I confess to asking "Alexa" for help sometimes, LOL. Game seemed shorter for some reason. Personally I prefer more HOG scenes and less scrambles and crosswords, but still fun way to cruise the easy way.
Perhaps the game developer needs to have Park Ranger, Australia or Park Ranger, Brazil...even Alaska to give us different scenery and animals, etc. Love this series and want more!!!
Every year I look forward to the next version. Kudos to the creators for their new ways to have hidden object scenes. I'm a senior and I feel like a kid playing them. The music, sound effects and scenes really get you in the Christmas mood. Not crazy about the jigsaw and tetris type puzzles, would prefer all HOGS, but that's just me,
Love all the multiple hidden locations, scenes and music in CD 5.
I'm a senior and love all the Vacation Adventure games..own all the Park Rangers, Cruise Director, Christmas Wonderlands, location HOGS, etc. Would love more of those type and if you could create a series collection of them like you have other HOGS...(which are all dark and creepy for some of us LOL). Make it easier to find what light, relaxing games are available and new without having to search the long list of all of the HOG games. Thanks for listening!!
I own and play all six of the Park Ranger Games. Kudos to the creators for coming up with new scenes and challenges in the series. Not only are the scenes fun to search but I love the sounds like you would find in a park relaxing as well. I confess to sometimes being stressed and throwing on my headphones and losing myself in the Park Ranger games as an easy and relaxing "get away". Like many, I do not enjoy games that are violent, gory or so complicated you need a user guide to figure what to do next and Park Ranger fits the bill. Keep the Vacation Adventures coming folks, I'm your #1 fan!!
Enjoy HOG without story or needing book to figure game out. I'm a senior and enjoy the fish as well as finding objects and buying things for tanks...but it would be great to teach kids responsibility for cleaning and feeding pets with the fish in this game. I did have one round where a gold object couldn't be found at top of scene and clicked all the area where HINT sparkle told me to go...and it didn't work...but went to another tank and kept playing.
I am a senior and love all Big City Adventure games. They help you relax and learn to be more observant for objects. For anyone wanting fun, non-violent games and ones not requiring a strategy guide, recommend highly.