I really like these!!!! Considering there is a war going on, I appreciate any Match 3 games that are coming out. I really like this series though. It's a buy for me!!
They really went out of their way on developing this one and put a spin on it! Nice job!! Funny, since there haven't been many match 3 games out lately, I've been playing the 1st one & now the timing is great!! Love the colors, the music, the new outline of the game. You bet I bought it!! Hope they start cranking out some more!! Try it for yourself!
The colors are bright & beautiful!! Love it! There aren't many Match 3 games lately, I'll take what I can get; but I love the colors in this one. It's a buy for me!
LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Didn't even play it that long & it was a buy! Don't look at the pictures of the game, they aren't correct. Scared me at first, so I thought I'd take a chance. I was afraid they changed it to something stupid. NOPE! They have new twists! If you liked the others, you'll LOVE this one!
Yep, I had to do it!! Yep, "everyone" is right!! Annoying is putting it mildly, I don't even think a child would like it. An infant, maybe - nope - to annoying. Sorry................ I wouldn't want it if you gave it to me...... lol