Before purchasing a game, I look at the video and read the reviews; a few times I have gotten a game that I didn't like and did not meet my expectations, but this is not one of the games. Happily, I played this game for *hours* - reaching the finalisation of Emily's home, which is gorgeous, and gaining the expertise for assembling cake orders which was a little confusing at first because of the textures were similar in appearance and it takes repetition to achieve a knack for speed.
I thought this was similar to Burger Shop in that the customers enter the shop - up to three at a time, once one leaves - as well as the drink and ice cream machines, which I fill first but are not always requested. I like the building of Emily's home - a specific amount of money is required for each item (foundation, swimming pool, lighting, gates, gardening, windows, etc.) and this reminded me of Diner Dash 4 - I mused that such a home is fit for the owner of the cake shop and not the manager (Emily). The reason I did not give the storyline an excellent rating is that it was a little annoying that until Emily's home is built, each level she sighs and her mood is normal to bad. I did not like that the game instructs the user to chose building the home over purchasing shop items and I have not finished the game but am uncertain what is next now that the home is built and I reached the maximum achievement level.
I have purchased Cake Shop 2 and 3 but in playing CS2 discovered that the items are on a conveyor belt, much like Burger Shop and Burger Shop 2 which kind of takes away the hominess of the original Cake Shop.
I love both Burger Shop and Burger Shop 2; BS2 slightly improved version with more features.
I've owned this game for some time and still play it daily; and enjoy the expert mode and challenge mode as well as the music (which you can choose the songs from a drop down menu) and humour within the food recipes. I wish the creators would make Burger Shop 3 because it is a lot of fun and have not found another game comparable to it.
Upon looking for new games, I clicked on the video which reminded me of when I last played. After purchasing the Cruise Director series,.I found this one my particular favourite. I loved the variety of puzzles and the uplifting music; you almost feel like you are on the cruise yourself!