Having been born in the Year of the Tiger (1938) I love anything to do with tigers! Also born August 12 I am also a Lion so felilne I am! this game was not easy but fun and very challenging! I enjoyed the graphics, and the story--Don't usually go for the mushy stuff (romance novels) however the heroine was a strong and beautiful woman something I admire and enjoy.
Has only one problem, dissapearing cards so I uninstalled and reinstalled and the problem went away!
The suspence was great and I will play this game again!!!
Not my favorite game but at the end of each chapter the humor was delightful! The Hero/Heroine made some perfect quips about the historical figure who was helped or saved. The game isn't easy it is : anytime it says "Adventure" I know there will be things that I wont think to look for! so athe walkthrough is helpful! I think the best humor came in the credits as each historical figure get a bit roasted and it is quite funny!
The graphics and music are nice but things are hard to find and my eye sight isn't the best and only 5 hints and a flash in the pan from a relic--that alone takes the fun out of the game!
I prefer interactive HOS games but if you can see well, like just finding things then kyou might enjoy this little game
First off the music is nice but the graphics are gorgeous! As an artist I really appriciate that! The stoy was great and it seems to me we shall be having a sequel one of these days! Yes I had some difficulty with parts of it --But Autumn on a live chat found a great clue I missed on the Forum and that took care of that!