Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Match 3, Time Management
Fun Factor
3/ 5
I've only played the demo. The graphics don't always reconcile with the situation. I mean that sometimes the graphics will show a full-grown tree, for example; but it's not always to the collection stage. Unless you can see the teeny green circle underneath an object, you're not sure whether it's at the collectible stage. It's just not up to BF's usual standards & needs to go back to Beta testing.
I've already purchased the game; I have played the first 8 levels. My chief complaint is the ridiculously small and decorative font used, especially for the level's task list. I'm not THAT old, but I can barely read the stupid thing. My next complaint is the resource-renewal time. It's like you're waiting for Santa or something; takes forever. The itty bitty workers take forever to mosey around the screen, even with the occasional speed-up bonus, which provides the major "challenge" of the game. On the upside, if you had problems locating the hidden objects in previous games, you'll be delighted that in this version they are roughly the size of your fingernail. I'm never interested in the storyline, so I'm in no position to spoil it for you. This edition has none of the charm or the challenge of previous games; none. I feel like I wasted my money and half-price CE opportunity. DisapPOINTed.
Only kids' games are available. Don't waste your money or your time. BF, you need to remove this game until/unless it actually has puzzles available for grown-ups. I mean, seriously, do you have a quality-control department?
It took the game longer to load than it did for me to decide it was a waste of time. Hidden objects are either obvious or "click on everything until you find it." The drawings are childish, and I've read fortune cookie contents that have a better story line. Yeah, it's different, all right.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Puzzle, Time Management
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
1/ 5
I hate games that bounce you endlessly back and forth for trivial items or purposes. I lost interest in the narrative early on and had no interest in what happened to the characters. BF really should not market this as a HOG, it should just be an exercise in using the hint button and the teleporting option. By the time I finished (with a walkthrough in one hand), it was simply tedious and frustrating, & that was in the least challenging mode. If you wanna buy this game, I have a used one to sell.