This was a fun game with a good variety of HO's and puzzles and not too many areas to run around in at one time. Some of the puzzles were really hard and I needed my guide and some were ridiculously easy, but I enjoyed the story line and change of scenery from the tomb, to the garden, the mountain and the desert. One thing I really loved was after I finished the bonus chapter, I also got the option to go back and get the 1 collectible I missed, the 4 morphing objects I missed and all 28 of the souvenirs. I didn't quite understand the souvenirs because when I started a new game and was looking for them, they were not there. I also got to re-play all the HO scenes and win an achievement for getting gold on them. I'd say the whole thing took me about 8 hours.
I am loving this game, it just seems to go on and on. Lots of puzzles I hadn't seen before and a good story line. I am playing on the most advanced level, but fortunately you can switch to a lower level if you get stuck. I only had to skip one puzzle so far, but did have to check the walkthrough a couple of times. Very fun game!
This game lasted a very long time. I played it on the most advanced level and was able to play for several hours a day for at least 4 or 5 days. The bonus play is almost as long as some regular games. I do understand how easy it is to forget where you need to use an object you have acquired early on but that's part of the fun of it. I did have to consult the strategy guide a couple of times but usually it was a puzzle I couldn't get or I just got tired and overlooked something. Heading off now to search for other Mystery Tracker games and hope they are as good and as long!