Decided to give this one a try as was intrigued when other reviewers mentioned that it was challenging..and I like a challenge. I played the whole demo, but was left a bit lukewarm to be honest. Yes it didn't give you an awful lot of help which was actually fine, but for an CE it just wasn't exciting enough. I found the puzzles frustrating and the graphics not up to the standard I would normally expect. I did like the storyline however so may be tempted to spend a free game credit on the SE.
I don't recommend this game.
4of5voted this as helpful.
Shrouded Tales: The Spellbound Land Collector's Edition
Your magical powers have finally awakened. Now you have the strength to free your mother from the Shadow Realm!
I am a fan of the magical/mystery genre so it was right up my street in terms of the storyline. Engaging adventure, loads to do, spells to cast, varied HOs and even some new takes on some of the puzzles.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
I have played a previous game in the series and enjoyed it..this one not so much. The graphics were good and the storyline interesting although not gripping. The game was very need to do this so there is the object you need! I prefer to have to think about it and work out a bit more for myself. Sorry but when the demo ended it didn't persuade me to buy the CE..will wait for the SE and use a credit.
I don't recommend this game.
3of3voted this as helpful.
Witch Hunters: Full Moon Ceremony
Defeat the evil witches and save the world from eternal darkness!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
4/ 5
I really liked this game. Not too many HOs which I prefer and altho puzzles were not that different from the norm, they were fun. I love the magical genre so the storyline was right up my street. No it didn't have the bells and whistles of a lot of games but it was entertaining and kept my interest all the way through which is key! Give it a try.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
I have played the previous games in this series and beta tested this one, but despite really enjoying the others, this one just didn't grab me for some reason. The graphics are lovely and I love the fantasy genre, but will pass on this CE...sorry!
Have played the other games in the series and would say that this one is on a par. Interesting puzzles and HOs and an engaging storyline. Only reason I am giving 4 stars is that the bonus chapter was extremely short and not quite sure of the relevance to be honest.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
At first I thought the game was going to be too easy as the cat seemed to be dictating the game play. As I got in to the game however this wasn't the case. Yes it was very linear, hardly any backtracking at all, but that was quite a nice change. There were loads and loads of HOs which I usually find quite annoying, but these were varied and fun to play, so I didn't mind. Some different puzzles too which was great. All in all a good few hours entertainment!
For 25 years, you thought you had no family. But one night, a man steps through a mirror from another world, claiming to be your uncle... changing your life forever.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
Agree with other reviewers that this was a nice change of storyline, although I am a huge fan of the magical/fantasy games. Fun to play and gripping. My only complaint is that the puzzles were very easy.