The story is revolting Girlfriends are referred to as "Partners" Really? Let me explain.. If Mr Right uses the word "Partner" one time just Once He wont be Mr Right anymore!! According to the game Mr Right must not speak Unless spoken to And must drop whatever he is doing to give Undivided attention to his "Partner" Stepford Husbands are Not Mr Right The interface is horrible and it did not have to be Instructions are not clear and because of that I had to start over twice as there was no way to fix my mistakes The game is Not user friendly Its not really even a time management game Its a cobbled mess instead I would not be surprised if AI made the game It is really really Bad!! Regretfully I paid money for it For a Good Game with a great story Buy Delicious Emily's Wonder Wedding!
Very Easy to get Expert in this game Only a couple levels were even remotely difficult Also too much whack a mole and hidden object Recommend for Beginners and only after demo Much Better Game is the Be A King Series The first 2 are good for beginners The third in that series Be A King Golden Empire set on Challenge Mode is Good for Experts!
I mean really why would anyone like this game? Most of the game is like watching paint dry I am unsure why anyone would like it It takes forever to build anything and all you do is wait and wait some more Navigating around the island is very clunky I wont replay this game Better Games are The Three Musketeers: Queen Anne's Diamonds and The Three Musketeers: Milady's Vengeance together they make a complete and Fun Game!! or buy Hero of the Kingdom Series Much More Fun!!!
Not into this game for several reasons Firstly you have to play the Entire game thru Just to get to the Expert version "Arcade" which remains Locked until you play the entire game Playing thru the entire game very easy to get gold Finally arrive at unlocking the Expert version And i am super bored of the game at that point I have already played it for goodness sake!! I was utterly bored because I have played the game long enough Arcade does offer a challenge to get Gold But tired ot the game by that time I wont be playing this game again I dont understand why Expert level remains locked Until you play the game all the way thru first Not Good! Buy Hobby Farm a Far Superior Game!!
Only a few reviews here I guess this game is not very popular I know why It is so boring Over the years I have tried to play this game I never finish because I feel so bored with it The Youda Camper game is Much Better!
I had not played this game in a while Fired it up and realized why The game starts slow for almost half the game Which is boring Easy to get gold the first 2 thirds of the game Then suddenly the game goes bananas Waay too much going on Gold may or may not be achievable In part because you might not be able to go back after getting upgrades The last part of the game is so insane I do not enjoy it at All! I Do like the original game and replay it
Super Fast Paced Game To get all gold first get used to the game Then on some levels realize a bit of luck plays a part Also if you cannot get gold at first Play thru a couple more levels and get upgrades Then go back and play the level You Can get Gold in all levels!! Play the level a couple of times to get it! This game is not in my rotations for 2 reasons 1 there is a hidden object game now and again I dont like hidden objects in my TM games 2 The game is so fast paced it is stressful Fun Game for once in a while!
It is getting so many stars Because the Rest of Us Purchased it and played it LONGER than 1 Hour!!!! Heavy on strategy This game offers a Very Good Challenge even for Experts! But in levels involving fog you will usually have to Play the level thru once to see what you are working with In order to get gold which might be annoying to some I Enjoy this game and it is in my rotations for 6+ years If you rotate games it has infinite Replay Ability
Played this game many times over the years One of my very favorites in the series Theme is historically magical and transports you into a middle ages castle Game moves logically from one point to the next and is good for beginner or advanced adventure gamer Mini games are mostly easy with some moderate and maybe one hard and all were fun in my eyes If you get stuck there is a hint button or strategy guide but no map However the game is well made and everything is so logical you might not get stuck at all To know what each mini game is about just click the hint button and it will explain what the mini game is about Stuck on mini game? just click the strategy guide For Experts be sure to set in hard mode Its an oldie but goodie and i will continue to replay it!!
Played it once years ago and again recently Its just okay Doesn't compare to the first one No hints and as far as i could tell no ingame map or guide Takes time to figure out where to go next Could Really use a map What time period is it? Yeah there is a castle but the clothing is from various eras 1700s 1800s and 1940s?? Game is inbetween an IHOG and a HOPA HOS are interactive I like the mini games which are easy to intermediate Graphics are fine imo its an older game
First game in this series Echoes of the Past Royal House of Stone is a fav of mine This game is second in the series