Each story is different than the first and it's HOW the events are implemented that makes Big Fish customers keep coming back for more with this series!
This is a training story where one gains their power. This is like one chapter of an entire saga and we are waiting for the next adventure.
Great detailed graphics and haunting music, but it was cut short.
I would recommend this game ONLY if players are patient to wait for the next one, if there ever is one. Actually I would NOT recommend this game unless the future second one is released and Big Fish customers would buy BOTH TOGETHER.
Makes me think of Mission Mill back at home. Great graphics, different music at every scene. Some hidden objects are hard to see against the darkness, but it doesn't distract from the fun.
All zodiac astrological signs are used; none more emphasized than the other.
Colorful character cast and scenes.
Though the statues are meant to look worn, the graphics quality is slightly lower resolution than some of the higher grade ones, but considering there are some Collector Editions that are also hand drawn and are less file space, that is no reason not to enjoy this any less.
As a Macintosh user, I got mine directly from the Mac Store: http://www.macgamestore.com/product/2526/Dark-Arcana-The-Carnival-Collectors-Edition/ This is a dark story, but it twists from the average story. This collector's edition has a two-part bonus story to it in which even the ending has a twist. The publisher, Artiflex Mundi, seems to release it's collector's editions AFTER the standard editions so PC users (as well as Big Fish of course) should be on the lookout for an available PC version.
-this has more file size than some collector's editions. This means buyers will get their time's worth for their money. Similar to Dark Parables, twisted tales alters what may be the true story, and Blue Tea fans should enjoy this.
Going on an adventure from a desolate area -> Then onto a populated town with technology -> back to a desolate area where the story concluded with betrayal/trickery.
Though some will love it for the various music, in my opinion, for a better Red Riding Hood adventure, stick with Blue Tea's Dark Parables version: http://www.bigfishgames.com/download-games/19266/mac/dark-parables-the-red-riding-hood-sisters-ce/index.html
-but too much backtracking and not a map option (that I discovered) that allows you to jump from scene to scene. There are 2 shortcuts, but they only jump to three places as a triangle.
The end of the main story is left wondering if there are any survivors... and if this main story will continue.