphics and the scenery are really good, as is the very fitting music. The Indians are beautiful and very kind. I actually felt a bit bad about taking all their gold and jewels, even though they give it freely in return for help and favours. Silly me.
You have to be on the lookout for hidden items in the trees and bushes, something it took me a while to work out.
Suggestions are offered periodically, which is good in the beginning if you are unsure as to what you should do, but you don't have to follow it once you get the hang of the procedure.
Two things I would like to see changed for Book Two: to be able to demolish abandoned buildings and save the game mid-level. Otherwise, it was a real treat.
I have demoed many of these games but have seldom been interested enough to buy, because of the dull repetetiveness of each level and while there is a set format and the same ending for the levels in this game, it does not become boring, strangely enough.
Finally I would add that I played untimed mode. I would not have bought it if it did not have that choice as I simply hate timed mode. There is never enough time and I always have to play levels over and over to the point of madness, so just give up. In relaxed mode I had the most fun. That is why I loved The Promised Land so much. Being left to one's own devices is the only way to go. I still achieved Expert in every Chapter and lost out on nothing.
I think this is these devs first CE and they really did a good job with it. The graphics are very good and I loved the story. It's not how I remember it, but I think it rather comes from the author's imagination, though they did stick to the manner of Houdini's death, but it's certainly well thought out. They have the technicalities down pat, making it a real pleasure to play. The music is just fine and the puzzles are challenging but not frustrating. Some new ones I have not seen before. The BC was a follow-on from the main game and not just tacked on as I have seen more than enough times and hated it. It took me 45 mins.
I did enjoy it but with a few reservations. First, the HOS are rather too dark and they also gave me difficulty in that I had trouble matching the items up. I do not know if that was just me or if there is a certain lack of logic there.
Second, there was something I wanted to know before the end of the game, but it was not revealed.
Lastly, it came in at under 4.5 hours including the BC. I expect a CE to be longer than that, though I will not quibble too much on that score.
For a first attempt, if it is, they did a terrific job for the most part, much better than many I have played lately from more well established and popular devs.
An extremely good effort from these devs, who showed imagination and the ability to create a good cohesive game.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
2/ 5
This is an iHopa and a rather good one, though too short at only 3 hrs. The graphics are good - no visual feasts, but well done. The HOS are interactive and though a little dark, also well done. I had v/os all the way through, so maybe some people have forgotten they muted their sound. The story is not new, but I was fine with it. It has some interesting features that set it a little apart from just the usual iHOPAs. The music was not annoying. The hint button is fast and very good at pointing out the necessary direction and showing me things I missed. The skip button is extremely fast, and most of the puzzles are doable. Technically it is very well executed and played smoothly and quickly.
I wish devs would realize what better reviews and reception their games would get if they just added that extra hour. It really makes all the difference.
Overall, I enjoyed playing it and think they did a good job.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
2/ 5
A pretty-pretty type game that hooks gamers in with it's outstandingly beautiful graphics. I must also commend it on it's technical flawlessness. Plays perfectly.
However, the opening scenes are brutal and violent and I hated the killing of the wolves. The puzzles are ludicrously easy - click here and there a couple of times and, voila! Job done. I have nothing against FROGS, but when they follow on almost seemlessly, one after the other as in this game, I quickly became tired of looking for endless amounts of twirly-swirly things that bore no relation to real objects. If they had broken them up with different types of HOS, they might have been more bearable.
The story, after the viciousness of the opening scenes, quickly became silly and nonsensical. There is this gang of girls called the The Red Riding Sisters who are supposed to be in possession of magical powers via their cloaks, who have long been training and fighting the evil Wolf Queen and her minions, when suddenly, right at the beginning, they are captured and imprisoned by her, quick and easy as you like. Lame.
The villain of the piece, the Wold Queen, made me laugh out loud the first time I saw her. She appears to be some kind of hybrid - human, but with wolf hands and feet. But wolves do not have fingers and hers just looked arthritic.
It is not CE material, being way too short and the BC has nothing to do with the story. Just a different story about some silly child. It was mercifully short and there is no merit to it.
I have nothing against Fairy Tales. I own several games based on them, but this one is something you would read to your 8/10 year old at bedtimes. From an adult standpoint I require something with more bite to it, rather than this cutesy soft-serve. It will undoubtedly appeal to many, mostly women I would imagine, but I cannot imagine any guys wanting to get involved with this syrupy, silly tale.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
It is clear that these devs went all out to create this game with a great deal of love and pride, and rightfully so. It is their very best and finest game and it really should have been an absolute delight and joy to play. Unfortunately this is not the case and that is because the map should have been a transporter. I spend 3 times as long on this game as usual, because of the constant need to refer to the map, the SG and the hint every 10/15 mins. Even though the map is clear, it is such a slog getting from where you are to where you need to be that it just became a chore and took all the fun out of it. Another small gripe is that the puzzles are double layered and the skip button is very slow. The divination cards drove me nuts and the ring of stones afterwards was a joke as a puzzle. Human eyes cannot look in 2 different directions at the same time. We are not frogs. It is impossible to keep track of 2 stones that are constantly moving in different directions.
Beautifully done, with some really wonderful moments, but marred by the foot slogging. The BC I could have done without. By the time I got to it, I was weary to the bone with this game. I skipped every puzzle just to get shot of it. Such a shame after all that they put into it, but it was just too complicated and convoluted.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
This is a good game as far as the main game goes. It has good graphics, story, mini games, HOS and music and I enjoyed it, except for the repetition of a number of puzzles, which were not very clear as to what needed to be done. I often find devs doing this and I think it denotes laziness. Rather than create new puzzles, or at least incorporate old ones that we have seen before, they choose to opt for repetition. Not a good move, in my view at least and not appreciated by me.
My main problem with this game is the BC. It is by far the worst I have encountered for a long time. So long in fact that I cannot remember one I disliked more. It is filled with puzzle after puzzle, all the same, and very little else. It is not integral to the story and is just quite simply, a complete drag.
Devs would do well to understand that gamers are not impressed with CE's where the BC is just an attempt at justifying CE classification. A BC has to be as relevant and as interesting as the main game, and here they failed. We are, after all, paying double the price, mainly to get an extra hour or so playing time, though I know that many players value the other extras as well. I do not.
For those who choose to wait for the SE, good move. You will miss nothing