Just your normal time management game, really. Must serve as many customers as possible without losing any or making them too angry. As the game progresses, it gets more and more fast-paced and you really have to try to keep every customer. Expert scores are rewarded with upgrades and personalising your own wedding venue. There are a few mini games which help to keep things fresh.
I loved the storyline, it was the familiar beauty and the beast tale with a few little changes. After collecting up parts of the soul, I was presented with a screen of a different fairytale, with the task of spotting 20 roses in the picture. I had never come across that in a game before and I really enjoyed it!
The hidden object screens were a lot trickier and more complex than other games of this kind. The storyline was a bit difficult to follow, I wasn't really sure where Merlin fitted into the plot. There were lots of different things you had to collect up to reveal important objects, I liked that. However, the game suddenly ended quite abruptly, I felt it should have had a better conclusion. 4 stars.