Well besides the CLUNKY movements of the characters and the poor graphics - the game play was choppy, and dreadfully dull! Glad I tried before NOT BUYING!
This is an extremely simple game with little challenge. The story was ok but the developers don't introduce the Warehouse until the bonus levels. In addition, I found the game to be boring fare after the first 10 levels. They also "walk you through" the game by making it obvious which items need to be done first. For example, you are given 400 coins to start in a particular level and you can only do ONE thing with those 400 coins. I played all the way through but it was not worth the extra for the CE version.
I love it when game designers keep the same format but add new elements to make a game challenging. Unlike the previous New Yankees, this one does not rely on the sawmill and gold production but instead uses a raven to fetch gold or wood and also a flying carpet. The challenges are tough sometimes but it keeps you on your toes to finish in good time. The storyline on this one is unique and I liked the clever dialogue. Good job! Keep them coming - this is my favorite series!
After a leisurely morning of playing BFGs, I tried this game. The game flickers before I even get to the first level. So I exited the game and tried again.... same thing. So before I gave it a scathing review - I rebooted first - and then started. Nada - zip - boo hiss. Delete game. Glad I didn't spend a credit.
I love both of the Britons games. Even though I play in the relaxed version - I love to get every tree - every bush and every possible hidden item. I'm a senior SENIOR citizen and these time management games help me stave off dementia - literally. The memory required and order of completion helps my brain stay active. Reading doesn't work anymore as I can't recall the last chapter I read. But playing these TM games over and over are a great help. So if you have a parent or grandparent heading down the "losing it" highway - get them involved in TM games in the Roman Roads series. I play all of the NEW GENERATION and Britons series. They keep my mind sharp and active! Thank you game creators!! Reb
I love the new Yankee series and play them over and over. This one however, has a very annoying problem.
The sawmill, or gold factory and sometimes the mill are at the END OF THE LEVEL.... What good does it do to have to wait until the end of the level to manufacture the wood or food or gold. This is NOT FUN and it doesn't make the game challenging... it just makes it irritating. I played this CE edition through twice to see if I was being ultra critical and no... I was not.
For example. Level 37 - I played entirely without the sawmill as it was not available until the last 30 seconds of the game.. so who needs it? Otherwise the graphics are pretty much the same. The portals were a nice edition instead of losing buildings (or bridges) once they are built as in previous editions. Many of the level layouts were from the older games so I didn't think this was clever but found it to be a cop-out to developing new and interesting scenes. Might as well have sent our hero to the moon... hey ... now that's an idea.
This is the first game on BFG - that i could not play through the first 60 minutes free! The colors are so annoying you can barely stand to look for the items READY to be used. Florescent colors should never be used in a game by itself! Perhaps to highlight an occasional bonus or something like that - but this was TORTURE. I played 8 minutes of the game and had to LEAVE! Will try another HERMES game to see if the developers used the same HORRIBLE color scheme.
I usually don't READ much of the story line in TM games - but this one was really funny. I'll be getting the other Rose Riddle game to see if it equals in entertainment value. Good Job!
Having played all of the ROADS Games - the landscape graphics in this one were slightly different. After a short time however, I really liked the changes. Especially building the SWAMP platforms to get around.
Good hidden items with at least some logical physical item as opposed to the last RoRGen2 which you had to move the cursor over the entire screen to find the hidden items.
The only downside of this game, is there are a LOT of glitches when you try to REPLAY a level or go back from one Episode to another. You get kicked out and have to go back into the game. This was annoying but did not take away from the general game play.
Ok - i loved this game. I was supposed to be helping my daughter with her wedding and OMG - I'm addicted. OK - so I'm at level 100 and it says in order to go to the second world "Follow Annie in the free mobile version of Farm Tribe." Does that mean I have to play the second world on a tablet? I may just start over and keep on keeping on. Didn't have to spend a dime for this... love it.