I always look forward to playing these games-but I struggle very hard with them at times. I have never finished a chapter in time.(But you can play on anyway, just in case you don't know.) I am always short of supplies. Would be helpful in the stone cutting areas to have graphics make it more obvious that the whole area is available rock. I thought just the small mounds were all there was and when they were gone that was the end of your supply. However, for some reason you can still build the stonecutters and they still work despite no remaining mounds. Doesn't make sense but there it is. I get quite cross that only one knight is able to explore, chop trees find artifacts etc. AND HE IS TOO SLOW. I think the speed he does when he's "on the red stuff" should be his normal speed and give him a faster-than-that-speed for when he's on the red stuff. LOVE THE CAVES graphics really capture the feel here. Not much point in knocking all stalagmites down though. Liked the cave within the cave ,should do more of those. Not much point the chopping the trees and bushes this year, except to make space. So, after starting a chapter again I didn't bother- it saves time of course and there is no need to be that thorough cause there's nothing there, most of the time. I've learnt not to get too bogged down just keep looking for the look-out plots and statues.
A good fun Christmas-themed romp. Hidden objects too small for me and quite tricky at times. Enjoyed the variety of puzzles and THE MUSIC is just SO happy! (jazz I think). Not a long game . Hated the long conversations between games so avoided those. Will probably play again ! Thankyou for the joy x
The mystical Silver Arrow has been stolen from you on the eve of your wedding. Without it, you can’t marry your beloved Prince Philip! Can you track down the arrow in time?
This game was good-it ran quite smoothly. A couple of the scenes were a bit blurred but overall enjoyable. Like games with fantasy/fairytale feel. Would have liked a bit more colour . Enjoyed the Tribble talking to animals. Like portholes. Mini games were a bit repetitive.
Like the other Christmas Wonderlands, everything is just SO small(even with my glasses on ! Ok so it may have been directed at the youngest little fishes but WE LIKE GAMES WITH SNOW IN 'EM TOO. Didn't buy this like I didn't buy the others. It would just be a headache.
Love the smooth running of Island tribe. The characters move speedily but not so fast that you can't see them. Like the different islands and the different creatures-nothing not to like about these games. Would have loved it to be longer and I miss the bonus chapters when you achieve gold throughout the levels.
LOVE games with snow and Christmas. Not a huge fan of the hidden object games BUT there are exceptions. This is good . I found it a little frustrating that there were only two or three things going on In each room though. But you don't have to have a memory like an elephant or have to go back to first base to collect things either. Think I preferred last years big Christmas game overall .
I am not sure how many days it has taken me to complete this one ! Love the mini puzzles-genius ! (even though I did have to use the help button) . Thankful that you had the transport button for the clock dials though-I don't think I could have coped with remembering where they all were. You must have worked SO hard on this and for SO long. I congratulate all of you for this (what can only be described as) EPIC ! X
In my opinion, better than the first game and THAT was really good ! Enjoyed every aspect . It ran smoothly. It had imagination and lots of variations in each chapter. It wasn't too stressful(but not easy) Well done to the creators for their efforts and wanting to do better ! AND thank you. I had really good fun.
Enjoyed this game. Not fast and furious and tasks not unachievable-you can just go back and increase your speed if you want to. Mini games need a little more explaination-I had to ask for help a couple of times in the forum ( I just couldn't work out what to do) but ran smoothly otherwise.
Graphics looked great but are actually very disappointing. Game does not run fluently. Too much verbal from villagers. Couldn't be bothered to complete the trial.