The developers of this game clearly spent a ton of time on story and plot. Cutscenes (with real voice actors/faces!) were excellent, the plot was compelling, items were used in creative ways that also made sense.
Where the game fell apart a bit was, unfortunately, the actual gameplay. I found the music repetitive and annoying, there were several "act-upon" items within hidden object scenes that came up with naming errors, and the spelling of subtitles and clues was often just downright wrong. Even the last voice acting scene was poorly synchronized.
Did I still have fun? Absolutely--but a last beta test would've brought it from 3 to 5 stars.
Wow! Typically I plow through HOS games in about 2-3 hours, but this took me a solid 5. By the end of the game, I even got a little impatient, thinking "Come ON, let's finish this already!" (In a good way, of course!)
Nothing really struck me as particularly bad or irritating--visuals were great, and the plot and setup was pretty clever. Overall, pretty highly recommended!
Some reviewers thought this game wasn't scary enough, but I enjoyed it and thought it played fairly well. The rain and grey atmosphere gave a definite dreary quality to the abandoned town, creating a Silent Hill-esque atmosphere. Still, what really caught my attention was the music--though not necessarily in a good way.
The creepy music fades in and out intermittently, and fits the game to a T--but it got irritating after a while, because at times the music would be barely audible and at times it would be loud enough to be just on the border of annoyance. Don't get me wrong--it's a very clever idea and definitely adds to the suspenseful atmosphere, but just a bit less contrast would be nice.
The only other (minor) complaint I have is with a glitch that others are experiencing as well--check out the forums for more info on that, as I can't say too much here without spoilers, but it was aggravating and might be something, like the music, that could be fixable.
Overall, it was a good, solid game and I do recommend it despite its flaws.
I had Mirror Mirror on my iPad and wasn't overly impressed. Hoping they had either upped the quality or they had limited experience with iPad graphics, I tried the demo of this game on my computer. Again, I was unimpressed, and couldn't even finish the 60-minute demo.
The plot seems OK but most objects are way too "clear" and completely stick out from the scenery. I was able to click on items without looking at the item list, just based on guessing that an item that stuck out like a sore thumb would probably come up. Not fun at all!
If you're looking for a great quality game, try the Drawn series or the Mystery Case Files series and skip this one. It's definitely not worth your money or your time.
The Drawn series is one of my favorite HOS series on the market. The soundtracks are lovely, the art style is gorgeous, and the storylines really kept me hooked! The puzzles are challenging enough to be interesting but not so much so that any are impossible to solve. Even the voice acting was tailored to the characters, which is something I definitely can't say about all of the HOS games out there--and trust me, after you've played a bunch of HOS games, you really appreciate the little details that the design team includes for you.
For me (on a Windows 7 Home), all 3 games were completely glitch-free and ran like a charm. Highly, highly recommended.