I wasn't sure about this one because so many people said that it's impossible to score gold on each level, but I had game credits I had to use up so why not? Actually, you CAN score gold on each level but it is super, SUPER challenging! There were a few levels I must have plays dozens (maybe hundreds) of times but with the help of walkthroughs (which I wound up not using exactly anyway) I did succeed. I think that of the entire series, this one was actually my favorite. Just don't give up!
Honestly, I've never played a single game with the volume on and I don't care what the story's about -- I just like something that challenges me without hurting my head. :) I found this game much better than the other Moai games (far fewer ghosts you have to keep clicking on for one thing) but my only wish is that maybe there was another 15 levels or so, or bonus play or something. I kind of felt cheated with only 45 levels.
I really enjoyed this game but there's not much challenge to it at all. If there's a timed mode, that escaped me entirely. And without there being any time to beat, I finished the entire game in one day. :( If it had at least taken me the better part of a week I'd have given it 5 stars.
Favorite Genre(s):Marble Popper, Match 3, Time Management
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
Yes, it is EXTREMELY challenging, even early on, but it's not impossible. There are a few levels I haven't been able to get gold on regardless of how many tips and videos I see, so I just keep trying. But I'm probably more than 90% through and have gotten gold on more than 90% of those levels. I think the visuals are very attractive too. A lot of money (2 game credits) but for the amount of time spent mastering it, it's worth it.
I liked it but I didn't love it. Honestly, without seeing the walk throughs on line, I wouldn't have completed all the tasks in the given time. I finished the game without ever quite figuring out entirely how gardens and buildings strategically helped my cause.
I never read story lines. Most of the time I don't bother reading instructions so games are more challenging for me than they need to be. I played this 3 times -- once to get through it, once to get 3 skulls on each level, and once to find all the treasures (which I totally missed the first time around). I could only win 1 of the 4 mini games, and I give it a slightly lower mark for that because they just weren't my cup of tea. Overall, worth the game credit!
It's times like this I wish I remembered to do a review right after I finish the free hour so when I go back to use a game credit, I don't waste it on a dud like this. This isn't just boring, it's PAINFULLY boring -- same thing over and over and over again with nothing to give you an edge, except the infrequent opportunity to hire a "male worker" (seriously???). I guess if you really like a challenge, this would be the game for you because I've found most levels to be ridiculously hard to beat if you also include the mystery instruction. Truly one of the worst games ever. Please, learn from my mistake.
Favorite Genre(s):Match 3, Time Management, Marble Popper, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
Got through the first part thinking it wasn't very challenging if I could get gold on all levels, only to discover that by doing that I unlocked the Expert part, and today I finished that. I love these games -- just the right amount of challenge to be entertaining for hours without excessive frustration.
Favorite Genre(s):Match 3, Time Management, Marble Popper
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
3/ 5
This is a REALLY challenging game but better suited to someone who likes strategy rather than time management. I give it credit for being very different than most every game I usually like, and I enjoyed the first hour enough that I used a game credit on it, but then immediately got stuck and couldn't figure out how to get accomplish any of the tasks with the resources I had, or how to obtain/trade for more resources -- which would mean starting all over. That's kind of a drag. Good game, just not for my skills.
I can't say I liked it, exactly -- but I give it credit for being really different. as someone who does a lot of crossword puzzles, I found this approach pretty difficult which made it less fun -- but it is completely different than the majority of games out there. it may be great for some people, but not me.