Could not get past the first scene, the game kept crashing. I have Mac OS 13.6 which is not obsolete but obviously games developers cannot be bothered! Shame as I wanted to buy the CE. My money will go to another game and another developer, thank you very much.
Not up to the level of other Living Legends games. A taste of 'Deja Vu'. The bonus chapter is short and confused. Probably an enjoyable game for beginners.
Not Gold, not Silver, not even Bronze, just plain Tin
PostedDecember 27, 2014
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
Although the story was very promising after playing the demo, I felt let down by the game, especially in comparison to other great Christmas stories. The game itself was good enough, although there were times when what was required was obscure, but it was way too short for a Collector's edition and the Bonus content was very poor. The Bonus chapter had nothing to do with the story, was childish and short.
Anyone considering buying this game, wait for the SE (if there is one issued) and keep your credits for true CE games.
You’re on a train in the middle of nowhere, and a band of dangerous thieves demand you tell them where to find the Hope Diamond’s shards. As the newest Hidden Expedition recruit, you’ve got to find the shards before they do…
I rarely submit reviews. When I do, it is either because I found the game very good or very poor. In this instance, I give it a 5 star rating because of the story line based on historical facts (the so-called Hope diamond, once part of the French crown jewels and mysteriously reappearing some years later in the Hope legacy collection), but especially good graphics, refreshing mini games and not too many HOPs. My only regret; that it was not longer.
I purchased this game because of the high rating by reviewers and because it featured ancient Egypt, but, of the many games I have purchased on BF, this is the worst ever.
Here are some of the reasons; - No trial version - Misleading reviews giving this game a great rating (you obviously need to belong to the ND fan club to appreciate the game) - Lack of story line - Journal not edited automatically - Endless dialogues that can't be skipped - Magnifying glass showing when there is nothing to look at or investigate - Weak characters - Hints more misleading than helpful
Loved this game. Travelling through time with a clever device and with a good story line. I had enjoyed The Ancient Sceptres and was really pleased to discover there was a follow up available.
Cannot wait for another time travel experience by my favourite game developers!
The best HO game I have played. Glad I decided to purchase as it provided hours of entertainment. Lots of mini games, a good balance of HO scenes (some games have far too many), the story line is great and the end is not disappointing as in too many others. Thoroughly enjoyable and good value for money.