Fast paced game with lots to do. Could not find the jump map for some reason. Collect different color diamonds while gathering items and doing HO's. Nice Ho's that are easy on the eyes. Good lead to the end of demo making you want to know more. But I can not put my finger on it. It is not as good as the other games in this series. Also does a short demo mean a shorter game? At least we had some critter action and some sort of other thing to collect which when I went in to see what I had just collected it was what am I collecting. Stuff for the princess or castle or the family. Left me pondering. played it twice to see if I could catch anything I missed and still do not know where the jump map is. Must be having a off day.
Wow this game had a great concept to do like some movies and have your character play out the details he is giving to the cop during interrogation. I really like that aspect. The HO's were good and had Morphing Objects. I found also Morphing objects outside of HO's, A Jump map, Critters but no action, Good cut scenes, and I liked how some places had the turn around but did not really understand why it did that. Why not just arrow left or right or up or down as if you are scanning the shelves and counter. Next thing was I could not figure out how to press 2 keys on the Trumpet challenge so when notes came at same time to their color? I had to skip that one on the third stage of that challenge. It either needed more info telling me how to get 2 different colors into their place at the same time when the mouse only click one item at a time.
Lot of great ideas that make me want to give it 4 stars but to many issues to go with to keep me from that. I will still buy the game but UN-sale.
Short trial run on this but ended up with a good feather tickle of whats to come. This game could have been so great if things made rhyme or sense. I did like the characters and placement of HO's and games, but got stuck on some of the descriptions on how to play puzzles and had to use the strategy guide to help let me know what I really was suppose to be doing. Lots to do in this game and works at a fair pace. I am on the fence and almost hoping it was one of those games that got better as it went along, but read another review with bad luck with that. So I got my head up and probably would buy it on sale.
So I will recommend it just because I am not sure whether to or not.
This game has a hint of charm and I was delighted to the point of a giggle.
It was a real hoot that drunk was. Laughed for a good 2 minutes over our exchange. This game was pretty fun. Has a good jump map, lots to do. Double the Morphing Objects, Critter Action, Fairly good puzzles, 2 kinds of HO's: One was shadow HO the other was working HO, and pretty good characters. Ambiance was good as well as a pretty good game flow. The conversation from characters was good but I still miss having a voice in game to hear though I did get to see what questions I was asking. Always a plus to pick your gender and hear a voice in a game.
Played this game when on DLS and did not go well. replayed on 18 min. left of game from beginning and did not get too far, but much better play out. I thought I had already did a review on this game, but did not find it. So here goes.
Game flow was ok, Characters were fairly good, story line good, graphics really good and did not run into glitches, HO's were working ones out of the one I did, Critter action, Morphing objects, and collectable cards that give you strange deaths that occurred in that city.
Good enough to go on a to buy list. I did have to use the hint button for help on direction to find things which is why it did not get a great flow for game.
In the continuation of the exciting Mountain Trap series, you are called to help the town of Wilshere, which has been afflicted by a series of mysterious disappearances.
Wow much better then the last one. I got to play the first one and gave it not so good review. On the new computer with better internet to go with I replayed the first one and it was not as bad. This one is pretty good. Nice SE with a jump map and critter action, A couple different types of HO's, Simple enough puzzles with plenty to do. Music and Characters not too bad. Oh and like that my Character got to choose questions to be asked. Like another poster It felt criminal leaving antifreeze in a drinking glass. I Would put this one on my to buy list. Rare to find a SE that is even worth the money.
Fantastic game flow and story line. Did not even look to see if there was a jump map, but did look at the map. I had so much fun. I never wanted it to end. Goes to the tippy top of the to buy list.
The HO's were very well done and there was some sort of collectable water plant and lots of winged bugs to collect. I am partial to Dragonfly's. The only time I heard my voice is in protest to the attacks by the evil ones. During dialog with others my voice is silent which would have added more flavor to the game if they had provided it. For some reason having a voice makes you feel more part of the story. Lots to do in this game. Puzzles not so new but they were good ones.
How can I help my father but to get to play with the Alchemy lab. Nothing ain't written in stone yet. I think. We will see who can mold things into saving the town saving my folks.
Very interesting HO's, great graphics, great story line well played out. Some collectibles some morphing objects in the Ho's, critter action, and lots to do with a jump map.
They would have to steal an award for this game. It did have a lot to do and the music and graphics were fairly good. Characters were stiff and emotionless. The Doctor investigating did not react much at all in surprise when thrown or fallen into a hot air balloon. Could not tell if the guy was bad and threw her in or what???
Simple game with lots to do. Nothing to really grab me though. Would buy this on a rainy day special. Had very few collectible science cards. Very little critter action. Just really disappointing.
Good story line if only it had played out with better character reaction, better jump map with so little color for indication you had to stare to make sure what color area you wanted to go to for activity.
This game was very entertaining. It has almost little bit of everything from critter action to collectibles, working HO's and good music, great characters, Jump Map, nice game flow.
Will Jack have to sleep in a bed of roses or be free of such a thorny contract. I guess I better sign on the line to find out.