The graphics are off the wall some, but fun. The hint button fills quickly. And what a laugh it gives. The hour went fast, just as I was into it. Will purchase, when the budget allows.
Confront an ancient evil and uncover your true! After a startling revelation changes your world forever, you must embark on an epic journey to save mankind.
I played the trial boring to say, the least. No purchase for me. I was so disappointed. Oh! well will try and see, the next game. It is a job creating new games. Thanks anyway Big Fish
Like I said it feels like Christmas when you get, a game like this. Well Big Fish I want. more Christmas presents. Please. I purchased it right away. Enjoy members.
I read the review but on the CE which, I tried. I was on the fence on it. I did have a free game, so picked this one. One member said it starts off not great. I continued and it did not disappoint. I am playing now, just took some time to write this review.
I wonder if anyone else is annoyed with bonus content. For the price of a collectors edition to have, in the bonus a repeat of the regular play. Never had this in any, of these games. To me it's a rip off. Member am I, wrong or right.
I think I review the CE for not, quite an hour. So I just tried again with this one. I had a free game. am used it. Not sorry, at all. It just got better and better. I am really hard on games. Some of them are so good. Hours and Hours of, game play way, into the night. Big Fish, has been a life saver.
Like I say often, to each is own. I will still wait, for superior games. Also the more exciting developers. I love of course Mystery Trackers. The game scent of desire just can't explain, the excellence of this one. This game, can't come close.
Glad we can review before buying. I played a couple of minutes and quit. I have been playing a long time, and know, good bad and great games. Not this one save your money.
I did the trail period. So, really wasn't sure if, it would be a purchase for me. There are curtain things I look for in a game. I am always looking, for awesome. Sometime I purchase then, I am sorry because of the trail. So, this is that kind of game.