It said something about "Defenses can be built in places like this." but then I kept couldn't figure out how to build the defenses. I clicked nearby and then something would appear and disappear.
Finally, I restarted. The tutorial was gone. When I clicked near where it had been, I got some sort of a gun thing that shot at passing dinosaurs. But it had three sets of icons around it when I clicked on it. I think they were some sort of choices, but since the tutorial disappeared when I restarted, I still could not figure out what to do.
Music was thoroughly annoying, too.
Plus, in the real world, people and dinosaurs did not actually exist at the same time. And the "storyline" (there was none) did not rationalize this point.
I'm think if I had it to do over again, I would buy the SE. For one thing, there's no ability to play the minigames and HOPs over from the extras menu. (But they are so easy, maybe I wouldn't want to, anyway!)
This game charming, and beautiful, and the music is great, and it is so wonderfully Christmassy that everyone should play it this time of year.
But it is SO aimed at kids! It is too simple even for me, and I rank myself an intermediate player with no aspirations to play anything on a hard setting ever.
I bought the CE to get me more into the Christmas spirit even though I only rated it 3 stars. And it has. But every so often, just when I start to get sucked into the world, it will present something so childish that it throws me right back out into the real world. One example, the duster.
Now, you don't have the problem with needing the CE to get into the Christmas spirit. Buy the SE today! And have your kids and grandkids play it while you cook dinner tomorrow. It will keep them out of your kitchen (unless your computer is in there!)
Well, the game sucked me in so much I ran out the demo, and now I have to buy it for the music, at least. I loved the music.
You are Jack, and you come home to find that your mom and sister are victims of an evil witch who has been trapped for centuries until just before you arrived for dinner. You, of course, must save them. You get a couple of helpers along the way.
The background is shown at first by a movie notable for its absence of yak-yak-yak. It's then explained gradually as you play, often through minigames. Much more interesting and fun than a bunch of exposition.
Because I ran out the demo, I am glad I looked at the extras in advance so I can report them. Unfortunately, there is no ability to play minigames and HOPs over--a downgrade for me. But all the other features are there, including: -bonus chapter, -a puzzle that you find pieces for during the game, -morphing objects, -the usual music and art.
The game plays seamlessly with no hesitations, with no extraneous, distracting icons, and with no clumsy actions required. For example, if you are holding an object and you need to zoom in on something to use it, you don’t have to drop the object, then zoom in, then pick the object back out of your inventory, then place it. All those petty annoyances that make you go, "Grr," are absent. Yay!
The art is beautifully colored, though dark.
The minigames are fun. Sometimes they seem easy, other times tricky. Sometimes they are in more than one stage and you can skip that instead of the whole puzzle, a nice touch.
The HOPs are of two types. One type is simple matching to allow you to continue to the next puzzle. The others are full blown HOP scenes with several levels. For example, you find bottles to reveal lists and eventually put an item together. I am not a HOP person, but I know that all the HOP people will love them.
The hint and skip are blessedly short. But neither they, nor the strategy guide and map, are needed often.
All in all, this game only lacks one thing--the ability to play minigames and HOPs over. I should downgrade it for that, but I got immersed totally into the world--the mark of a great game--so it's a 5 star rating for me. Try it, I bet you will love it, too.
This game is pretty in some spots and has nice music and the CE has all the extras.
But as I said when I rated the CE . . .
"I hate the sound it makes when I do the wrong thing. Which is often.
"You see, the hint system and guide are not very good, IMHO. That’s what the rest of this review is about, so stop reading if you don’t care about that. Warning: SPOILERS
"1) I could not figure out those runes on the step of the shrine to get the last piece of hunting horn. The closeup of the steps of the shrine said I saw these runes somewhere. Well, I could not remember where. But when I hit the hint button, it did not send me to the location where I had seen them. Instead, it just took me back to the closeup of the steps of the shrine. Finally, I randomly clicked around in two scenes, but still didn’t find the rune sequence.
"2) While consulting the guide to get the rune sequence, I noted that it said to “place all 5 statues" on the steps of the shrine and also to use the hunting horn piece. But there are not 5 statues even though there are spaces for 5 statues. There are 4 statues and one hunting horn piece. And I could not find the 5th statue, though I looked around some more. I also consulted the strategy guide for a hint about where the 5th statue might be and could not find one.
"So, after wasting 2/3 of the [CE] demo just to get beyond the 1st 3 scenes, I am have played a little farther. It’s fun enough, but I am still worried that, because I did not have 5 statues to place, I will be unable to proceed at some point. I did run the demo out, but only because I wanted to give the game a fair chance."
There you have it. Since I was not that thrilled with the game, I have not played any more of it since the CE demo.
So, as with the CE, I am barely recommending this one. Parts of the gameplay are too frustrating for me. But, if you really like the game, I recommend the CE because all the bells and whistles are there.
Because I found this game's first big HOP too aggravating to continue, I write only to advise whether to buy the CE or the SE, that being what I want to know when both are out and I have bought neither.
As I recall, all the CE bells and whistles were there. As it says at the BFG site: --Collect cards hidden throughout the game and unlock a bonus puzzle --Earn achievements and replay your favorite mini-games and HOPs --Extras including: art, music, wallpapers, and screensavers
So if you like the game, the CE might be worth it to you. Try it, you might like it even though I didn't.
Your sister has asked you, a paranormal investigator, to find your niece in a haunted town where she was attending either camp or school. A counselor or teacher with an unrevealed grudge against the families of four children claims that “they are hers," and they have disappeared. Spooky, unexplained occurrences also result.
The STORY does not really hang together particularly well—for example, were the children at a school or a camp? But I am just ignoring that and looking for the lost children. Lack of cohesive story might be why I found myself wondering what to do quite a bit, though. At one time, the task list didn’t even show a current task.
The ART is well drawn and appropriate to the subject matter, semi-dark but not monochromatic, with a creepy cast to it. It sets the mood nicely.
Some of the MUSIC is quite good. There is one Myst-like piece that I might actually want to listen to outside the game.
One slight problem is that you cannot see the EXTRAS menu at all before you finish the entire main story. OK, so Big Fish tells us that we get a bonus game, art, music, and trinkets that will unlock bonus mini-games and HOPs. But I'd rather look at the extras menu for myself to see what shelling out that extra money for a CE buys me.
I do think that the miniGAMES are either too easy or too aggravating (I won’t say hard—it could just be incomplete instructions). Examples follow (slight spoilers): --Matching children's possessions to their backpacks (easy but fun.) vs --three bulletin boards right next to each other where you found things . . . the one in the middle made no sense to me, so I just kept clicking and/or using the hint until I was done.
Related to this problem is a gripe that I have about other games as well as this one--too many objects that should serve the same function, but don't. Here’s just one example (slight spoilers): The game tells you that you can’t remove boards from a door with your bare hands, but the axe that you already have won’t work either. You need something else. Then, later, you use that axe on an almost identical door.
Despite these annoyances, I am having a pretty good time, so I will be buying. Try it. You might like it too.
I write this review solely to suggest whether to buy the CE or the SE, that being what I want to know if both versions of a game are out and I have bought neither.
Though I did buy the CE when I needed a game on a 2-for-1 sale, I have played little more than the demo because it simply did not suck me in to its world. Getting immersed in a game to the point where I forget what time it is--that's the mark of a great game. So I cannot give this one top marks. And yes, this test is going to be different for everyone.
The game has: All the CE bells and whistles. Very well drawn art, fun to look at OK musical themes, (but oh! SO dramatic I found it distracting) Pretty easy puzzles and HOPs A good jump map that gives you a gateway to where there is something to do
So, if you really like the game, you might want to buy the CE because the extra features are good. Otherwise, try the SE. This game is worth playing.
I agree with everything Sunnyglow says about the minigames being easy, but they were fun. I also liked the HOP scenes, not because they were challenging or interesting, but because they helped move the story along instead of just finding objects for the sake of finding objects.
The art is beautiful and the music is nice.
All the extras are included. Ability to play games over, a bonus game, art and music.
Best of all, I got sucked into the world. That is the mark of a great game. Immediate buy for me. Thanks, developers!
I'm an intermediate player, and I don't want to be an advanced player because I play these games to relax.
But this one is really for kids. If your grandkids are coming over during the holidays, this one should be great for them. I have seen nothing scary yet, though I have only played the demo.
I'm going to buy it, and play it, and get in the Xmas spirit with it, but it's really too easy.