I do like this game! It was one of the early HOGs I bought and I have played it several times. True, it's not the most challenging game in the world and true, getting from one chapter to the next is a somewhat repetitive process but for me it has a number of good points: 1) It's set in England - very welcome to an ex-pat Brit. One of the HOS's even has a CRICKET bat to find. Yay!! 2) The storyline really appeals to me. The final scene/denouement is really up my street (no spoilers here!) 3) I love the music. I have a respectable collection of Mediaeval and Renaissance music and much of the music in the game is familiar to me. 4) I like the way you can recharge hints by playing a mini-game. 5) It's light and bright for the most part - no repeated dismal grey scenery. [Aside: I wish that developers would get the message that there are lots of us out here who do NOT like the Twisted-Murder-In-Dark-Valley type of game, nor the depressing stories in sordid psychiatric hospitals.] I play games for relaxation and this one fits the bill nicely. It may not be everyone's cup of tea, so try before you buy.
I really wanted to give this game 3 1/2 stars - not quite 4-star material, in my view. On the plus side, the environment and graphics were delightful, the game design was good, with a variety of puzzle types, and I liked the way the story progressed. On the whole, I enjoyed playing this game and will keep an eye out for a possible sequel. BUT . . . on the minus side, the game controls and interactions with objects in the game were inconsistent and temperamental, though that may have been partly the fault of my Mac. I found the lack of instructions very irritating for some of the games and had to resort to the walkthrough just to find out what I was supposed to be doing. Even more irritating was that the hint button very often told me to do something I'd already done and was therefore useless - but not all the time, oddly enough. I'm left with a feeling of having been somewhere lovely but also some dissatisfaction because of the inconsistencies. As always, the moral of the tale is to try the game for yourself. If you prefer bright games with clear and colourful graphics, you'll be off to a good start.
I have quite a few M3 games and enjoy them - and this one is unlike any other I've played. The graphics are very simple indeed but this is offset by the challenge of the game. The early levels are almost trivially simple once you get the hang of what to do but the hardest levels - phew! I haven't managed to complete the game yet - I keep getting stuck about halfway through the last stage/chapter. This is largely because each board takes a very long time at the hardest levels and this is why I've given it 4 stars rather than 5. It certainly exercises your 'leetle grey cells' and pattern-recognition skills. If you like logic and board-game strategy, give this one a try.
I bought this game over 18 months ago and still enjoy it. Being a Brit by birth I liked all the snippets of info about the Palace itself. The 'story', such as it was, was laughable but I really enjoyed the game play and the occasional puzzle. I go back to it from time to time and daresay I'll do so again.
I can see that it might not be to everyone's taste, so try before you buy.
I enjoy M3 games and this one is a bit different - linking pieces in chains, rather than swapping, and a hexagonal board.
The graphics and symbols used are lovely and the game play is absorbing. It gets pretty challenging at the highest levels (at least to me - I'm not the fastest player in the world!) and I haven't managed to get right to the end yet. I even like the music, tho' I turn off all the bangs, beeps and explosions.
This is set to become one of my all-time favourites.
I bought this game only recently, having played El Dorado Quest (from the same developers) for a couple of years. This one is better than EDQ because the imagery is so much more positive. Love all the Buddhas, landscapes etc. The graphics are very simple and not very clever but for me, the imagery and game play more than make up for that. I can see that this one is going to become a regular relaxation for me.
I own the Mac version of this game and it's a pity it can't be supported in Lion or later operating systems. I have deliberately kept an earlier operating system, just so I can go on playing this game. I absolutely love it! I even like the music and I turn the sound down (or even off) with most games. I come back to this game time after time and find it really relaxing and enjoyable. The game has been around quite a while but I actually prefer it to the later Jewel Match games which have a storyline or set of tasks to perform. A real old favourite.
I bought this game almost 2 years ago and have played it a lot. I really enjoy the game play and the level of challenge. The down side for me is the gory imagery and sometimes dismal graphics. If this is not a problem for you, try the game. Some of the higher levels are quite challenging but I guess the experts out there might well find it boring!
It's funny how some games can grab you and others leave you yawning or irritated. I like M3 games and own several but for some reason this one just didn't do anything for me. I didn't even finish the 1hr. demo. That's the bad news. The good news is that the game seems well put together and the graphics are clear, bright and attractive. Can't comment on the sound 'cos I prefer to turn it off with most games. The game play is OK and presumably the level of challenge increases as the game progresses. I would encourage you to try the demo and see if this one appeals to you.
This was one of the first Big Fish games I bought - I'm a sucker for anything to do with the Templars and the Holy Grail. I've played this game several times and still enjoy it. I like the scrollable HOS and mini-games. For me, games are a relaxation and I don't want a high level of challenge - this game fits the bill nicely. Storyline is OK and I liked the historical tidbits of info. The so-called Scottish aristocrats didn't look remotely Scottish but that was just a rather cute quirk to me. I quite liked the graphics and way the story was presented. One plus with this game is that the HOS and other scenes are bright. Like several other reviewers, I very much dislike the dark and dismal games which are so prevalent these days. I usually turn the sound down or off so can't make a valid comment about it. If you are attracted by the subject matter it's worth downloading the trial but I can see that some people might get bored by the level of challenge in the game. It's great that BFG has such a wide variety of games for all tastes!