Are you looking for all the worst features in a game? This is your baby then:
- one level of difficulty with constantly flashing directional indicators you can't turn off! - repeat visits to junky hidden object scenes where not only are items mis-named, they reappear the second time you visit the scene! - required DirectX install for absolutely no apparent reason, because the games seems to draw on zero DirectX functionality!
Seriously - this is one awful game. Also, seriously, BigFish?
I usually love Elephant Games, and while the overall quality of this one was good, I finished it in an hour on HARD mode. The bonus game didn't add much. You can't go back to get any morphing objects you might have missed as you can with other games, and the "bonus" HOPs and mini games are exactly the same as the ones in the game with no additional content in the "secret room". Overall a little disappointing, felt like the end of the main story got lopped off somewhere.
Pet peeve in HOGs - bad English translation. Horrible grammar. Mislabeled objects in HOGs (eg "pipe" is actually a "flute" or "recorder" - close but not quite). Not sure I can burn a credit to "finnish" this one as the game controls are clunky, too. It took me forever to figure out how to navigate, some close up scenes give you text, some don't; after you retrieve an object from the pop up it doesn't automatically close, even in "hard" mode there are still sparkles on the HOG scenes. It's a shame because the artwork really is nice.
I'm really sad this was a Monday release. It took all of 1.5 hours to finish, thankfully it was a free game for me. The items in the HOS are so small and nondescript that I had to use multiple hints to proceed. No in-game magnifying glass is provided, you'll have to bring your own.
This could be a decent game. However, it's one of those where often you can't click on the item you need, even when you're right on top of it; items don't match descriptions in HOS (accordion = harmonica, and that's one of the NOT bad ones) which leaves you clicking around on everything in the scene or using a hint (which thankfully fills quickly). The map is actually helpful and will allow you to jump to scenes with actions but that's the ONLY good thing about this game. AND it locked up at the credits after finishing just to put icing on the cake - CTL/ALT/DEL this one for sure.
Played on trial only. Complete and total handholding, sparkles everywhere, HOS ridiculously simple. Almost seems made for a child until you get to the modeling agency where the mannequins are showing major "parts". I'm not familiar with the comic so maybe this is on par if you're a fan, but definitely a no-buy for me.
Vampire Legends: The True Story of Kisilova Collector’s Edition is an incredible adventure based on the true story of the first documented case of vampirism ever!
As others have said, the voiceovers and music are all good. The graphics might even be above par. My biggest complaint was WAY too many hidden object scenes, nothing really thought provoking in how to go about playing the game, nothing unusual at all. The bonus content has some nice glowing flower (?) things but doesn't feel like it's worth the extra spend. Would have been very happy with this one as a standard edition, as it is, I feel a little ripped off.
I finished this game in 45 minutes. Should not have wasted a credit but did not demo it first. Also required me to manually adjust my screen resolution as it couldn't do it itself (I'm on Windows Vista) and no fix has been provided for that problem. Game play - average. Many repeat hidden object scenes, including finding the same object over again. Definitely do not recommend buying.
This is a super fun, challenging, well balanced game. There are just enough HOS, and they are interactive; the puzzles are relatively unique and somewhat challenging, the graphics are great and the music isn't annoying. The map is interactive, and there are bonus activities. The bonus chapter leaves you looking forward to the next installment. And it worked - no glitches, no download problems (for me anyway). Hooray!
I recommend this game!
4of8voted this as helpful.
Vampires: Todd & Jessica's Story
Explore an extraordinary and touching love story that will touch your heart and blow your mind!
The storyline is classic Twilight. Awful. This is balanced by actually really good graphics (I typically play without sound). The gameplay is ok, although some objects are basically impossible to find in challenge mode. I saw someone else say that this is too simple for expert gamers and too scary/confusing for beginners, and I think that sums it up. The puzzles are ridiculously simple but some of the actions you're required to take are leaps of faith (or leaps of trying everything in your inventory). Glad this was a freebie for me.