You simply put things together Also use a variety of machines to make things It is very Very Boring and yes as you progress and it gets harder But nevermind it is sooo Boring
I like the first in the series But this is totally different You must complete "Objectives" Essentially the Objectives are things that are hard to do The game itself is easy What they ask you to do is hard The game doesnt flow I could not get into any rhythm with this style game Was a Chore to finish it
6 Restaurants Each with 7 levels To play this game and win You need good eyesight Hopefully not colorblind You need a Good Memory So you can memorize the recipes This is how you win along with lots of upgrades Just get thru the first restaurant and you will be fine If you are having trouble keep playing til you get all the upgrades This game gets faster as you play And Easier the opposite of most games It gets easier because as you play levels You are memorizing a lot of the repeating recipes Game is short maybe a couple hours
I recommend this game!
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Zoo Vet
Travel around the zoo, performing check-ups on cuddly otters, dangerous lions, wobbly penguins, and hyper zebras.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Large File, Strategy, Time Management
Current Favorite:
Zoo Vet 2: Endangered Animals
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I purchased this game to play with my niece who loves animals It is an educational game simulating real life You will learn a lot about being a vet And about different types of animals Enjoyable way to learn Demo to get an idea of gameplay
This is my Second Favorite TM Series on BF My first is Build A Lot If you have not yet purchased the 3 Games in this series What are you waiting for?? The first one in the series is the BEST one imo and i suggest starting with that one as the first game But i Love them ALL!!! Buy them ALL!!
Its a Great TM Series Which i always have in my TM Rotations I prefer the 3rd one then the 1st one But 2 is almost as Wonderful They are a lot of Fun!!
Fair Game but the story didnt do much for me Wont be playing again Its an okay game for a Free Credit Not for kids Ideas in this game include Cannibalism and Parricide but probably most kids shouldnt be playing any vampire game Not good enough to replay imo
Game is Heavy on Strategy Light on Beating the Clock Excellent!! To beat the clock it takes strategy and skill More TMs should be like this I tried the demo and did not like it So i dont think the demo is long enough to give one a good idea of what this game is like I purchased the game and I enjoyed it a Lot as i got into it Played both normal and hard Hard was only slightly harder As game is based more on strategy and thinking skills Rather than speed
Could not give it a Perfect rating Because Needless Cussing in this game Why add curse words? Making it unsuitable for younger children Owl Totems are in Bad Taste right now imo nevermind that is the trademark icon of Yustas.. an owl
Overall its an Exceptionally Good TM for adults or older teens
Bilbo 4 corners of the world Actually liked that game better This is not game play i enjoy for my TM games Too arcade type for me However many ppl love this game and play it over and over My suggestion is Demo Before you buy This game is not going in my TM rotations
Its okay Nothing New IMO I was not partial to the hard mode As winning Gold is all about Playing over and over the same level Because you will finish with one split second Under Gold I find that unappealing but thats just me I like to be able to play in hard mode and win it without having to play a level a million times Regular Mode is pleasant but was a bit too easy