what a rubbish, you don't have the feeling of playing a story - no you just get to do HOs and puzzles. Since I have to pay for it please let me choose if I want to play an adventure story or a puzzle or a hidden object.
I love Adventure and in this game I felt like really playing that story. Puzzles are also o.k as long as there are not too many. HOPs are such a pain but in this game they where at least not overcrowded. I wish they also had at least a SKIP Button for them.
What should one call this game? A mix of all the genres BF has to offer? All you do is puzzles, mini games, picture riddles, HOs, tracing zig zags and match three. Why bother with a good story if you can't even play it as such?
Story, Graphic and Adventure part was very pleasant. Since I don't like HOS at all and feel there are always too many - at least they where not as overcrowded than all those other games lately .I didn't loose the feeling of playing a story without being stopped at every corner.
A nice story but you don't play it as a game you have to puzzle yourself through it. Puzzles,mini-games, HOS,Story books and everything they could find to keep you occupied on one spot. No Adventure and that with such a good story and beautiful graphic. No fun for me! I just recommend it for lovers of ALL genres in that fish pond.
It was an OK game since I was able to Skip those boring HO junk Piles - for that I give 4 stars. I wish they would let us skip those in every game, of course it will make the game shorter but rather that than having to go through those frustrating junk piles.
Fun Factor: None, what can be fun just having to sit in front of a junk pile even worse this time, first a list HO and when I was glad having that behind me another and another. If that is the new Trend of games then I won't waste any money on it. Visual Sound: Not important
Level of Challenge: Very poor. I don't see any of this HOS, morphing objects or hundreds of puzzles as a challenge (if I want to do puzzles, I go for that genre) Storyline: Very good - but you are not able to play this Adventure since you get thrown out of this story with all that other rubbish until you don't know any more what for you play this. This mix up of everything is an insult.
If you like to strain your eyes in a game that is overloaded with HOs , Puzzles, Mini Games and hardly any Adventure - try it. To me it was terrible and not to be called a Game...
Why do they bother with a Story if you can't play it? Found that under Adventure games and I think you must be joking - just one junk pile after another. Well those HO junk piles make me more than sick. A game one finds in the Adventure Category must be at least Adventure heavy and please a Skip button for those stupid HOS|