I enjoyed this game, almost didn't try because of the bad reviews. It was good. I found a few glitches but restarted that level and it worked the 2nd time. I would recommend the game. Good TM games are hard to come by.
I love this game, I have played it multiple times since purchasing. I like the challenge of finding the hidden items. This is one of my top favorite games.
I love this series, helicopters putting out fires before reaching the citizens, houses on fire and catching others on fire, nothing really like that on this edition. It is OK, normally I will replay a game after finishing but I didn't have the desire after this one.
I think this is my favorite game. I have always been a fan of this game and there has been a few that I didn't care for but this is the BEST. Each level is different. Every level is challenging but is doable. I don't follow the storylines. I'm here for the game
This is my favorite type of game, normally they get harder towards the end, this one did not. It did not have a challenge as the game progressed. It could have been better. I did like it though.
Princesses have a tendency to be kidnapped, and a service for lost royals is in high demand. Start your own Lost Princesses Agency and find your one and only!
The prior Kingdom games have been my favorite, I paid for this game before doing the trial, big mistake - I would have never paid for this game. The shake mode is horrible, you have to send workers 3 times to pick up material/food. Not sure if I will finish this one.