Found this on too tame. Needed a better foe then a spoil brat. Still enjoyed the graphics and games but having played the previous games in this series not my favorite. Hoping now that Bridge to Another World comes out with another game like Secrets of the Nutcracker.
Short game. The bonus chapter should have been a fourth story in the main game. Definitely not one of their best. Wasn't worthy of the CE stamp. Keep hoping for better games like the old ones. Recommend but only as a SE.
Thank you Friendly Fox for staying true to the game series. Wonderful game with lots to do and see. Wish other developers would put this much effort into their games. Some real let downs lately.
Fantastic game. Worthy of the CE status. Grandma Games is the only developer to come out in a very long while, with a game that is everything I'm looking for in a HO. First rate. Replayed Morbid Obsession after, wouldn't mind seeing a second one to this game. Well done, thank you.
Wait for it to be a SG and use a game code, not worth paying for. Another great series bites the dust! Once my game credits are used up cancelling my membership. Replay the old games, far more enjoyable compared to waiting for the next bad game.
Far too short for an CE. Story was bland. But most of all Richard was not there to help. Developers really need to go back over the previous games in a series and stick to what made them so great. If you like this series don't waste your money on this one.
I have really enjoyed this series in the past but this one fell short. It was not long enough the be a CE and just really repetitive. Tired of looking forward to games only to be left feeling short.