This was only the second game I tried but it was highly recommended to me by another gamer. I was immediately hooked. The graphics are great, the storyline confusing but eventually fulfilling, and the follow-up feature a lot of fun that complemented the original game perfectly. This is the game I compare all others to. Play it!
I had to start this game over because I never got the hook delivered to my inventory when I found it. The game also crashed a couple of times, the sound would "catch" like a broken record, and the graphics were very hard to see on a laptop. The puzzles only had a "skip" button but not a "hint" button, which is what I really was looking for. The gameplay was a bit tedious after a while--the story didn't make sense until the very end and even then was pretty "meh" and the HOS games required a magnifiying glass sometimes . Lucky for me I got this for free or I would have been pretty disappointed. This game was obviously not play-tested very much before release.