I can agree with some of the downsides that the other reviewers mentioned, such as being a little slow at the beginning and the fact that if you make a mistake during a round it causes a great nuisance. Every time I made an error, I just quit to the main menu and got back in (and still had all the money I had spent to play the level) and replayed the level.
One of the things I liked was that this gave me more of a challenge than many of the Dash games, because of how impatient certain characters are and the money disappears if you don't pick it up. It was a little frustrating at first but once you work out a strategy it's quite good.
I also loved the different characters and the dialogue boxes when you went to do a mission; particularly some of the weird things the Clown said.
I loved this game and am glad I bought it. Not everyone would, but if you're generally entertained with TM games you should find this a fun, cute and quirky little game.
This is a really fun, cute game; suitable for kids as well as adults.
I bought the first DK game last year and enjoyed it but felt it was too short. DK2 makes up for that. DK2 also provides more of a challenge to reach expert; where DK rated expert per area for a set number of days, DK2 gives you 2 or 3 days per little quest to reach expert.
And of course the dragons are cute. I love this game and happily recommend it.