FIRST IMPRESSIONS Wonderful game. From the opening moments it is clear that this is going to be a first class sequel to the previously excellent 3 Dark Dimension games. There is drama and eeriness from the outset, and the intro looks so good! My only objection, it’s another freezing cold game! Hey devs, have pity on all those poor souls suffering an insufferable winter! I live in Australia, where we are having a drought, and even I’m sick of the sight of snow!
SIGHTS & SOUNDS Gorgeous. The snow makes everything look so clean and bright! And the graphics are excellent. HOPs clear as a bell. What more can I say? The game is visually wonderful. The soundtracks are equally good. The voices in the cinematic cut-scenes are excellent. There are some great special effects (both sound and visual). The music ranges from ominous to scary. And there are a lot of frightening moments.
WHAT’S HAPPENING? A fire in the town’s music school took the lives of 7 children last year. Now, on the anniversary of the tragedy, there appears some mystical and deadly smoke throughout the town. A little girl comes to your hotel room for help, but the smoke grabs her and drags her away, her body flying through the air on seemingly nothing but smoke. Yes, this is the evidence we need to accept that another Dark Dimension has formed, this time around the small, musically inclined town of Seven Oaks.
GAMEPLAY As with the previous Dark Dimension games, many of the puzzles in this game are too difficult for me, an intermediate player whose weakest point is puzzles. Still, there is more adventure action than puzzles, and so I love the game anyway. There are not a lot of HOPs, and each is a progressive word list. So, you must find an item, use it to find another, and so on until you get the inventory item. Each of the HOP scenes are visited twice, using the same search method.
There is a directional hint, and a video journal (no notes, just replayable videos from the game, some of which have useful information on them). The journal also has a tab for flashbacks. These are music sheet pages (10) that you must collect, in fragments (3 each), and they tell part of the backstory with simple cartoon drawings. The interactive jump map is good, and tells you where action is required. There are 3 levels of difficulty.
CE BLING! The bling! doesn’t overly impress me so far. Just the ‘flashbacks’ and a few wallpapers and concept art. Music tracks (7) of course. There is also “Developer’s Diary” which includes 50 shots of the team working on the game. There is also a Match 3 game with 10 levels, all of which can only be unlocked by playing the bonus chapter. That may be interesting.
COMBINED IMPACT Excellent game. I played the beta for this and it is the first beta I have played where I had nothing to suggest for improvements. (Tough old bird, aren’t I?) It is really beautiful as well as fun.
FIRST REASON This game is old. As in not just old-fashioned, as in copyright in 2012 old. And it shows. The style is the HOG-heavy, realistic graphics, rudimentary story, type of older game. There is no widescreen and no aspect correction. The location graphics are flat, and/or fuzzy, the HOP scenes are grainy and static, no animation. Just slightly interactive word lists, and piled up junk. There is no map or journal, and only one puzzle so far. There ARE 3 levels of difficulty though.
SECOND REASON The game has great voiceovers. A little overacted, but clear and well done. Unfortunately, every little black bar comment is spoken. And every conversation. It is harrowing after only a few minutes. Especially with that somewhat strident, over-precise tone. Normally I love well done voiceovers, this one, I couldn’t wait to shut off. But of course, you lose the special effects sounds that way.
Still, both these reasons are not, on their own, enough to deter me normally.
THIRD & ONLY NECESSARY REASON As the game progresses, the cursor gets more and more sticky. I found I could only play about 10 minutes at a time before the cursor Totally unplayable. If you want to exit every 10 minutes, it will reset to no lag, but it takes such a short time to freeze up again!
WHY YOU MIGHT LIKE IT ANYWAY Obviously, I don’t like the game. But it is, excepting the above, fairly well done. The story involves some new elements as well as the standard ones. We are investigating the mysterious closure of a toy factory. Don’t remember seeing that before. You must work your way through a labyrinth to find answers – not new, but usually entertaining. What has happened to a whole town of people?
And remember, you may be watching on a smaller monitor than me. You CAN mute the voices. And for all I know, you won’t experience any lag at all on your machine.
So if you like HOPs, and simplicity in design, and you’re lucky, you may like this game.
FIRST IMPRESSIONS I am always so happy to see a space adventure game. Love all things sci-fi. But alas, this is, for me, yet another disappointment. But it is not absolutely awful, and some may be able to ignore its inadequacies enough to really enjoy this game. So don’t necessarily discount it. After all, there’s not a cute anything to be found except your (human) workmate, plus there’s also only 1 HOP in the demo! Shocking, isn’t it?
SIGHTS & SOUNDS The opening cut scenes are VERY impressive. Exceptional. And so are all the graphics. Some serious effort and talent went into making this game look really, really good. There are clear and precise realistic graphics throughout, with slightly more ‘arty’ art for the very few HOP scenes.
There are no voiceovers, and there is a large amount of dialogue, in other words, reading - which unfortunately is very poorly translated. It interferes with enjoyment of the story, but it is just about bearable - if the other things this game has to offer appeal to you.
The ambient sounds will blow you away. Literally, when you are out in the hurricane trying to fix the space ship, and metaphorically inside the base. My sub-woofer got its first working out – the table, the keyboard, even the floor vibrated with the sound of those pitiless turbines producing the essential atmosphere. Along with emergency sirens and those spectacular graphics, a truly awesome atmosphere of a space station in crisis is created. Of course, it gave me a headache, but I stubbornly refused to turn the sound effects down, which you could choose to do.
WHAT’S HAPPENING? Neat story. The planet you are stationed on is having seriously malevolent weather and the facilities are in danger. So is your friend Steve, who makes it back to base barely alive, and it is obvious you are going to have to find your way home to earth without his help, if he is to survive. All very well, but the space ship is damaged, and if you stay outside long, you’ll end up like Steve! And where are those pesky star maps we’ll need to get home? I felt the story ran a bit slow, but then demos often do, and the meat of the adventure is still to come.
GAMEPLAY This is more of an ADVENTURE LITE game than a HOPA. There are a few puzzles, and one HOP (interactive list where the hidden items are not highlighted), visited twice, and that’s it. The job is about getting all the gear together to escape the planet you’re on, and get home.
The puzzles vary greatly, from very familiar and easy to totally new and darn hard. I skipped far more often than I usually do, but that in part was probably the overpowering atmosphere, making me want to hurry. The demo took me 45 minutes to complete, and that takes us only to the point of starting the ship.
The hint is directional, but once it gives you the exact item you need to interact with, and you hit hint again, it gives you an actual hint. I liked that, because a couple of times, I found myself confused as to which piece of machinery did what. The journal keeps excellent notes and gives extra information you sometimes need to complete a task. There is also a jump map, which indicates where you are and where you can do something. There are only 2 levels of difficulty.
COMBINED IMPACT The more I remember the features of this game, the more I am leaning towards this being an adventure game with some puzzles thrown in. It has that feel. But if you are good at puzzles, there’s enough puzzle action to maintain your interest. Also, the more I think about it, the more I think I would like it better if I weren’t so tired.
So I am going out on a limb and suggesting that, despite the appalling English, and the no frills approach, this game does in fact have enough appeal to recommend it – if only to the adventure/puzzles crowd, and atmosphere addicts like me.
FIRST IMPRESSIONS One of the best stand alone SEs I have ever played, this game opens with a casual confidence, twists into mounting tension, builds on into creepy, suddenly becoming downright scary, and then that darn sinister laugh - nearly gave me goose bumps. You just don’t see many intros which are that wide-ranging in emotions.
And everything about the game is just a little bit different.
SIGHTS & SOUNDS The graphics are easily CE standard. The cut scenes are extremely well done, the HOP scenes are clear, detailed, and with just the lightest of surreal touches making them interesting. Lots of life and light, but with that colour palette that always lets me know this is a game that will have its gross moments. You know, the purples and greens, and oranges with pinks. Liked the interface, too. All that dangerous broken glass!
The main character/narrator’s voiceover is excellent. She acts very well, with the right emphasis and intonation, as well as clear and flawless pronunciation. The other characters achieve a close approximation to lip synch. The music is multi-layered, often ominous, but also exciting & energetic at times. Great ambient sounds and effects.
WHAT’S HAPPENING? This is a good somewhat original story, well structured, but little emphasis is really given it in the game. You used to be trapped in a dead end job with an over-demanding boss, but without the fortitude to get out. Then something terrible goes horribly wrong. An evil laugh follows you down into darkness, and you wake up trapped in a hospital room. But the story does not descend into another of the ‘abandoned asylum’ games, it is way more weird than that!
Alice’s journey is an internal mental one, as most of you have probably already guessed, and so anything is possible. We find ourselves on a quest to find 4 totems, each from a different world, in order to escape back to reality.
GAMEPLAY The adventure gameplay is fairly easy, and so too are the many HOPs and mini-games. There are, wait for it, 30 (!!) HOPs, but don’t panic, because there are 40(!!) mini-games. At least, it seems so according to the achievements list. Yes, there are also (many) achievements! No collectibles however.
Again, some at least of the HOPs you can expect to be quirky, for example the one of Vitrupian Woman (hee hee), where all the items on the word list are silhouettes on a poster.
So far the mini-games are easy and fun. The journal gives objectives and sub-objectives, as well as notes. Hint is directional, and you will eventually get an interactive jump map, which indicates task available, if you choose. There are choices of 3 levels of difficulty, volumes, widescreen, and aspect correction.
COMBINED IMPACT It took me almost exactly the full hour to complete the demo, which was still in the first of 4 chapters, and a reasonably long way till its completion.
These developers have spent their money wisely. There are only a few but very effective cut-scenes, which you can’t play later, and carefully distributed excellent voiceover, rather than endless chat. It just doesn’t have the glamour of many games. But it has good solid gameplay, attractive and interesting artwork, and a little quirkiness as a bonus.
In all, a great SE game. If this is the quality of games we can expect for our PCCs in the future, I for one am happy to accommodate the recent changes!
FIRST IMPRESSIONS Don’t like pure HOGs. Can’t stand romances. Never glad to see photo-realistic graphics. Yet I love this superficially simple little game. Old fashioned graphics, no voiceover, no fancy cinematic cut scenes. Yup, they are all there, the signs to a low budget game. But it is actually an excellent game, capable of producing hours of absorbing and involving fun.
Provided you recognise it for what it is. A really well produced and intelligently designed HOG. It has puzzles, and you will still need some adventuring skills, but the fun lies in how those things are woven into a simple HOG game.
SIGHTS & SOUNDS Although the graphics are not widescreen, they are very impressive. Good colour, clear images, nice detail work. Just beautiful to look at. The sounds are also superior to many games. Excellent ambient sounds, and relaxing not too repetitive music, with a light touch of romance without going schmaltzy.
WHAT’S HAPPENING? The story is pleasant and quite interesting, even though it is not the major focus of the game. A deserted bride brings a curse down on a town, which then sees no marriages or wedded bliss for 20 years. You, matchmaker extraordinaire recently retired from your previous Matchmaker game, decide the town needs your kind of help.
But there is much to be done apart from matchmaking, and more to the story than a simple loss of romance. You must solve the mystery of the “Curse of the Deserted Bride”, and free the town from its loneliness. So you must juggle clients, social engagements, interviews with people who may offer you clues, and searching for the dolls that are linked to the curse.
GAMEPLAY This is the fun part of the game. There is no one type of game dominating here. There are HOPs of course, interactive lists that are interesting in themselves, with many zoom in spots, and locked compartments, and they involve a large variety of mini-puzzles within and without.
But there are also many other visual puzzles to solve! Including: spot the difference, jigsaws, rebuilding or repairing from a diagram, completing a list of actions that require you finding and using things in the location.
The adventure gameplay is relatively easy, our work is nominal at most, and there are hints (that are hints) from a little cupid fellow who looks just perfect. There are also 13 dolls to be collected as part of the resolution of the curse. These are nasty things that clash with the overwhelmingly pleasant atmosphere of the game, but I love them for that and their eerily imaginative conception.
There’s a map which shows us where we found the dolls, a journal that keeps the history up-to-date, and objectives list that is where we find the next scene to play. I really like this method of introducing the next HOP locations. Just a bit different, whilst logical and easy.
And wrapped around this structure is your choosing of suitable matches, based on items found in their personal spaces. Assessing their compatibility, setting up a date for the couple and so forth, all tied neatly up in a bow. Love it.
COMBINED IMPACT I managed to lose track of time during the demo on this, which I tried just today. Had to have it immediately to continue. Playing the full game only confirms my initial impressions. This is a fine game. The making of it must have been a work of love. Different, and thoroughly enjoyable.
FIRST IMPRESSIONS This game is a sequel to the Mystery Of The Unicorn Castle, which was released 5 years ago. That sure is a long gestation period. But it may well have been worth the wait.
While not an extraordinary game in terms of production values, it does have a unique approach to gameplay that I find very intriguing, and lots of nifty little ways in which it is made more appealing.
SIGHTS & SOUNDS With a good and engaging intro, this game involves your emotions straightaway. The graphics are very good. Clear and well drawn. Nothing to complain about, but they are not outstanding either. I do love, though, the game interface. It is an almost iridescent almost-white blue against a dark background, with the bare minimum of clutter around the (lockable) inventory bar. The game itself is quite dark. Some may feel it is too much so. A neat trick is having you zoom into the close-ups rather than opening a window. And you can choose to turn off this feature if you wish.
The game is narrated by our character, and for most part is very well done, although his intonation seems a bit off from time to time. There is quite a lot of talking involved, so many will be pleased to know that you have the option to switch this off as well. Special effects are good, and there is a variety of ambient sounds, including silence. The music is sinister, yet quiet rather than frightening, and includes vocals.
WHAT’S HAPPENING? You do not need to have played the original Unicorn Castle game, which was, if I remember correctly, a lot of fun, with interesting gameplay, but not dazzling, and not relevant to this story.
A young girl has been kidnapped under unusual circumstances and we have come in to investigate a nearby abandoned castle. We catch a glimpse of Sophie and her kidnapper, some kind of beast, going into it, and we are off in pursuit. Along the way we also meet a ghost who asks us for help, in return for assistance in the matter of the kidnapper. Oh yes, and let's not forget the giant, aggressive, almost human, rats!
GAMEPLAY This game has some HOPs, interactive list, but really not many. There are slightly more puzzles. Nothing is actually difficult, and I didn’t even use the directional hint, or skip. You do have a choice of 4 difficulty levels and I was playing on the easiest, but I really don’t see it will make much difference. The interactive jump map gives you active HOP scenes as well as active tasks, visited and unvisited areas. There is a diary that holds your notes and replayable videos.
What’s unusual about this game is that along the way, quite frequently, you will be asked to decide which way to behave. Help the ghost or not? Kill the scorpion or shoo him away? Allegedly it will alter the way the game progresses, and it certainly does change the achievements you win.
CE BLING! There are both achievements and collectibles. The collectibles are Halloween pumpkins, and there are 50 to be found. They are not all easy to find, either. The other collectibles are wisps, which instantly recharge your hint meter when you catch them. They only come into existence if you need them. There are also 8 pages of historical notes to collect.
The achievements have their own Trophy Room in the main menu and are given out for a mix of both story-related (and for once, you may fail to get a story one, depending on your choices), and performance-based. Your choices for good/evil are divided on either side, for a weighing up at the end, I guess. A panel pops up in the game when you receive a trophy, and again, you have to option to switch it off. I know many will like THAT feature!
The usual SG, quite useful, and bonus chapter. There are inaccessible (in the demo) gallery items and music, replayable puzzles and HOPs. There is nothing here that excites me, but that weighing up of our ‘karmic choices’ is interesting.
COMBINED IMPACT I really enjoyed this game. It was fun from the very beginning and kept my interest all through the demo. Maybe it isn’t a world class performance, but it is very good, and has that indefinable fun factor.
FIRST IMPRESSIONS The intro is up close and personal, right in your face. It is melodramatic and straightaway you know this is going to be a supernatural game involving witches, demons and curses. Not to mention revenge. One thing I really liked from the beginning – lots of people and activity going on around the locations. I get tired of empty, decrepit and filthy rooms.
SIGHTS & SOUNDS This game has an eerie, spooky atmosphere, as opposed to scary spooky. The vibrant colours and cartoony graphics look good, and are clear and detailed. The music is superb, really setting the tone of the game, and I jumped more than once. A lot of voiceover, and well done.
WHAT’S HAPPENING A ferocious bear attacks our carriage as we head towards our sister’s wedding. And things just keep getting worse! She introduces her fiancé, and the next thing we know is she is dragged off by the bear, and we and her fiancé must find and save her. That soon becomes a task that requires magic. We catch up with the bear and our sister Lilly, but then new dangers present themselves from an unexpected source.
It is nice having a partner on our search, as well as helpful characters and a ‘cute companion’ kitten, who is helpful but also very naughty.
MAKING PROGRESS There are not a lot of HOPs in this one. We have both FROGs (fragmented object game) and Progressive Silhouette (find & use) HOPs. There is the option to play a challenging domino game instead of some of the HOPs. I found it challenging, anyway, compared to your average domino games.
There are some interesting and fun puzzles. Nothing too hard. More a case of entertainment than challenge. This can also be said about the adventure component. It was logical without being linear, and I rarely needed any help.
There is an interactive jump map, that showed active tasks available, but it annoyed me. Seemed that every time I thought to consult it, there were no active tasks indicated – just when you actually needed it! There is also a good journal, and a directional hint.
CE BLING There are two collectibles available, each relevant and interesting. There are 30 spirits (faeries), and 28 ‘elusive objects’ (morphing), which decode a portion of the story book in the achievements section. The spirits are also presented in a book format, and both are quite difficult to find.
There are two types of achievement as well, story achievements (13) presented in a book, and trophies (11) for performance achievements. Both continue in the bonus chapters.
Yup. It is not a typo, there really are 2 bonus chapters, on top of the 7 chapters of the main story. There are also the standard gallery items, wallpapers (16), concept art (12), music (9), and cut scenes (17). There are 14 HOPs to replay.
COMBINED IMPACT I really enjoyed this game. The overall quality is very good, the atmosphere is both creepy and curious, and the game play is set at about intermediate level for the puzzles. Just my size! *grin*
Unravel the mystery of Griffin’s strange experiment in this suspenseful hidden object game and find your beloved scientist before he disappears for good!
FIRST IMPRESSIONS I like it. I know it was panned by the critics, but I like it. Yes, it is dark, and yes, it is mostly HOPs, but if you are into creepy and like HOPs that are challenging, there is a lot to say for this one.
SIGHTS & SOUNDS The graphics are good, clean and well drawn, nothing fancy, but competent. The primary colours are brown, grey, green. Dingy brown, grey and green. The images are also very dark, often dirty and occasionally a bit gross. It’s all part of the atmosphere. There are no real cut scenes, just transitions. The sound track is quiet in parts, nerve-abrading in others. The storm outside the village of Iping is tremendous, and thank goodness there are inside locations! Or we’d be overwhelmed. No voice acting, no real interaction with the other citizens we observe from time to time.
WHAT’S HAPPENING? Your sweetheart is a ‘mad scientist’ convinced he can create the formula to make things invisible. He is off in some hotel doing his experiments when you get worried about him (I forget why) and go to see him. He seems to have run away from an avalanche of bad feelings among the people at the Inn. You follow him to the village of Iping, where things are even worse! Seems everywhere he goes, people hate him. Yet he’s done nothing wrong. You set about trying to fix things for him.
GAMEPLAY As said, lots of HOPs. They are interactive word lists, with the interactive items indicated on the list, but no cursor change in the scene increases the difficulty. Also, the game ‘cheats’. My word for the tendency to hide objects almost completely behind others. Also, there are dark corners where items are hard to see. You have to like a challenge in your HOPs if you are going to enjoy this game. There is also a click penalty!
There are few puzzles, and they are easy, with a quick skip button. The adventure play is logical and somewhat linear, although not as much as many other HOP dominant games. There is a directional hint which, when it shows you the final location where you need to be, discharges itself, and so you must wait. But this only happens on the last direction needed to put you in the right place. There is a journal and a task list (separate from the objectives). The inventory system is rudimentary, with inventory on one side, and the objectives – the items you need – on the other, and you can toggle between them.
COMBINED IMPACT This game appealed to me first, because the atmosphere was indeed creepy and brooding. And secondly, because the gameplay was simple enough to move easily through the actions needed, but challenging in the HOPs. This game is really designed for a sophisticated HOP addict. HOPA fans will find it a bit too easy, with the emphasis on the wrong kind of challenges.
But we’re not all HOPA freaks. This one is for the HOP players with a taste for the dark and eerie.
FIRST IMPRESSIONS The intro to this game, while realistic, is a bit lacklustre I think. I would have added extra drama up front. The game is a bit that way in general. I can’t put my finger on it, but it somehow doesn’t seem to involve or intrigue. It has the right ingredients, just no pizzazz, maybe?
SIGHTS & SOUNDS The cut-scenes are well done, even if a little boring, and the graphics in general are good. A bit too dark, I would say. Nothing here to complain about though. The art is not bad, but not inspired. I do like the gnomes. Some of the animations are shoddy. At one stage we dig for something, and the movements of the shovelsful of dirt – terrible. The voiceovers are good, the music totally forgettable. And I don’t remember much in the way of ambient sound either. Which is a shame, perfect place for it – murky creepy swamp.
WHAT’S HAPPENING? A strange tree grabs your son Timmy when your back is turned, and drags him inside itself. You do the only thing you can, you let the tree swallow you up as well. You land, unharmed, in a totally unfamiliar place, and some shadow? is making off with your boy. You cannot immediately follow, because the bridge is broken, and in your efforts to solve that dilemma you save an owl being bullied by crows, and meet a helpful and knowledgeable gnome. Together the three of you must appease the Spirit of the Lake – something of a surprise there – in order to get out of the swamp.
GAMEPLAY A couple of the nicer touches in this game first up. Something I’ve not seen before and wholeheartedly recommend to other developers, a fixed back arrow in the middle top of the inventory bar, so from anywhere or anything, backing out is simple. A splendid innovation! And a solution to all those games that frustrate us with the awkwardness of the back arrow. Another nice one, the dagger we get when we first arrive in the strange land we get to keep. And use frequently.
The game also has those other things we’d like to be able to take for granted. Lockable inventory bar, 3 levels of difficulty in which you can toggle specific features on/off, directional hint and interactive jump map that shows available tasks. If you wish, the map will also show you where the collectibles are, or you can toggle it to be indicated with the cursor within the game. A useful journal and a task list.
There are plenty of puzzles, all of them easy even for me, so very easy. None of them take very long and do not slow down the pace of play. There are only 2 HOPs in the demo – a progressive silhouettes game and a replace the items game. There is a reasonable amount of to and fro, and the adventure play is a large component of the game. It too is very easy, fairly obvious at all times.
CE BLING! There are an odd bunch of collectibles (8 or 9 each of snails, pine cones, skulls and gold chains), and 24 achievements. The usual SG, bonus chapter and gallery items – Wallpapers (9), Concept Art (9), Videos (16), Music (6). There are replayable Mini-Games (27) – this doesn’t include HOPs, which apparently you cannot replay.
COMBINED IMPACT I don’t think it cuts it as a CE myself. The graphics just aren’t that good, the gameplay just isn’t quite that interesting, the story isn’t all that involving. None of the CE Bling! is essential to my happiness. Personally, I would certainly be waiting for the SE before I bought.
FIRST IMPRESSIONS This game has everything you want in a CE. Spectacular graphics (although I’m not keen on the cut scenes, they are less than stellar), excellent voiceovers and music that is so appropriate to the game, great ambient sounds. The story is exciting and fast-paced, with engaging characters. The gameplay kept me busy for the full 4.5 hours it took me to play, and is neither too hard nor too easy. It even has a few little gimmicks to make it different from other HOPAs.
But I was disappointed all the same. Mostly, it came down to story, and authenticity.
SO, WHAT’S HAPPENING THEN? Well, it’s kinda like this. You are called in by your friend at the Native American exhibition to help figure out the story of some glowing symbols that are freaking out the tourists. Also, there’s this thing about some mushrooms... So, off you go, itinerant expert in Native American symbolism, equipped with, of all things, an Indigenous Australian weapon – a boomerang. That was my first niggle, and once a thing like that starts, it just gets worse, and you start seeing every little thing in terms of context and relevance. And authenticity.
However, I digress. As well as the story that emerges about the Spirit Wolf, who seems to be haunting this Cultural Centre, Jessie, your friend, also raises the issue of a lost civilisation believed to have been in this general area. Unfortunately for the game, this city has no real connection to the culture of Native America and clashes with it in all sorts of annoying ways. The locations and the items in them become a jumbled mess of Native American artifacts, modern day items, and things more likely to be seen in Egypt. I didn’t like it at all. The latter half of the game was spoiled for me because of this incongruous mix, unnecessary and pointless as it was.
GAMEPLAY This is a good game for gameplay, the adventure is mostly easy and fun. The HOPs (19) are interactive lists, and silhouettes. As the game reaches its climax, the silhouette HOPs go from being 10 items down to only 5. I thought is an excellent strategy for building momentum. You can opt to play a Bubble Popper game as an alternative. The Puzzles/Mini-games (18) are all doable, even the ‘battle’ at the end of the game. There is a nicely depicted interactive jump map that gives active tasks, which I found very useful at times. The hint is directional, and there’s a journal with basic information.
There are 3 modes of difficulty, plus a custom option.
You have a set of binoculars, which is for spotting faraway hints and clues. It comes with a simple mini-game where you must use sliders to focus, but it is way easier than it sounds. You also have a family heirloom, an amulet, that first started glowing when you arrived at the centre. It interacts with the magic being used in the area and dispels magic barriers, and later identifies them. There are missing pieces, and the more you find the more flexible is the amulet’s power.
COMBINED IMPACT This game is not all it could have been, but it is still a great game. Sticking to the theme of the series, a look at different cultures and their myths, would have greatly improved the game. (A little more relevant content next time maybe, devs? Don’t worry I still think you are all geniuses *smile*)