this is a good game,to this are wonderful, and, there is a storyline. i will let other reviewers over review with too much info, that said, play this one, it is a great addition to the series.
i enjoyed this one, however, there should have been more storyline on the father..guess that will come in the next installment.very few puzzles....but this series has a good chance of becoming a great series..i do not go into detail of games because there are those who will give way too much info and, i think, ruin the gaming......have fun people.....
played this series, this one is weird and just off. i never go into great detail, i let the others do to say, this one is not up to great thing is the puzzles you can't skip......however, the rest is just awful........sad.
played all of these..the last 4 -5 have been is this one. they have traded the great voice of father ghost to a valley boy voice over....this game never landed on any storyline..even if you have played them all , you will be shaking your head. and it was very short...CE price, short game. i would go into too much detail, however there are other reviewer for that, safe to say...what a letdown.....another great series rides off into the west.
this game was a mangled mess. this review is based on about 3/4 th of this mess. the "storyline" was many puzzles, and eveything...EVERYTHING.. was locked had to solve a weird and oft times silly puzzle to advance . just a weird and poorly thought out mess.
this was a real let down......the last few of this series have been below their once great standards. i found this very boring and when did the game makers start using the icons for all the things needed to be found??? takes away alot for this gamer...the fun was watching for morphing objects,and they all but find them for you....sad, this was once a good series....
am still tying to get thru this tedious game...i wonder about the high ratings.........there was very little if any storyline, the graphics were very blurred, and this was , so far,a silly game. same old puzzles,gold nuggets to very sad, i was hoping for a great game.....not this one.
hands down, one of the shortest CE ever made.....ZERO storyline, i am still trying to figure out what i just played.......eipix has ruined so many games...the first in this series is one of my all time favorites.....this was like a beta test....very expensive beta test.......sad......
the first one in this series was is this one......tedious,slow to clear graphics,just like the claus brothers.too bad, was wanting to like this one.i will let other reviewers go into micro detail....just slow, boring .
this is the 3rd. game from this bunch that is a royal stinker.......really wanted to like this one...not going to happen. blurry graphics, zero storyline, could not get a feel for anyone in this game. sad... i will let other reviewers go into too much to say, this was a sad letdown......