I bought this game purely on it being a "Sable Maze"game. It just wasn't as good as the other games. Since you travel through different 'fears' throughout the game, there's less rooms you can access at a time so it made for VERY easy game play.
Royal Envoy: Campaign for the Crown Collector's Edition
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
This is a board game like Monopoly, but I think more fun than Monopoly. However the games take hours to win, and I find myself wasting hours at a time!
I return to this game every few months because I have so much fun playing it. I've recreated players 5 times so that I can walk through the game play over and over again. This time I've decided to try and get all the trophies. I felt like some of the games are impossible to get all of the trophies, but I got them anyways! I'm super stuck on the trophies for Game 6, and I'm hoping I will have the perfect game that defeats it! Lot's of fun and way more challenging that the other card games I've played on Big Fish.
This is my absolute favorite game from Big Fish! Mostly since it is the most challenging game I've downloaded. I've had to play the many of the levels three or more times to get 3 stars, and I'm actually motivated to do so. The sounds are useful in the game play which annoys others around me, but I enjoy it! Spent many hours on this one.
Most recently I've put in at least 12 hours into my current game, and just got to the last section of the game. It starts out simply enough and prepares you for the increased difficulty. I've have this game for a couple of years now, and I keep replaying it. Its a great value and a lot of fun!