Didn't make it through the first scene in the trial. Morphing objects change shape so infrequently, and are so small, it's impossible to find them -- but it's not a challenge, it's more like cheating. Everything is so small, I have to use the magnifier constantly, which is nothing more than a giant pain. I know some people enjoy this kind of repetitive stuff, but I don't. I won't be wasting a dime on this game......
I liked the demo, but had trouble downloading it when I bought it. Finally succeeded and continued playing, but now -- the game has just stopped. The awl won't work on the cue stick, I can't get the ring, and there's nothing else to do! I liked BF much better in the "old days", before the big changes, when things worked!!!!!
This is like the other vacation games: you play the exact same scene, looking for the exact same objects over and over. I'm not paying for a game that's basically completely done after one round. It's totally boring......
I hate hidden object games that 'cheat' by making things so small they can't be seen. This game does that over and over again, without offering the ability to enlarge or zoom into the scene.
Made it through the demo, but it's not worth spending money for this! The Hint button was useless, either "not able" to do anything in a particular location (without giving guidance to where it MAY be able to do something), or not responding at all. Which left me clicking all over, fumbling around trying to guess what I should do, where I should go. I play these games to relax. I think this one made my blood pressure go through the roof with frustration......
Hate the artwork, the game just sucks. It's very dark, and stuff is just all over the place, with no indication of what anything is or what it's for or where it goes. In fact, most of the time I had no idea what I'd found -- again, the artwork! I won't be buying this one.....
Seems like since all the hoopla about wonderful new things coming, there have been very few decent HO games being offered. This game gave me hope, but like everyone else, can't get past the first level. I've restarted at least seven times -- repeat of going nowhere! I wish BF would get their act together!
I think this one was brought out of the BFG crypt -- and it should go back there! Way, way too much dialogue. HOP's are what I consider to be "cheats": very small, very dark, not fun. This is a definitely a no-buy for me!!
Got through the demo, but it wasn't fun. In fact, it was kind of agonizing. Way too much dialogue, which does nothing to enhance the game. I'd say more than half my time was spent reading. I play games to relax -- all this game did was frustrate me!