The overall game was simple with a simple plot. I would highly recommend this game to beginners as a starting point to learn the general concepts of game play!
This was a good game offering a lot of search and find along with a reasonable number of puzzles. The story line had great potential, though it was never tied together so that the game made no sense in room to room searches. Though the art work was beautifully done, the actual items were often fuzzy or non descript.
An interesting game for a beginner but, frustrating to anyone with experience.
I have very mixed emotions on this game. The storyline captured me right away and some of the art was very good. Some things started to make me wonder, especially when the lady's husband's picture came on. His eyes made him look dangerously psychotic and I just did not like looking at him.
Switching from one place in time to another at odd intervals was well done and built my appetite for mystery. I began operating on two levels in very different times. The challenge was very interesting.
The best way I can describe the final effect on me would be like a man dying of thirst and all he could find to drink is salt water. The salt water can fill your stomach but the body will refuse to hold onto it. The end of it is, you're still dying of thirst but, now you're in more misery than you were to begin with!
I still recommend the game if you are a die hard for mystery and intrigue. I would like much more clarification as to the mysteries I worked so hard on to reach a conclusion!
At first, I thought this game might be a bit childish and lacking in character. It didn't take long to find that I was absorbed and really enjoyed all aspects of the game. The intervening attacks by bandits kept me thinking while not overwhelming me. Puzzels and HOS were just right for my skill level and the storyline was interesting, though, maybe a bit slow. Once you finish the game, the bonuses allow you to try for higher level of acheivement. I would have liked to see all the odds and ends tied together but, that will probably be available in the CE or a future game.
Either way, I highly recommend this game to beginners and the more advanced players who want to just have a very good game!
I believe I would have enjoyed the game more if I had just gotten the regular game and not the Collector's Edition. There were too many HOS, relatively good puzzles and a weak storyline. The artistry seemed exceptionally on all but two scenes and the music was relatively good.
My real concern was when I played the bonus game. The witchcraft and exceding coven type places, such as the shrine, made me extremely uncomfortable.
In most of the other games I have played, there was an obvious delination between imaginary scenes. This game crossed the line in the bonus game!
The reason I feel so strongly about the rituals is because a beautiful girl once tried to lure me into being a Warlock. There is no such thing as white magic or even gray magic. All witchcraft is black magic!
Though this game would have normally earned four stars, the length of play kept me busy and thinking for a longer time than the overwhelming number of other games. Though some people will feel it is too long and drags on, I found it to be broken down into a number of interesting stories that kept my attention as the stories combined. I would like to see more extra long play games with fun story lines.
This game proved to be fun and entertaining and allowed for a more relaxed playing experience. Though I enjoy the more challenging games, this proved to have the occasional break I need to unwind and just have fun. The storyline was easy to follow and there was some high quality technical work put into this creation. The characters were quite interesting and had highly developed personalities,
This game may not be for those requiring constant tension and excessive challenge. For others, it will help sharpen their skills and allow relaxing fun. It was refreshing to me.
This was a game that was very frustrating for me but, I savored it and the outstanding storyline. The storyline was exceptional, other than appearing to be truncated in certain areas. The play on interaction with differing personalities gave it a touch of mystery often lacking development in similar games. If the original story led to a sequel, I would buy it as soon as I could (hopefully with more clarification)!
The weaknesses of the game came in failure to take more advantage of this fascinating story to flesh out something no less than a five star game. Characters were sometimes too transient as they would come on the scene and leave without further explanation (though all characters seemed to add to the storyline).
The most frustrating of all was failure to provide a hint as to how to tell what the ending point of the mini game should be. Additionally, the hints I normally use if I cannot determine where to go or what to do next would, in this game, usually point me back to the problem that had stopped my progress and would not give any explanation.
Since I cannot give three and a half stars, I will give this four stars. For any of you that may plod along at times, like I do, you may want to go ahead and open the walk thru for use as needed to avoid what would normally be slight inconveniences.
With all of this said, I highly recommend this game!
This game had good visual and above average sound quality. The storyline had great potential which, to me, fell short of what it should have been. Minimal use of some charactors and some confusion about their part in the game caused an inflated amount of confusion in keeping track of the storyline and not feeling like I could bacome a part of the charactor. This one is very dependent on individual taste. I am giving it a neutral score to equal the effect of the game on me!
I wasn't too sure I would like this game but, it was very relaxing and I took my time going through it. It is just a fun game to enjoy, at least that is what my thoughts were until near the end. Rather than tell you about the ending, I will just say, the ending took this from a fun game to an excellent game for me. I hope you enjoy it!